The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 146 I want the mercenary group to feel like a family

"I was able to defeat him yesterday, so I will have no problem today," Lu Li said confidently.

The glutinous rice balls with sesame filling were silent.

To be honest, he didn't like the so-called Xinxin mercenary group very much.

The mercenary group cannot be upgraded, and there are only so many people in it. Anyone with a clear mind probably knows how to choose between the union and the mercenary group.

In the game for all, in the future, large corps operations will no longer have only a few hundred or thousands of people as in the past. In the face of the huge game population base, large corps operations with tens of thousands of people are inevitable.

There are tens of thousands of people, but your mercenary group can't even make a splash.

Which young person doesn't have some ambitions? Tangyuan with sesame filling also hopes to dominate the game.

However, because he came from the seventh heaven, no union extended an olive branch to him.

Small guilds don't dare to offend, but large guilds have concerns and have to consider the consequences of challenging Seventh Heaven. For the sake of a so-called master, they waste each other's strength and can only give others an advantage.

The Xinxin Mercenary Group was the first to invite him.

If Azure Sea Breeze hadn't been called the number one MT in "Dawn" and had won several first kills, Tangyuan with Sesame Stuffing might have thought that this mercenary group had committed a crime before daring to invite him.

Now, in order to make him worry-free, Lu Li actually said that he would fight against the hornet's nest.

He suddenly felt that these people really valued him, and it seemed that joining them would be a good choice.

"Okay, I'll join the mercenary group, just at night..."

"Tangyuan with sesame stuffing, let me call you Tangyuan from now on. You don't have to worry about the PK tonight. I'm sure." Yesterday, Lu Li didn't know anything about the hornet's nest. He was able to beat the opponent. Today, he has already figured out seven details about the opponent. Seven or eight, if he loses again, Lu Li will be a reborn person.

This confidence infected Tangyuan with sesame filling, and he slowly calmed down, and even had the mood to watch Piao Ling and Azure Sea Breeze bicker.

"I asked you whether you are done arguing," Lu Li interrupted them.

"With him and without me," cried the blue sea breeze.

"People say that brothers are like brothers and sisters, and women are like clothes. Why can't you think about it so hard?" Lu Li thought to himself that he couldn't let them continue arguing like this. It was a waste of time. He was still in a hurry to change jobs. There were already many The player has accepted the job transfer task.

"Fuck, you're talking lightly. This is my seventh piece of clothing. This guy has taken off seven pieces of my clothes since I was little. Can you understand this feeling? It happens every time." Azure Sea Breeze was inexplicably sad and angry.

"Ahem, I can't understand it," Lu Li was speechless for a moment.

"That's because you are ugly, and you still want to find clothes with such virtues. Haha, if you had one-tenth of my appearance, you wouldn't be in this situation now. You make a fuss after being laughed at twice. You dare to want the woman who left you, Master Feng, do you have any brains?" Piao Ling's venomous tongue and clever tongue made Azure Sea Breeze blush.

In fact, he also knew that he was making trouble unreasonably, but he just couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

Originally, Azure Sea Breeze was quite handsome, but he couldn't stand the dazzling glory of the person standing next to him. He had been living in the shadow of Piao Ling since he was a child, and the girls he dated became confused and confused as soon as they saw Piao Ling.

In order to live a normal life, he also thought about breaking up with this guy, but this guy was like a candy. From kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school to university, he had to be with him even when playing games.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, Mr. Feng," Lu Li changed his name to Piao Ling and said, "You will definitely be able to find your true destiny in the future. She will be able to withstand the test and will be devoted to you."

Maybe, maybe there is...

What else can the blue sea breeze say? If it continues, it will only make people laugh.

"Let's talk about remuneration, how much is the salary per month," Piao Ling didn't have as deep a friendship with Lu Li as in his previous life, so of course things were business-like.

"There is no fixed salary, but the equipment will be distributed fairly in the group. Whoever uses it will be given to whom. What is not used can be sold, and the money will be divided evenly after the sale," Lu Li told the truth.

"Young Master Feng, you guys are just a grassroots team. I thought a team with so many first kills was so stupid." Piao Ling turned around and cursed Azure Sea Breeze. Azure Sea Breeze was annoyed and ignored him. .

"If you have any suggestions in this regard, you can help," Lu Li said sincerely, knowing the value of the person in front of him.

"I thought my brother was the leader," Piao Ling muttered.

Anyone can realize that there is only one core of this mercenary group, and that is Lu Li.

"He is indeed the leader of the group. I don't take too much care. I mostly act alone," Lu Li explained. "I only save the rare materials for the dungeon output, and the rest is shared equally by everyone."

"What do you want rare materials for?" Piao Ling was slightly surprised.

"You'll need this stuff to make equipment in the future, so now you're prepared," Lu Li said.

"How many rare materials have you stored?" Piao Ling originally thought that this mercenary group was not interesting, but when he heard that Lu Li had already started to stockpile rare materials, he realized that these guys were not all fools.

"There are twenty-seven rare materials in total, all types are available, and they have never been sold." Lu Li used some rare materials himself and greeted his teammates about them all.

Twenty-seven items!

This number calmed Piao Ling.

Not all BOSSs will produce rare materials. Wild BOSSs will produce more rare materials, but wild BOSSs are also difficult to obtain.

Even the big guilds may not have so many.

"Wait a minute, those materials are all Lu Li's and have nothing to do with me," Azure Sea Breeze interrupted.

"I said what belongs to everyone belongs to everyone," Lu Li never thought about taking it all for himself. It was good enough that he could take what he used from the inventory. Although he was familiar with the dungeon strategy, there were very few bosses that he could fight against.

In a united team, friendship is very important, and the imbalance of interests cannot be too serious.

"It has nothing to do with us," Huadi Liqing didn't like Piao Ling, so she deliberately said the opposite: "These dungeons were all defeated by Lu Li. We have gained equipment experience and feel guilty when we use materials."

Piao Ling didn't feel guilty at all, but said enthusiastically: "The dungeon was defeated by Lu Li. Can I understand that, Lu Li, you are very good at downloading the dungeon?"

"Brother Lu Li is the best. There is no dungeon that can defeat us," Can Meng immediately testified for Lu Li.

"If you can download the dungeon, there is some hope, but your distribution method is too unscientific, and it is not conducive to everyone making money." Piao Ling touched his face, "Don't look at me like this. It's not that I'm a money fan, but you haven't seen it. Opportunities before us.”

"He's pretending again," Azure Sea Breeze curled his lips disdainfully.

"Do you understand Quanmin Games? There are more and more opportunities to make money in the game. Reasonable mechanisms are conducive to maximizing the productivity of the organization, but you are still in the stage of equalization," Piao Ling said politely.

Azure Sea Breeze stopped talking. He also said that equal distribution was not good, but if he was actually asked to design a distribution system, he actually couldn't do it.

"There are many opportunities to make money, but I don't want the mercenary group to be like a cold company. I want our mercenary group to be more like a family." Lu Li shook his head and did not blindly agree with Piao Ling, although he also Admit that Piao Ling is right.

PS: Thanks to Snow Burial World, Meiyou Xiaolili, Book Friends 100730144519934, zA!Jie, and Wang Xiaojiao⊙ for their rewards, as well as Duan Ji, Dian Tong, That Night's Wind, and Wanglehao for their monthly votes.

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