The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 1516 Plague Experiment

"Oops, I'm surrounded," Scarlet Young Moon called for help in the team channel.

Lu Li touched it and realized that the bright red baby moon had unknowingly entered the circle surrounded by several corpse dogs. If he wanted to break through the encirclement, he would definitely disturb one of the corpse dogs.

"It seems that I have surrounded you unconsciously. Your luck is really bad," after observing, Cain's left hand mocked.

"The density of corpse dogs here is a bit high, which means they are nearby." But Lu Li saw something else. He took out a piece of lizard meat from his backpack and threw it into the dilapidated house next to it. This kind of lizard They are widely distributed around Frozen Post, and soldiers will hunt them to improve their food. The charcoal-grilled lizard meat of Frozen Post is a specialty here.

Corpse-eating dogs have little resistance to this kind of fresh meat that smells of blood. They don't just eat corpses, and they simply don't have the strength to eat them.

Cultists of the Damned will hunt meat to maintain the strength of these corpse-eating dogs.

Several corpse dogs rushed into the broken house stupidly. Lu Li ducked over and closed the crumbling door. Although it looked like it might rot at any time, at least it could be done for a short time. Stop these corpse dogs from coming out.

"Perfect, it seems your friendship with that NPC was not in vain," Tong Yanwuji praised.

Although it is a virtual game, most people still regard the game as just a game. People like Lu Li are very rare. Normal people will not let the other party just take out some potions and cheat so much money.

"We don't have much time. This kind of broken door won't hold up for long," Lu Li directed everyone to move some rocks, wood and other debris to block the door.

Others also had this kind of fresh meat in their backpacks, and everyone found a place to seduce these corpse-eating dogs. These lackeys raised by the Cult of the Curse were soon locked up in several houses.

The process is a bit thrilling and a bit troublesome, but it is much simpler than clearing it up bit by bit.

Lu Li and the others also discovered the camp of the Cult of the Cursed. It was originally supposed to be the church of this small town, but now it became a place where the Cult of the Cursed held rituals. From the outside, only a small number of Cult of the Cursed followers could be seen, but No one knows what is going on inside.

Therefore, Lu Li decided that the others would wait while he went to investigate first.

Lu Li didn't have to be so cautious if he was investigating alone. After all, he was a land, sea and air scout. He only needed to transform into a crow to fly into the sky, and he could see the scene inside through the dome in the center of the church.

He landed on the roof and directly saw a large pot in the center of the church through the gap. The green liquid was boiling inside, and the smell was very pungent.

There is a human hanging above the pot, struggling constantly.

There are still some undead swaying around. Their flesh and blood are basically still intact, and their faces are not much different from ordinary people. They have obviously become undead just now.

Several cursed cultists wearing robes were adding things to it, and one of them was holding a pen and taking notes on a piece of parchment. This was probably some kind of ritual or experiment of theirs.

Even though he was in the game, Lu Li's scalp was still numb.

This is clearly a plague experiment using living people, and there is definitely nothing delicious in the big pot in the middle.

Lu Li observed it and quickly figured out which enemies his group needed to face and which cursed cultists outside needed to be dealt with. Otherwise, if there was a fight in the church, they would rush in to help, so they had to be dealt with first.

There are a total of eight curse cultists in the room to face. Three of them are putting materials into the cauldron, one is recording experimental data, and the other four are holding staffs and directing spells at the cauldron.

With luck, these eight curse cultists can be divided into two groups to fight, hoping that the four who guide spells will concentrate on their own business.

In addition, there are a dozen undead. According to the results of the initial test, although these undead do not pose a fatal threat, they are still a troublesome if left alone. As for the guy who was hung on the pot - Lu Li guessed that he would still be on the side of humans, after all, he seemed to be sane after all.

"Get ready to come in and fight monsters. Let's deal with the four members of the Cult of the Curse who are free to move around first." Lu Li described the situation in the church to everyone, and then began to greet everyone to start fighting.

There was no need to wait, there would be no better opportunity, and Lu Li looked at the man being steamed on the cauldron, and he suddenly had a very good idea.

With a lineup like Lu Li's, of course it's impossible for someone to pull monsters and let others deal damage. They are all thieves, a profession known as the king of control. Four thieves happened to sap four curse cultists, and then pounced on the monsters that had stopped channeling spells. The four cursed cultists.

Lu Li blinded his target and then stopped doing any damage.

He jumped up and rushed towards the man on the cauldron, who was still struggling. He first cut the rope that was hanging the man, then pulled the man and dragged him to a safe location, and finally took out a bottle of medicine. He drank it.

These are a few bottles of potion given to Lu Li by Ashram Valofist, which are said to be able to cure the plague.

Lu Li didn't have time to pay attention to the effects of the potion because his friends over there were already in danger.

These Cursed Cultists are all of high level, with thick HP and high resistance. Both the sap and blinding effects are greatly reduced. Each of the other thieves at the scene has to deal with more than two Cursed Cultists, and that A dozen undead people nearby were also slowly surrounding them.

If it weren't for their slower transfer speed, the situation might be even worse.

The cursed cultist's attack power was super high, and it could knock out at least a quarter of everyone's health in one go. Lu Li was once again lucky that he brought a healer, otherwise just relying on everyone's blood bottles would be of no avail.

Lu Li stopped a curse cultist and said while fighting: "Everyone, please be careful where you move. Brother Ji, take a look at everyone's blood. You should also take care of yourself. If you really can't hold on, save your life first. At worst, let's escape first." He really Worrying about reducing the number of troops here, with so many undead around, he and Tong Yanwuji would have no chance to use their combat recovery skills.

Rain of chaos!

This is the AOE skill of the Cult of the Curse. It looks similar to the mage's Blizzard and can cause group damage to everyone.

The damage is not too high, and the average damage per person may not be as high as a single target skill. But the trick is that this skill will increase the monster's health, and it also increases the health of the group. Lu Li instantly felt that this task was worth it. The difficulty is doubled.

How can I continue to play happily if the first mission is so difficult?

"Why don't we retreat first? We shouldn't be in such a head-to-head confrontation," Tong Yanwuji hurriedly added blood to everyone, and ran around from time to time to dodge the undead monsters surrounding them.

Lu Li was a little reluctant, but he didn't know that he had to move strategically.

Just when he was about to give the order to retreat, a huge change suddenly occurred on the field.

The human being who was lying on the ground suddenly jumped up.

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