The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 183 Seeing Qian Duoduo Again

Lu Li didn't want to run away in embarrassment, so he had no choice but to confront him with swords and swords.

The druid who rushed forward was very hot-blooded, but what greeted him was a cold-blooded thief.

In the early stage when everyone had very few skills, Druid was indeed very powerful. He could fight, resist, increase blood, and had a lot of control skills, especially after learning to transform into a bear, and he didn't need control.

However, Lu Li is definitely not the kind of person with few skills. At least compared to most people, he not only has more skills, but also is extremely powerful.

Druid flew towards him with a flying sea of ​​blood, and Lu Li disappeared with Shadow Escape.

Before it could turn around, it was hit directly on the back of the head, making it miserable and dizzy. By the time he released the transformation, Lu Li had already gone around to the other side and knocked him out again with a sneak attack.

Druid's transformation switch can relieve the stun state, but this transformation does not mean that it can be changed without any cooling.

Experts can freeze the time and transform for three seconds, while others can wait for four to five seconds.

What frightened Xuehai Feiyang was that in these three or four seconds, Lu Li knocked out a quarter of his health, and he didn't even use his finishing move.

The thief's finishing move does very high damage. What other players are most afraid of when PKing with the thief is the explosion of the finishing move. If the finishing move hits a critical hit, then you can only pray that you have enough blood.

The thief's finishing move is a nuclear weapon. If he doesn't use it, you won't be able to rest assured.

A fireball hit Lu Li, causing scattered sparks and causing more than 70 points of damage.

The spell had a bit of impact, but Lu Li's sneak attack didn't have a high level of completion.

He glanced at the two players who were rushing over, his eyes were calm, his feet slipped, and he disappeared from the sight of these players with a Wind Step.

"Everyone, be careful. This thief is a master. He must be lurking nearby looking for an opportunity to strike. Let's stand back to back," Druid Xue Hai Feiyang shouted.

The three guys stood back to back for an hour in fear.

In fact, he was completely self-indulgent. Lu Li had walked away long ago when he saw that there was nothing he could do.

The secret of being a thief is that what you need most is calmness and patience, but what you don't need the most is getting into trouble.

This sounds a bit contradictory. The former requires you to hold on and wait for the opportunity quietly, but the latter encourages you to give up and choose another goal.

In fact, it is very simple to understand. It mainly depends on your purpose.

If you have to kill, that is the first type.

Making money by killing people is naturally the second type.

Lu Li had no grudge against these people. He just wanted to kill people and explode equipment to make money. Even if he could kill these three, it would still be a waste of too much time. With so much time, it would be more efficient to choose another target.

After smoothly killing a player with low health, Lu Li looked up and saw, "I am Qian Duoduo." This guy seems to be doing well. He is equipped with explosive equipment, his level is not low, and he is accompanied by seven or eight younger brothers.

They should be a team of ten, and the two missing people are either thieves or druids, in stealth mode.

Lu Li couldn't afford such a team, so he could only wait for an opportunity.

Lu Li once again showed his understanding of thieves, this time he followed patiently.

This kind of proud man was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never knew how to respect others. Lu Li had long educated him on behalf of his parents to let him know why the flowers were so red.

A five-person evil camp team came into view. When they saw that I was Qian Duoduo, they turned around and wanted to leave.

The difference in numbers is too big, and a head-on confrontation would undoubtedly result in an egg hitting a stone.

"Come on, let me keep them," Qian Duo was overjoyed and waved his hand domineeringly.

The healing shaman of the five-man team swayed and was successfully sapped by the thief. The mage profession was also successfully sapped by the thief. There was also a knight who was sapped by another thief.

He actually brought two thieves specifically to knock out sap, which was really impressive.

Three of the five were entangled, but a few people from the evil camp simply attacked the two thieves directly and violently.

Kill one to get enough, kill two to earn one. If you don't give me a way to survive, I won't make it easy for you. This is the law of the battlefield. If you are pushed to the end, you will be a wolf.

Ten versus five!

It is destined to be an unfair battle. Even if the skills of the five people are above the standard, it will be of no use.

However, no one expected that the originally suspenseful battle would take a turn for the worse. Lu Li was the variable. He appeared behind the healing priest in the light camp and changed the entire battle situation.

Perhaps because he felt confident, no one on Qian Duoduo's side deliberately stayed behind to protect the pastor.

This provided a distance guarantee for Lu Li's ultimate kill.

The priest is actually not a weakling. He judged Lu Li's attack very accurately and was able to move in time to destroy Lu Li's completion. Unfortunately, he faced Lu Li, a great thief whose understanding of PK lasted more than three years.

Lu Li's dagger flipped over, strangely changing the direction of attack. Not only did the priest's original dodge not damage the completion, but he seemed to be rushing toward the dagger.

Blood splashed everywhere and he was stunned for two seconds.

There was someone supporting the priest nearby, and a shadow arrow knocked out hundreds of Lu Li's health points.

This time Lu Li no longer evaded, he activated the cloak of shadow, intending to kill the priest despite the hail of bullets.

When the five-man team saw Lu Li, their spirits were suddenly shaken.

Unfortunately, this hope was quickly dashed, because Lu Li was only one person, and their numbers were still at a disadvantage.

However, Lu Li's next move completely overturned their previous thoughts, and they didn't know how he did it. He beat the priest to the point where he was almost out of health.

Can they save the priest?

Of course not!

A warrior from the evil camp dropped his shield and charged towards the warlock who was attacking Lu Li.

Lu Li wanted to kill the priest, Qian Duoduo's team members wanted to attack Lu Li and save the priest, while players from the evil camp interfered with those who attacked Lu Li, and the three parties started a tug-of-war.

The tug-of-war didn't last long, as the priest's health was too low.

When Lu Li kicked the priest's healing spell away, the priest finally faced death in despair.

After the priest died, Qian Duoduo's team lost their treatment.

But they were still outnumbered.

Lu Li's next target was Qian Duoduo. He activated the skills on his cloak and instantly arrived behind Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo is a legal druid, also known as quail, or bird virtue.

This druid's attack and control are very powerful, but its defense is much worse. Lu Li cut off more than 300 drops of his blood in an ambush. He was so scared that Qian Duoduo stopped reading spells and ran away, fighting back while running. Shout for support.

The second generation of rich people are not without masters, but they definitely don’t have a lot of money.

Any master has experienced countless fights, walked on the cordon of survival and death, and developed a skill over time. Just like the water elf, she spends most of her time competing with people.

How could a guy like Qian Duoduo be skilled when he walked around and had people help him with everything?

When Lu Li killed him, he felt like he was killing a duck that could only run away.

With Lu Li chasing Qian Duoduo and restraining many people by the way, the players from the evil camp finally recovered from being suppressed and beaten.

The two sides fought fiercely, causing casualties on each other.

Lu Li killed Qian Duoduo, picked up the equipment on the ground, and left behind a few people who were still fighting.

By the way, Qian Duoduo revealed a piece of silver equipment with explosive attributes!

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