The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 182 Both sides take it all

He is a cold-blooded executioner, hiding in the shadows, waiting for opportunities.

After spending more than two hours in Warsong Canyon, Lu Li gained more than 200 honor points, originally -665, now -420.

Not that he killed 245 people in two hours. PVP has developed to this point, and many people already have military ranks. Even the lowest corporal rank will cost more than 1 honor point if killed.

Generally speaking, if you kill a corporal with more honor points, you will still get ten or twenty points.

Along with a large number of glory points, there are also equipment.

Death in Warsong Canyon does not lose experience and does not add PK value, but the equipment that should be dropped will still be dropped.

Lu Li's backpack was quickly full, and he had to return to the outpost outside Warsong Canyon. The outpost did not have a warehouse, but at least it had a mailbox.

He picked out the equipment and mailed most of them to Shen Wansan.

In fact, the equipment that Lu Li didn't like was not bad, and was a bit better than the equipment of the general union elite group. Shen Wansan packaged it and sold it to the big and small guilds that were recruiting people frantically. It was much more expensive than selling it to the trading house, and it was also more expensive. No handling fee is required.

"Haha, the master has gained a lot," Shen Wansan quickly sent a message.

"Yeah," Lu Li said in response.

"I sent you the money for the last equipment, two hundred gold," Shen Wansan said, not caring about Lu Li's coldness.

"Why are there so many?" There were only twenty or thirty pieces of black iron equipment. Lu Li thought that a hundred gold pieces would be worth the weight of the sky.

"Master, you have a sharp eye. You said the gold coins would fall and they did. My old Shen followed you and avoided a catastrophe, so this is a little respect from me." There were still people who didn't give up yesterday, but when they wait Today, the price of gold on the trading platform is still stable at around 100, and some people started to cry.

"Everyone helps each other, don't be too polite," Lu Li said.

"How can we talk about helping each other? It's the master who takes care of Lao Shen's business. If there is any master who can help Lao Shen, please don't be polite," Shen Wansan's attitude was still very low.

It's not that he is mean, but Lu Li really helped him a lot.

After the third revision, that is, yesterday, Shen Wanshan's boutique opened, focusing on high-end products. Due to the proper promotion and sufficient supply of goods, the business on the first day of opening overwhelmed the stores of large companies in Astrana.

More than half of the equipment on the shelves was provided by Lu Li, and the main items of top-quality black iron were all from Lu Li.

It’s not enough for other people’s own use, so how can they sell the equipment?

Lu Li thought for a moment and asked, "Can Boss Shen get rare materials?"

"Rare materials..." Shen Wansan smiled bitterly. He was indeed a master. He pointed directly at the scarcest resources at the moment.

"No?" Lu Li was a little disappointed.

"Yes, there are, but not much, and I am also trying every means to hoard this stuff," Shen Wansan gritted his teeth, "Master, if you want it, I will give you half of it."

"Boss Shen, you misunderstood," Lu Li quickly interrupted him, "I only want amber crystals, lava essences, and jade statues. If there are any, I will buy them at a price, or I can exchange them for other rare materials. "

The most urgent thing for Lu Li was to upgrade his ring, and he could leave everything else alone.

"There is only one lava essence, the other two are unheard of," Shen Wansan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Lu Lishi would open his mouth and take over all the rare materials he had hoarded. Although he could hide the quantity, he would definitely have a grudge in his heart.

A man like him who has many connections and is determined to make a career has long sensed the value of rare materials.

In a sense, exposure to rare materials is the beginning of the game "Dawn". Bronze and black iron are actually no different from whiteboard equipment. They are all low-level goods and cannot be transitioned.

Although there was only one piece of lava essence, Lu Li was not disappointed at all. This was a complete surprise.

"The lava essence costs almost eighty gold. Do you want money or rare materials?" Lu Li asked.

"Haha, God, it's good if you can use it. Asking for money will hurt your feelings," Shen Wansan laughed boldly.

"No, Boss Shen is doing me a big favor by selling it to me. The rest is just business," Lu Li couldn't stand his flattery. Ever since he made a fortune with Lu Li, he tried every means to get in touch with her.

"Let's do this. Let's calculate the money and deduct it from the equipment you send over in the future." Shen Wansan knew how to advance and retreat, so he would not force Lu Li to accept it.

"Okay, Boss Shen, help me pay attention to these three materials. Price is not an issue," Lu Li said without giving any hope. After hanging up the communication, he threw himself into the fight again.

Shen Wansan was sitting in the lounge in the back room of his boutique, instructing his clerks to send things out, while he was stroking his head and lost in thought.

Specifying a few materials at all costs is not as simple as hoarding materials.

There must be some need, and three or more materials are needed. As far as he knows, the several molds that Dawn has revealed now only require one or two rare materials to make them.

He is indeed a great god!

Lu Li didn't know that his decision to request three materials had already been analyzed by an extremely shrewd businessman.

What worries him now is that he can't find anyone to kill him.

Returning to Warsong Canyon, Lu Li wandered around for more than ten minutes, but he still couldn't find a target. It was as if Warsong Canyon had become the home of the Light camp.

Many players from the light camp made provocative remarks on the regional channel, saying nothing more than "tribal pigs, you guys are going to die". This is a relatively common thing, but Lu Li actually saw an acquaintance among them.

I just have a lot of money!

This guy is so good at running into the battlefield.

It didn't matter that he was embarrassed, his words were really ugly, and he actually mixed the provocation with swear words to greet his family.

The villain succeeded. Lu Li felt a little unhappy when he saw it.

Thinking about what happened when this guy forced him to break the contract and leave the Star-Moon Guild, Lu Li really wanted to chop him up.

It's a pity that there are unwritten rules on the battlefield. No matter what grudges you have in private, you can't kill the people on your side when you enter the battlefield. This rule was first formulated by the Scarlet War Flag, and the union used iron-blooded means to maintain this rule.

Hey, I seem to have overlooked one thing.

Lu Li took out something from his backpack - the Orb of Deception.

An undead, a thief, a nameless, and an evil camp player appeared instead where Lu Li stood just now.

With the Orb of Deception, no matter whether he is in the light camp or the evil camp, the thief will take them all!

"There is another tribal pig here, kill him," someone happened to see Lu Li and rushed over shouting, followed by several people from a distance, obviously all in the same group.

Lu Li originally planned to only find trouble for Qian Duoduo, but he didn't expect that a few rookies would dare to yell at him.

He didn't want to run away in embarrassment, so he had to go up to meet him and fight with swords.

PS: Thanks to Vanilland, Theory, Afterimage Qianluo, Josier丶, Sima Xiaotian, and Fei Aguang for their monthly votes, and thanks to little Oppai for the reward.

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