The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 179 Thief equals killer

"Sorry, I have a lot to do," Lu Li refused.

In fact, he sympathizes with these professional players. They either want to play games quietly because of their hobbies, life, or are tired of fighting, but some people insist on it.

"Oh, forget it," the female dwarf and her friends all showed disappointed expressions.

After all, a game is a game, and upgrading is the most important thing. No one is willing to sacrifice their leveling time to protect a few professional players just to make a little money.

"But you can offer a reward. As long as you pay a high price, I can kill people for you." Lu Li smiled slightly under the mask: "Don't worry about not being able to pay the price. If you know other professional life players who have been bullied, you can Join forces and raise money together. As long as you make them afraid of killing them, they will not dare to bully you casually."

At that time, if these life players could see Lu Li's face, they would definitely be able to discover the evil and evil hidden behind the smile.

Lu Li didn't feel guilty at all about this. The most he could do was admit that he had allowed a devil to show its fangs in advance.

Life professional players are indeed weak, but after they formed an alliance, they also did aggressive things. With their wealth, they even wiped out several second-rate guilds.

His words sounded like sounds of nature to the ears of these professional life players.

Especially this little dwarf girl, her eyes seemed to be lit with flames reaching the sky at this moment, so hot that even Lu Li didn't dare to look directly at her.

"What payment do you want?"

"Rare materials, any rare materials."

"I have a Redridge Gem in my backpack right now, is that okay?"


"You didn't even ask me who I wanted you to kill?"

"It doesn't matter, it's the same for everyone." Because it's a Red Ridge Gem, it doesn't matter who you kill.

Although they are both mineral companions, the Redridge Gem is much more precious than the Permanent Frozen Fragments Lu Li bought at the trading house. Firstly, it has a low explosion rate and is widely used. Secondly, it is a specialty of Redridge Mountain and cannot be found anywhere else. No.

Moreover, Lu Li also has the intention of making a good life alliance.

But to the ears of these professional life players, it represents the strong self-confidence of the masked man in front of them.

It’s the same for everyone!

What a kind of arrogance.

The female dwarf took a deep breath and said loudly: "I want to kill the president of the guild just now. He wants to drive us out of Redridge Mountain. He already had someone kill us once the day before yesterday."

"You publish the bounty mission, and then I will take it. If there is no problem, you can give me the materials now," Lu Li thought for a while and came up with a feasible plan.

"Liu Li, don't believe him," the companion behind her worriedly pulled her arm.

What if I took something but nothing was done.

But the female dwarf broke free. She handed the Red Ridge Gem, a fiery red gem, directly to Lu Li, then raised her head and said firmly: "My name is Banshi Liuli, and I will make sure these bastards never dare to look down on us. Life player.”

Lu Li took a deep look at her, and it turned out that she was Hanshi Liuli, one of the three leaders of the Life Alliance.

No wonder he is so courageous.

She is also considered a legend in the game. Her example proves one thing to players: people become great because of their dreams.

It was fate that among hundreds of thousands of life players, they met her.

"What's your name, and how can I find you in the future?" Hanshi Liuli asked quickly when she saw Lu Li was leaving.

"Forget the name, I'm not covering up to pretend to be mysterious," Lu Li said, "Create a chat room and I'll stay anonymous in it. If necessary, you can leave messages in it. In addition, when you post a reward, you can Prefix it with the word "life" and I will figure it out myself."

The bounty tasks in the Life Alliance are all prefixed with the word "life", which happened in Lu Li's previous life.

There were only two people in the chat room, and Hanshi Liuli didn't bring a few friends in. Lu Li was treated as her own resource.

After Lu Li returned to Astlana and handed in the wanted mission, his PK value was almost completely eliminated, and the remaining bit could be eliminated by using online time.

The task he posted has not happened yet, at least no one here asked him, because the contact left on the task is floating.

"I've put up the reward. Master, when will you start taking action?" Hanshi Liuli's voice sounded in the chat room.

"Well, in a few minutes..." Lu Li was making "The World Is So Big" and had some materials left over from last time, so he could still make two more.

Although he has no experience, since the last time he posted a promotional video on the forum, all the ones posted by the trading house have been sold. On average, each one can earn 25 gold. Before other players get involved, Lu Li can Make as much as possible.

"Can you record the killing process on video?" Hanshi Liuli asked cautiously.

"Of course," Lu Li said simply.

After finishing The World Is So Big, Lu Li came to the mercenary hall again. The PK value on his body had disappeared, and the number 1189 became a legend.

Bounty and wanted are two completely different systems.

Lu Li browsed through the bounty tasks. The number of bounty tasks was relatively small, and he quickly found what he was looking for.

Ending, warrior, very pornographic and violent guild leader.

After accepting the mission, Lu Li paid fifty silver coins to the system to check the person's coordinates.

One piece of good news and one piece of bad news.

The good news is that this person is not far from Lu Li. The bad news is that this person is now in Astrana, in the safe zone.

Lu Li found him in the tavern, and he was courting a female player.

The female gamer looks pretty good, but she seems to refuse and welcome the pursuit of the end, which is obviously a flirtation.

"Do you know where the players in their guild level up in Astrana?" Lu Li asked via text in the chat room.

"Wait a moment, let me ask," Banshi Liuli must have united with many life players and quickly found the leveling point of a very pornographic and violent guild.

A place Lu Li was very familiar with, the Fire Scar Temple.

It's very pornographic and very violent. Recently, it has recruited a group of low-level players. The guild pays them to upgrade them in the Fire Scar Temple.

It took Lu Li a total of ten minutes from getting there to killing three players with better equipment. Then he calmly waited for the other party's president to come over and deal with the matter.

He was actually not sure whether the ending would come out, but it was better than waiting in the tavern.

Being provoked at the leveling point is not a big deal, but the loss of face is considerable.

In front of the younger brothers, it is easier to establish authority by standing up as the boss of the union for the first time. In the end, he can only give up hooking up with the beautiful female players temporarily.

He hurried over with dozens of people.

"Where's the man? Didn't he say he didn't leave?" Lu Su said in a loud voice, speaking without pretense to his subordinates. In such a mixed guild, only strength can suppress the younger brother below.

"They were there just now. Fortunately, we were on tight defense and only lost three of them."

Lu Li turned on the game recording function and chose a good angle to capture the ending. After taking the picture, he quietly approached him. From the perspective of the camera, it was almost as if he was following suit.

Luo Mu is a warrior with very good equipment. He must distance himself from other players before he can be sure of a successful attack.

Fortunately, Lu Li had plenty of patience.

After waiting for a while, Lu Mu felt that the sneak attacker had left and started walking around the leveling point. He pretended to instruct the new boys to defeat monsters and brag about some operational things.

It's a pity that he is just rich, but his real level is not much. If he is not in the same profession, even his younger brothers can see his clumsy plan.

Fortunately, he found a little warrior.

The little soldier's operation is terrible, but his mouth is very sweet. As soon as he saw him, he immediately called him "boss" with an adoring look on his face, and then he followed you to hang out. Please take care of him and so on.

The end has been decided, today I will give good guidance to this junior.

There are few monsters in this position, and they are a bit far away from others.

Lu Li knew that his chance had come, and when the magic value of the end of the world was absorbed by the Cerberus, he became angry.

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