The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 181 Thief’s Style

"If you really want to thank me, help me get some low-level materials for blacksmithing, such as low-quality stones," Lu Li said without being polite at all.

Some low-grade materials are difficult to buy, not because they are expensive, but because they are cheap.

For example, some mineral deposits are relatively thin, and no ore can be mined, and only some low-quality stones can be mined. A set of 20 of these stones in the store only costs five copper coins, and it takes up one slot in the backpack, so people who dig them usually just throw them away. .

People who learn casting cannot directly start making equipment at the beginning. They can only use low-quality stones as whetstones to upgrade their skills. Since low-quality stones are not available in the market, they can only use a mining hoe to grind their ass. There are many mines on the hillside to dig.

Very waste of time.

Lu Li's request was too easy, and Hanshi Liuli agreed without hesitation.

"I will send you a low-quality stone mission in the mercenary hall. Just send someone to complete it," Lu Li still had no intention of revealing his identity.

Hanshi Liuli may still be a relatively innocent little lamb now, but after gaining power, he quickly degenerated into a carnivore.

"Well, if anything happens, can I still ask you for help?"

Logically speaking, once the model of buying murderers and killing people is implemented, she does not have to do it. As long as she has gold coins, hiring a master is actually very simple.

However, for some reason, Hanshi Liuli had a blind sense of trust in Lu Li, who saved her.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter who you kill.

No matter how long it took, these words kept echoing in her ears.

She had a feeling that as long as Lu Li was on her side, she would be able to face any challenge fearlessly, whether it came from inside or outside the Life Alliance.

"Didn't we agree, as long as you can afford the price," Lu Li replied impatiently.

The repair robot that was just about to take shape in his hand fell apart again, and all the materials were scrapped due to internal burning. This was already his fourth failure.

"I understand, I will prepare rare materials," Hanshi Liuli was not angry at all, but recognized this kind of temper that only masters can have.

Because he was worried about how to tell his sister about her condition at night, Lu Li couldn't calm down.

A new round of attempts still ended in failure.

No wonder so few people studied engineering in the previous life. This is such a complicated profession that it’s almost crazy.

Stopping what he was doing, Lu Li chose to let it go for now.

First, clean up the PK value on your body.

Just now, he helped Hanshi Liuli kill someone. He memorized four PK points. After eliminating one point during his online time, he still had three points left.

With three PK points, Lu Li completed a PK mission and cleared it, and then he entered Warsong Canyon.

There are a large number of players and NPCs in Warsong Canyon, as well as a large number of monsters spawning, and the explosion rate and experience are pretty good.

Lu Li planned to kill monsters here and use up one hour of double experience time today.

Of course, it is also appropriate to kill some people to kill the anger in your heart.

An evil camp team was fighting against the most common evil-eyed antelope monsters in Warsong Canyon. They didn't know whether to say they were bad luck or good luck. They actually encountered a pair of elite monsters.

The two level 20 elites, especially the elites in Warsong Canyon, were actually a headache for the five-man team.

Even if Lu Li encountered him, he would probably take a detour.

Fortunately, these five players were well-equipped and their techniques were reasonable. After a lot of fighting, they successfully killed one of them, and the remaining one was almost at a loss of health.

At this moment, the healer profession screamed. They heard the sound and looked over, but only saw the last shot of the healer being killed.

Kill one with two knives and heal one?

Even if this treatment is reduced to half health by the elite monster's group attack skills, it is still shocking enough.

After killing the healer, the black-turban masked thief pounced on the warlock with more control skills without stopping, turned on the shadow cloak, and withstood the attacks of the mage and druid, he actually stabbed the warlock to death.

Of course this person is Lu Li, he has been lurking nearby for a long time.

After killing the healer and warlock, Lu Li picked up the equipment on the ground, blocked the skills that landed on him with a Wind Step, and entered the stealth state again.

Without the treatment and health boost, facing a level 20 elite alone, the defensive knight was quickly summoned by the Lord and died.

The evil-eyed antelope lost its target, and its fierce gaze was aimed at the mage with the highest output to it.

Poor mage, he probably wants to say sorry to this elite monster.

If there is no invisible thief watching nearby, it is actually not difficult for two people to kill a disabled elite. But the key is that the thief is nearby and cooperates with the evil-eyed antelope to target the mage.

After a while, the five-man team was wiped out. The Evil-Eyed Antelope rushed towards Lu Li without hesitation and was easily killed.

If you get a few pieces of equipment with relatively average attributes, you can sell them in the trading house for a little money. The experience is surprisingly rich, no wonder the level of PVP players has not been stretched too far.

In addition, Lu Li also got the easiest thing to get on the battlefield-honor points.

He is a player with negative honor points. He must brush his honor points into integrity before he can receive camp missions. Otherwise, even if the NPC values ​​him highly, he will not be able to complete rare missions such as "Burn Supplies". Entrusted to him.

A figure was running wildly in the jungle. The player general was a quasi-master with excellent skills. Unfortunately, he failed this time and encountered a large group of people from the light camp. The result can be imagined.

If there weren't many ways to save one's life, I would have confessed long ago.

The crisis is still there, and the pursuers behind him are clinging to him, as if they won't give up until he is hacked to death.

A black shadow flashed before his eyes, and the alarm bells rang in the general's heart, but it was too late to react. He only felt a pain in the back of his head, and was knocked unconscious immediately.

Damn it, what kind of speed is this.

In fact, it wasn't just his speed. Lu Li used the special effects on his cloak to dodge directly behind the target, so visually it was really just a black shadow flashing past.

A berserker with nearly half of his HP really can't make any splash, no matter how good he is, he won't be able to perform at his best.

Therefore, Ganjiang died in a very frustrated manner. What was even more aggrieved was that the most valuable equipment on his body - a two-handed ax exploded.

The pursuers caught up, and all that was left in front of them was a solitary body.

There is a place with special terrain in Warsong Canyon, which is very spacious and is a place for large-scale team melees.

A shaman player pulled out the claw blade from the opponent's belly and reported a number with satisfaction. This is the sixth one. More people will fall under my fangs and claws.

Before he could express the beautiful scene of ten people killing a hundred people, he felt a stinging pain in his back.

Damn thieves like to have people behind their backs.

For Lu Li, this kind of situation was like a duck to water. He adhered to the tradition of thieves.

If the target is soft, it only takes two hits to kill the one with residual health and on the verge of death, so why bother with the tough one?

He kills with one strike and leaves immediately after killing. Lu Li never gives the opponent a chance to retaliate. He always shoots and changes places. He is not greedy or passionate, he is just a cold-blooded executioner.

Hiding in the shadows, waiting for opportunity.

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