The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 291 The Sorrow of Stars and Moon

Lu Li finally entered the top 100.

The Star and Moon Guild that he defeated was eliminated.

When Aojian and others were teleported out by the system, the wild BOSS who was about to fall happened to fall.

"Boss, it's out, it's out," a younger brother couldn't help cheering as he picked up the things dropped by the BOSS. This was the only material they needed to upgrade their guild. In ten minutes, they would be a second generation. Level 10 guild.

There can currently be several level 20 guilds in the game, and there will definitely be no more than fifty.

If the first fifty guilds reach level 20, and if the team enters the top 100, their ranking will be able to improve a lot.

It's a pity that a certain boy was too excited and didn't see Ao Jian's livid face.

Qian Duoduo kicked him over: "What's going on? Did you wink at me? Didn't you see that the boss was unhappy?"

The game does not say that everyone is equal, but it is absolutely a matter of grudges and grudges. There is no one here who is free to leave his own affairs.

This kind of scene, which is impossible to see in ordinary guilds, is common in the Star and Moon Guild.

The kid got kicked, which actually didn't matter in the game. It didn't hurt or hurt. However, in front of everyone, his face was completely lost.

You three losers, why don't you take your anger out on us?

A trace of anger flashed across the eyes of several players, but it was quickly covered up.

The treatment for the official members of the Star and Moon Guild is so good, even better than those of the top guilds. Players like them, who have relatively average backgrounds and relatively average skills, are reluctant to leave.

I can only swallow my anger.

"Okay, please be more restrained," Root No. 3 couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm in a bad mood, let's vent, that's not okay," Mr. Qian Duoduo rolled his eyes.

"If you want to vent, go to the arena to vent. Most of them are rookies trying to be heroes in their own guilds." Root Hao San slammed the things in his hands to the ground and said angrily: "If it weren't for you, Lu Li Will you leave? If it weren't for you, would Young Master Eleven leave? Just because of your bad mouth, the guild will leave every now and then."

"Third brother, can you speak?" I said, Qian Duoduo was unhappy. "We are not worthy of them at all. It is because they are ungrateful."

"If you really think so, then I really have nothing to say," Root 3 suddenly felt very powerless.

Lu Li was originally a gold miner of the Star and Moon Guild, but he was offended by Qian Duoduo again and again. Ao Jian failed to maintain an impartial stance. He thought that Lu Li would tolerate such high salary just like ordinary members of the Star and Moon Guild. I didn't expect that the man was unwilling to suffer any grievance at all. He tore up the contract and paid the liquidated damages.

There were no experts who stayed in this guild since then, but without exception, they all jumped out like Lu Li.

Those who are truly capable will care about your so-called high salary of tens of thousands of real coins a month.

Root Number Three is an old man of the Star and Moon Guild, and has been in the guild since its establishment five years ago.

He is well-known in the commander circle, but he has always been ridiculed as a "guarding dog". He has to be trapped in this hopeless guild with so many good opportunities.

Today, for the first time, he felt discouraged.

"Third brother, why do you have so much trouble? Come with me as a group of elites, and we will go to Warsong Canyon to abuse food. Each of you will receive 10,000 real coins. You can just hang out here." I mean, Qian Duoduo doesn't even think about the root cause. No. 3's mood was such that he left immediately.

Gen Hao San trembled his lips, too angry to speak.

"Lao San, don't be familiar with him. It's not like you don't know him. He just lost the game and everyone is in a bad mood," Ao Jian patted Gen Hao San on the shoulder and said lightly.

"Ao Jian, do you still remember our dream when we established this guild?" Root Hao San tilted his head, staring at the BOSS's body that was slowly turning into nothingness, his thoughts wandering.

"Third brother, why do you dislike Duoduo? You also know that he has paid a lot for this guild," Ao Jian said a little impatiently.

Normally, he would not say such things to his top general, but today he missed the opportunity to enter the top 100, and he almost went crazy.

I have a problem with having a lot of money, but as the name suggests, I really have a lot of money.

"As expected, you still said that. Yes, I do not like him," Root Number Three chuckled, "Actually, I don't like you either, Aojian, you are really bad."

Then, Aojian received a system prompt.

System: Root No. 3 resigned from the position of elder of Star-Moon Guild. Root No. 3 quit the Star-Moon Guild. He sang a song of separation and shed a thousand tears. He didn’t know when he would see you again.

"Lao San, what are you going to do? If you have something to say, please tell me." Ao Jian was confused.

Ye is Qian Duoduo (World Channel): Root No. 3, if you have the talent and ability, never come back. Our Xingyue Guild has you but not more, and it won’t matter if you have less of you.

Ao Jian was stunned again. He suddenly understood why Root Number Three was so unscrupulous about Qian Duoduo.

Before he could save himself, the group of followers with lots of money and bonuses began to post one after another.

As a result, everyone knew that the root number of Xingyue Guild had quit the association.

Ordinary players who accidentally saw the World Channel were stunned and wondered who the root number three was.

Long Chen (World Channel): The sea is full of fishes, and the sky is full of birds. Congratulations to Brother Genhao for escaping from the sea of ​​suffering. My bloody battle flag is thirsty for talents. Can you give in? The conditions are up to you...

Then, more than a dozen big guild presidents or guild executives appeared.

They all invited Root Number Three to join their guild.

It doesn't matter if ordinary players don't know the root number three, but as long as they are not newbies playing the game on their first day, how come they don't know the names of these high-level guilds.

Someone soon learned that Root Number Three is a character on the commander rankings, ranking 31st.

Only 31, is it of such great value? It is worthy of personal invitations from so many president-level figures, and most of them are open under any conditions.

That was caused by the Star and Moon Guild. How do you think such a second-rate guild can be ranked among the big guilds? There are many rich guilds, but there are only a hundred or ten big guilds.

Look at the top 100 guilds. Those guilds have at least ten years or even hundreds of years of experience. Only the Star and Moon Guild has only five years.

It took five years to lead the Star-Moon Guild to this point, and this person had already entered the high-level view of all the major guilds.

As a result, the World Channel began to educate people about how scum the Star and Moon Guild was.

Lu Li also knew about this and blocked the world channel. However, several of his teammates were not so aloof and would block the communication platform with the largest amount of information.

Lu Li (World Channel): Brother Genhao, my temple is small, so I won’t be polite. I wish you great success.

If there was anyone in the Star and Moon Guild who left a good impression on Lu Li, it seemed that the only one was Root Three.

However, he also knew that Root Number Three was the kind of managerial talent who coordinated the overall situation, and had no use at all in his small mercenary group of ten people.

Root Number 3 (World Channel): Thank you all for caring so much about me as a guard dog. I want to take a break for the time being. Thank you Lu Li for your blessing. To be honest, Lu Li, if I had made another choice, you would still have left Xingyue. ?

His so-called other choice was probably to break up with Ao Jian for Lu Li.

PS: The starting point is drawn. . .

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