The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 290 Enemies don’t get together

Lawless dares to go out so bravely because the necklace he wears around his neck comes with an attribute that increases perception by 10%.

This necklace came from a level 20 wild BOSS, and the Star and Moon Guild tried their best to grab it. Lawless was not the most skilled thief in the guild, but because he was good at flattery, he had an advantage when it came to assigning equipment.

With this necklace, he repeatedly gained the upper hand in civil wars with other thieves.

Lu Li did not go up directly. He became less anxious when he saw who was on the other side.

To be honest, the people of the Star-Moon Guild were really not taken seriously by him.

In his previous life, he was a gold miner of the Star and Moon Guild. Later, when he grew up, he really couldn't stand the flattering atmosphere of this guild, so he went out to strike out on his own.

Lu Li was also curious about how these three guys got to this point. If he remembered correctly, the Star and Moon Guild was the only guild in the top 100 that failed to make it into the top 100. This was ridiculous until he was reborn. Record.

The mage Aojianren, who is also responsible for output, lives up to his name, with great ambition and talent, but also arrogance.

In fact, what Lu Li didn't know was that the reason why the Star and Moon Guild had reached this point was entirely because of his "Frost Nova". This skill book was enough to influence the general battle situation at this stage.

Qian Duoduo, who is responsible for the treatment, is the biggest financial backer of the guild. This person is "Don't say anything when I'm pretending to be B". He doesn't allow others to steal his limelight.

The lineup of these three people is quite satisfactory, but it's just their skills...

"Lu Li, come out if you dare," Qian Duoduo called.

The narrator met this kind of person for the first time, and while he was talking, he almost choked on his own saliva in the middle of a sentence.

Some games before Dawn also had scolding battles. Before or even during the fight, there would be a talk show, and some even had commercial breaks.

However, the Huaying Cup is a top-level event after all, and it severely cracks down on the behavior of greeting each other's relatives, so similar situations rarely happen.

If we can no longer greet each other's relatives, is there any need to start a war of words?

Lu Li ignored him at all, because he found that the position at a 45-degree angle in front of him was a bit abnormal, and there seemed to be a vague figure there.

It turns out that the purpose is to make people speak out and expose themselves, and then create opportunities for thieves to attack.

Lu Li moved and slowly approached the thief.

His movements were very slow, his steps were very light, and he kept adjusting his position, and he was able to go around the thief without being discovered.

In fact, it is normal that it has not been discovered.

Although Lawless has an item that increases perception by 10%, catching ordinary thieves is easy. But how could Lu Li be an ordinary thief? His ring and trousers both had the stealth effect, which increased it by a full 30%.

What does it mean to sit in a well and look at the sky? It's just lawlessness.

"I have a thief here, I'll control it, you rush over, that mage has Frost Nova, I sold it to him," Lu Li quietly sent a message to Yueguang.

Moonlight nodded, understanding.

"Lu Li, you ungrateful thing, are you scared? Why don't you dare to come out?" Qian Duoduo was still shouting.

He's doing therapy. There's nothing to do anyway. People always have to have some dreams, right? What if they come true?

Just as Lu Li expected, Aojian rushed over with a flickering skill and directly used Frost Nova. His goal was to freeze the March Rain and the moonlight together.

Once Lu Li had no more warriors and priests on his side, and he had sensory equipment in hand, wouldn't it be easy to kill a thief?

Ao Jian's idea is a good one.

Unfortunately, when he started to move, Lu Li had already started to take action.

Premeditate a sneak attack and directly attack lawlessness.

After typing it out, he recognized this guy. It turned out to be the person who had attacked him.

At first, a copy of Frost Nova was sold for 30,000 real coins, and he also had a falling out with people from the Star and Moon Guild. Then he was attacked by two thieves. If Azure Sea Breeze hadn't happened to pass by, he might have told him where it was.

Unexpectedly, we meet here after a few days.

As soon as Lawless came out, Yueguang, who was well prepared, used a charge against him.

At this time, Aojian's Frost Nova could no longer stop.

March Rain was frozen in place, but she was a priest and a long-range profession. Even if she stood still, she would not be delayed from using her mana burning skills against Qian Duoduo.

Ao Jian found it hard to accept that his biggest reliance had been broken like this.

But there was no room for him to wallow in self-pity on the battlefield. The thieves on their side were in big trouble.

The usual method used by Lu Li and Yueguang was Lu Li's control of the Moonlight Cyclone. Almost no one could survive such a violent attack.

Not to mention lawless, he didn't even wait for the big whirlwind of moonlight to end before he fell to the ground.

Lu Li ignored Ao Jian, the troubled mage, and his next target was Qian Duoduo. This man was a man with a vicious heart and a mean mouth, which was the most distasteful to anyone. Lu Li would kill him every time he saw him.

Yes, he is such a stingy person.

What made people speechless was that when Qian Duoduo saw Lu Li rushing towards him, he screamed strangely and turned around and ran away.

Go ahead, sister, you are a druid who has not transformed, can you outrun a thief?

Lu Li didn't need to use any acceleration skills at all. He chased after him in a few steps. The dagger trembled and scratched scars on Qian Duoduo's back.

In fact, Qian Duoduo's equipment is not bad. He is a rich man and a high-level member of the union. Naturally, he uses the good stuff first. Moreover, he also bought several top-quality druid equipment from the market at high prices. Compared with what Lu Li had encountered before, The treatments are more than one level better.

It's a pity that Lawless died so quickly, which expanded the shadow area in his heart, and he had no intention of fighting at this time.

"Ao Jian, you are so stupid, you don't know how to get treatment," Qian Duoduo was always self-centered, and in desperation, even Ao Jian joined in the curse.

"Don't be embarrassed, give yourself more blood," Ao Jian also came to his senses. He responded while using his skills to attack Lu Li crazily.

It's a pity that when the three of them were together, they were always at a disadvantage. How could two people survive now?

He knocked down some of Lu Li's health, and Sanyue Yu filled it up with a wave of his hand.

When Yue Guang rushed over to join the standing circle, everything quickly settled down.

Two shining golden characters flashed across the stage, Victory!

This marks that the Luli team has achieved a staged victory and entered the top 100 camp in the Chinese region.

Don’t think that a mere hundred is nothing. At the annual Game All-Star Ceremony, those who can receive invitation cards are the top 100 powerful teams. Among the factors considered in the guild ranking, before the team enters the main event One hundred is also a very important bonus.

Lu Li and others were not immediately sent out by the system. The three of them stood together, leaving behind the last images of the regular season.

Those who enter the top 100 are more or less celebrities in the gaming industry.

PS: Because I have a cold, I have only updated once for the past two days. I'm sorry everyone. I will work hard to code and strive for two updates today. I will make up for what I owe later. I will do what I say. Thanks to Don’t forget Haofeng’s 1888. No one has tipped me for a long time. Thanks to Josier丶, Battlefield**, Don’t forget Haofeng, ▓The Myth of Death, and Very Boring Boring Monthly Tickets.

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