The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 147 Mission Maniac (please subscribe and reward)

"There are many opportunities to make money, but I don't want the mercenary group to be like a cold company. I want our mercenary group to be more like a family." Lu Li shook his head and did not blindly agree with Piao Ling, although he also Admit that Piao Ling is right.

"A family, haha..." Piao Ling wanted to say something venom out of habit, but he had to admit one thing. What Lu Li just said really touched him.

He really didn't have much ambition, perhaps not as ambitious as a high school student like Tangyuan with Sesame Filling. He was facing graduation like Azure Sea Breeze, but he didn't go out and look for a job like other classmates.

He just wants to be relaxed and unrestrained and not worry about money.

"It's not that I didn't make money. I exchanged more than 100,000 real coins this time, and you may not be able to make it in your lifetime." Azure Sea Breeze has been hanging out with Lu Li for so long, and is worth three to four hundred gold. He heard this before the system was updated. Lu Li's suggestion was redeemed, totaling more than 100,000 yuan.

Their classmates who go out for internships earn two to three thousand yuan a month, and they have to live in shared apartments with others to make ends meet without asking for money from their families.

"I've earned enough for my college tuition," Can Meng wrinkled her nose proudly, and it felt really good to show off.

Her mother almost called the police when she saw the "huge sum" in her account, thinking she had sold herself.

The little hunter Can Meng has benefited the most from the team. Her game level is only average. She is now equipped with top-notch equipment, her level is outstanding among the others, and she has even exchanged tens of thousands of real money.

In fact, Lu Li usually takes good care of the members of the fixed group. He basically doesn't take any money for equipment. He also provides various supplies with his own money. Sometimes he will buy good equipment or blueprints directly when he sees them.

Return favors!

When he started the snake grass business at the beginning of the year, he borrowed money from everyone, and everyone gave it to them without saying a word. Although he later repaid it twice as much, he still found various reasons to compensate everyone from time to time.

Not only Can Meng and Azure Sea Breeze, but also the brother and sister Huadi Liqing also made a lot of money.

Tangyuan with sesame fillings hung his head deeply, and all his pride was shattered.

Even a girl who looks younger than him has made money, and it's tens of thousands. As the number one warlock of Seventh Heaven, the guild spent more than ten thousand or twenty thousand to build him, and he didn't even get a dime. I have never made any money and cannot make ends meet.

"Lu Li, I'm very curious about how much you earn. If it's inconvenient, don't tell me." Piao Ling was hit too hard today, but he was so curious that he felt uncomfortable not asking.

Therefore, this person is looking for abuse.

"One million," Lu Li hesitated for a moment and then said it.

"Fuck!" Not only the two newcomers, but also the old members were shocked. The one hundred thousand in the azure sea breeze just now refreshed people's outlook on life, but this one million made people completely lose their outlook on things.

However, the others didn't mean to be jealous, they just felt that their future would be better, because Lu Li was not the kind of person who lived alone.

"Add it, add it. I don't ask for more. I'll be satisfied if I earn 20,000 yuan a month." Piao Ling was no longer reserved and stopped conducting inspections. He seemed to be in a hurry to join the mercenary army for fear that they wouldn't accept him. group.

Azure Sea Breeze first took in the glutinous rice balls stuffed with sesame filling, and then put them away with a look of disdain. While confirming, he also said with contempt: "Look at your little potential, I will send you away for 20,000 yuan. From now on, you will only have a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan." .”

"Go away, I will take care of you later," Piao Ling quickly entered the role: "There are seven of us now, and we need three more to open up the Wailing Cave."

"Do you have any good candidates?" Lu Li asked.

"Wait a minute," Can Meng raised her little hand and asked weakly, "Can I also bring someone in."

"This..." Lu Li really didn't dare to confirm.

A little rookie is enough, although Can Meng is actually quite powerful. She has an aura that increases the attack of the whole group, and has a pet with explosive attack power. Her own equipment and skills are also good enough, and her output is higher than that of the elites of ordinary large guilds. high.

But if there is another newbie like this, it will be really difficult to download dungeons in the future.

The dungeon requires cooperation, and if there are too many newbies, it will be difficult to cooperate.

"Mengmeng, please don't harm our group," Azure Sea Breeze said with a bitter face, almost kneeling down to beg for mercy.

"No, Hachi-chan is much better than me. She has three pieces of silver equipment." As soon as the words left her mouth, Canmeng quickly covered her mouth. Her good friends had warned her not to say this out loud.

"Three pieces of silver!" Everyone present couldn't believe it. There was only one piece of silver on Azure Sea Breeze, two pieces of Huadi Liqing, one piece of March Rain, one piece of glutinous rice balls with sesame fillings, and none of Piao Ling. .

"Xiaobajiang..." What surprised Lu Li was not the three pieces of silver, but the fact that the name Xiaobajiang was so familiar to him.

In his previous life, Lu Li liked to read guides. Regarding the guides for missions, there were a few people whose posts were must-reads, including Hachi-chan.

This is a very strange girl. She likes to do tasks very much. She will accept any task, but she is also a wanderlust. Sometimes she may wander around in one place for several days for an inexplicable small task.

What is jaw-dropping is that she is extremely lucky and may receive many tasks during her wandering around for a few days. She can even receive hidden tasks from homeless people.

Such a confused girl slowly became popular on the forum because she likes to write mission strategies and is willing to share them with everyone.

If it were her, three pieces of silver would really be possible. Lu Li guessed that she must have encountered a task chain, which is a collection of tasks that are connected one after another. This kind of task is cumbersome and boring. If you want to complete it, you must have enough money. Patience and a certain amount of luck.

Hachi-chan doesn't lack either of these.

"Okay, since she is your friend, let her come directly," Lu Li nodded and agreed to this person's joining.

Hachi-chan is a druid, specializing in both healing and spells, and her own strength is quite good.

If you're a little confused, just be a little confused. Can Meng is a silly girl anyway. She can herd one sheep and drive two sheep, so just worry more.

"Brother Lu Li, you are so kind. My friend will never let you down."

Piao Ling and Tang Yuan had just come in, so it was difficult to say anything. The others were only following Lu Li. As long as he agreed, they didn't have any objections. Can Meng had already happily informed her good friends to report.

"Does anyone else have any friends?" Lu Li asked.

You can't be unfair to others. Anyway, he hasn't thought about recruiting experts specifically. If others have more reliable friends, it's not a bad idea to recruit them directly.

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads in the end. Even if there was someone with whom he or she had a good relationship, more or less consideration should be given to whether he or she was suitable for the Xinxin Mercenary Group. At the very least, many of Lu Li's secrets could not be known to others casually.

Canmeng's brain cells are relatively small and cannot think about such complex problems.

Fortunately, the person she found was pretty good, at least Lu Li was very satisfied, which was a complete surprise.

"Okay then, take your time recruiting people. We are all at about the same level now. When Hachi-chan comes, let's talk about job transfer now." Lu Li poured himself a glass of wine and sipped it gently. One mouthful.

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