The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1515 The Ruins of Andorhal

There are a bunch of bottles and jars, and there are potions that can hide the smell of corpse dogs - spray them. The smell is not strange, but it is not very good after all. Everyone hesitated, but decided to see the corpse dogs. Spray on body again.

There is also an antidote to rabies. If you eat it, you can remove the debuff. However, the price of this thing is really a scam.

Ashram Valofist's talent as a profiteer was as outstanding as his fighting talent. When Lu Li had to buy it, he was decisive and showed no mercy. All the supplies Lu Li had prepared before did not cost so much, but In the end, Lu Li could only grit his teeth and admit it.

With these things, it is possible for them to complete their tasks.

As for whether this trip is a bit profitable or a loss, that is a question that needs to be considered after the mission is over. Now all their preparations are to complete the mission.

The ruins of Andorhal.

Lu Li was not unfamiliar with this place. He had seen this place name in many documents.

It is a small town located in the middle of Lordaeron and was once the main source of grain for the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Arthas saved the town from the undead threat during the Third War. But later, when Arthas became a minion of the natural disaster, he destroyed this place again.

It was here that Uther Lightbringer was killed by Arthas.

As the mentor of the young Paladin, Uther the Lightbringer had repeatedly discouraged Arthas from giving up his crazy behavior and returning to the path of light that the Paladin adhered to. But for the young and energetic Alsace, nothing is more important than revenge at this time. Arthas led his troops resolutely and followed the Dreadlord Mal'Ganis to the ice-covered continent of Northrend.

There, he finally got his wish - he pulled out the magic sword Frostmourne regardless of the consequences...

Arthas completely deviated from the path of light that the Paladins adhered to. Borrowing the dark power of the magic sword, he first killed his father, King Terenas, and then killed three fellow Paladins. In the end, Uther was also killed by his beloved apprentice in Andorhal, the death knight Artha. Si killed.

Arthas took away the urn of King Terenas that Uther was protecting and used it to complete Kel'Thuzad's lich ritual at the Sunwell.

A team under Ashram Valofist encountered some members of the Cult of the Damned here, some were killed, and some escaped.

They seem to be looking for something called a fragment of holy light here.

Lu Li was instantly moved. He didn't expect that there would be traces of fragments of Holy Light here. They were very precious and rare materials and were usually used to forge powerful equipment for Paladins or Priests.

He did not doubt what Ashram Varofist said. Everyone knew that Uther Lightbringer was killed here. He was an extremely powerful paladin. When he died, the Holy Knight in his body was Light energy will condense into fragments of holy light.

"If you can bring back a fragment of Holy Light, all of this can be given to you for free," Ashram Valofist said generously.

"Don't worry, if I can find the fragments of Holy Light, I will definitely bring them back to you," Lu Li was more generous, but in fact he was extremely contemptuous in his heart. What the hell, he actually wants to exchange for the fragments of Holy Light with such a small amount of supplies, unless it is Deceiving those who don't know the value of the Holy Light fragments.

However, Ashram Valofist obviously didn't know that Lu Li had seen through him, and finally gave Lu Li a few bottles of medicine that could cure the plague.

Of course, it is not really possible to cure the plague. The undead plague has always been an unsolvable thing in Azeroth. Even the most awesome potion master is helpless. The so-called treatment here can only treat people who have just been infected, and it is also There is a certain probability.

Lu Li and the others were players and had no use for such things.

However, in line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bastard, Lu Li unceremoniously put these bottles of potions into his package.

Then the five people walked out of Frozen Post Fortress and disappeared into the area where the plague was spreading.

The once fertile land has now lost traces of birds and animals, and the lush vegetation has long become part of the scorched earth and yellow sand. Natural disasters have not only changed the lives of people in Azeroth, but also affected this land. There will be a day when the earth is not healed.

"We need to find some monsters to test their strength first. Although we heard that the monsters in the Plague Land have been strengthened, we don't know to what extent they have been strengthened." Lu Li did not lead everyone in hastily.

The first thing they saw were a few ordinary undead.

In the Plague Land, such skeletons can be seen everywhere. Some of them are relatively complete, while others can only drag their incomplete bodies around the barren mountains and wilderness.

The ones in front of me are relatively incomplete, and two of them have very small skeletons. They should have been underage children when they were alive. At the moment of the natural disaster, I wonder if these ignorant children knew what they were facing. What, their lives haven't really begun yet.

Lu Li took out his long-range weapon and shot an arrow at the one on the edge.

Then the undead with one arm missing staggered over here, moving at a medium speed. The other undead were indifferent. It seemed that the range of perception and intelligence were relatively low, and it seemed to be nothing like before. the difference.

"Let me try," the water elf stepped forward and scratched the undead's neck with the dagger.


It successfully hit and stunned the target, but the damage dealt was a bit horrific.

"It only took down a few hundred points of damage," the water elf frowned: "And this monster has tens of thousands of HP. It hit me more than 400 points. This is simply not what the previous monsters could do. It’s stronger than the average level 60 elite.”

After the data came out, Lu Li felt a little cold.

No wonder there are various descriptions on the forum of how perverted the monsters in the Plague Land are. These few are just cannon fodder on the fringes, but they actually have such fighting power.

Lu Li was extremely glad that he had brought Tong Yanwuji as a healer. As long as the monsters couldn't kill everyone instantly, and as long as the healer added enough HP, any difficulty would not be a problem, as long as they didn't provoke those beings they couldn't afford to offend.

Four thieves come together, even if they have 10,000 health, they can't withstand a few rounds, and the little undead will soon die.

Lu Li dropped a piece of trash, and even picking it up felt like a waste of space.

Obviously, the current Plague Land is a tough nut to crack. Not to mention the number of monsters has increased several times, and the things dropped are not necessarily that good. The remaining monsters have verified Lu Li's judgment. A few monsters have not dropped rags. something other than something.

"The monster is a bit strong. If you can't help it, don't take action. I'll sneak at the front and you guys will follow." Lu Li, who has enhanced stealth, is undoubtedly the best scout.

He hid when he encountered monsters and turned left and right. It took him more than an hour to complete the path that usually only takes about ten minutes.

"Shh, stop," Lu Li stopped abruptly. After a while, a small canine creature ran out from an abandoned building. It was very, very thin, basically just bones. It looks like a layer of skin, and its eyes are red. It is very conspicuous in the foggy ruins of Andorhal.

"How did you find it," Cain's left hand said in shock.

As a thief, Lu Li was just a little ahead of him. Why was Lu Li able to spot the corpse dog in the blind spot, but he had no clue.

"The mist is moving, and there are sounds if you listen carefully," Lu Li explained.

"Admire," Cain's left hand suddenly said.

"Corpse dogs are pets of the Cult of the Cursed. If you find a corpse dog, there must be a Cult of the Cursed believer nearby. Let's spray medicine on our bodies. Don't let these corpse dogs find us. We will decide to take action when we see the Cult of the Cursed believers. If you don't take action, it's best to discover their ritual," Lu Li assigned the direction of the search.

Although they were searching separately, they were actually not far apart. If any accident happened, each other could take care of them.

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