The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 180 Life Alliance

Lu Li knew that his chance had come, and when the magic value of the end of the world was absorbed by the Cerberus, he became angry.

Facing the admiration on the little warrior's face, he was so proud that he lowered his vigilance to the lowest level. When Lu Li's dagger pierced the back of his head, he didn't even understand what happened.

Dazed for four seconds...

The little soldier looked blankly at a masked thief emerging from behind his boss, and for a moment he didn't know how to react.

Perhaps, in his heart, he was still looking forward to the wise and powerful president of his family showing off his skills and killing the sneak attack thief in three strokes.

Lu Li took a look at the soldier's HP. Not surprisingly, it was a full 2,600 points, which was almost the same as an ordinary MT. It seemed that this guy was very afraid of death and had gained a lot of physical strength.

Lu Li actually had no confidence at all whether he could succeed before others came over.

As long as this soldier's operation is okay, if he delays for a while, he will probably return without success.

In any case, this is a warrior, the plate armor profession with the highest defense.

Of course, Lu Li had nothing to worry about. If he couldn't be killed, he would just run away. As a thief with the highest mobility, he was sure of escaping unscathed.

Sneak attack, backstab, ambush, and then a throat wipe as the finishing move.

The fully leveled Throat not only delivered a critical hit, but also caused a very objective bleeding damage.

Lu Li's attack was like flowing clouds and flowing water. The two daggers flew around, looking like two butterflies dancing in the bloody waves.

Some people say that the skills of mages are brilliant, while those of thieves are sad.

Coupled with the earth-shattering scream at the end, this poignant feeling becomes even more obvious.

The little warrior finally realized that his boss was at his wits end and had no chance of counterattack. He charged at Lu Li, but Lu Li made a wrong move and dodged him.

Backhand stabbing, when Lu Li missed the charge of the little warrior, he happened to be in the best position for backhand stabbing.

In fact, the reason why masters are called masters lies in their understanding of skills, grasp of combat opportunities, and never miss any opportunity to cause damage.

Although there were only two combo points, this backhand backstab still dealt over 300 skill damage.

The warrior's blood volume dropped to less than one-third. The yellow and violent guild members were a little far away, and quite a few of them didn't react at all. From the time Lu Li took action to the end when he was close to remaining health, it only took eight seconds. Just nine seconds.

Lu Li's skills had been completely used up, and he had to attack around the warrior. Although the little warrior was no good, it would be really troublesome if he attacked him.

The first thing he did after leaving the battle was not to fight back, but to take out a bottle of potion.

"Boss, come on," the little soldier chased Lu Li everywhere. He actually thought that he had the upper hand and began to instruct their boss to intercept and kill Lu Li with him.

Luo Mu is a rich man, and he is not incompetent. In reality, he owns a large company, but he is really a game idiot. He has no idea how to fight back against this thief who surrounds him and makes him dizzy.

He is not without judgment about the form. In his opinion, as long as he holds on for a few more seconds, the crisis will naturally disappear when the younger brothers come over.

It cannot be said that his analysis was wrong, but would Lu Li give him a chance to drink the medicine?

He swung the dagger in his left hand and thrust it straight into Luo Mu's eye. The president, who was very yellow and violent, was startled. He involuntarily turned his head to dodge, and naturally he couldn't complete the action of drinking the medicine.

This is the charm of free mode. You can freely formulate strategies based on your opponent's weaknesses.

Lu Mu was a Blood Ox warrior with good equipment but poor handling. This was Lu Li's judgment of him. By the time he dodged the knife in his eye and wanted to take medicine again, Lu Li's sneak attack had already cooled down.

System: The sneak attack skill is 95% completed, causing 300% skill damage, and the target is stunned for 2 seconds.

After adding a normal attack, Lu Li's wrist sank, and the dagger inserted into Lu Mu's heart with a pop. The warrior with more than 2,000 HP knelt down directly.

The healing professions who came over were stunned and allowed the healing spell to dissipate on the top of the staff. They never imagined that someone could kill their president in just ten seconds.

This kind of shock was fatal. Lu Li killed Lu Mu, bent down to pick up the fallen equipment, and then sneaked away. No one took action against him.

Dozens of people looked at each other, all like puppets that had lost their souls.

Lu Li overturned their understanding of the game, and the novices who originally thought they were very good finally saw the real masters.

When Lu Li left, he lightly complained about one word - "rabble". This word was more like a poisonous thorn inserted into their hearts, and they couldn't find the courage to refute it.

They are only worthy of bullying life players.

A few minutes later, a post appeared on the forum.

The title is simple: Life players also have anger, and this is the fate of murderers.

Killing from a first-person perspective is obviously a deliberate attempt to create the killing process and then post it.

It was a small guild that was very pornographic and violent. It was only considered a low-level guild. The reason why it was known was mostly because the people in this guild used the excuse of playing games to have no limits.

Now their president has been killed.

The man in black, masked, appeared like a ghost, killed him neatly, and then left with a few words of disapproval. The entire video was cut to only thirty seconds.

These thirty seconds were not lacking at all.

The very yellow and violent guild badge ended with the blood volume of this blood bull warrior, and the surrounding players rushed over to support him not far away.

The post quickly received a lot of likes, and even Hansei Liuli, who posted it, did not expect such a high number of clicks.

Human nature is like this. People like to watch fun and things like vendettas are even more popular. What’s more, this post is also accompanied by a video, which can be said to have pictures and truth.

Lu Li has attracted a lot of attention from everyone, but most people think that this murderous thief has good skills and abnormal attack power, and there is nothing surprising in other aspects.

The main reason is that the ending performance was so poor that it made everyone feel that they would definitely kill him without any discussion.

Many people also saw the deeper meaning of the post itself.

Paying a murderer?

When did life players become so high-profile?

What is even more unexpected is that a new post appeared immediately.

A professional life player named Hanshi Liuli issued a statement that she was responsible for the video post just now. She paid for the murder. This was the first time, but it will definitely not be the last time.

Professional life players are not lambs that can be bullied by anyone. They should unite to fight for their own place to survive in the game.

We are just trying to survive!

This slogan was copied by countless people and the post soon had more than 100,000 replies.

On this day, an organization calling itself the Life Professional Players Alliance, or the Life Alliance for short, was established, at least two months earlier than Lu Li knew.

"Thanks for your help," Hanshi Liuli took some time out of her busy schedule to thank Lu Li again.

This is a very smart girl.

She knew why everything she had now came from.

Before Lu Li killed someone, even if someone stood up and shouted that everyone should unite, others would be indifferent and ignore it. After Lu Li killed someone, everyone suddenly realized that the game could still be played like this.

"If you really want to thank me, help me get some low-level materials for blacksmithing," Lu Li said without being polite at all.

It’s so hot. Code words are so hot. If you can subscribe, please subscribe. It’s also a reward for the author. Thanks to Dabei No Tears, Yan Zin, My Neighbor Totoro., and Xingchen Yinhui for the rewards. Thanks to Xia Mo° Amor, Pacifier Assassin, new series without delay, Book Friends 120602191112000, 7F Shang Tianlong, Theory, hotplaylin monthly pass.

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