The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 292 Silver Treasure Chest

Lu Li was silent for a long time. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't feel comfortable answering, or because he was waiting for the channel to use CD to cool down.

After a long while, when everyone thought he would not answer, the World Channel suddenly said: Sorry, we only accept cooperation, not jurisdiction.

Then the World Channel became lively again.

Root No. 3 has all kinds of people who are eager to win over him, and Lu Li's words also caused all kinds of ridicule.

Only cooperation is accepted, not jurisdiction.

It was a bit too aloof. At least several senior officials of the big guild felt very uncomfortable after seeing Lu Li's answer. They felt that Lu Li was indeed a thorn in his side.

However, Root Hao San's eyes suddenly lit up, and he did not accept any invitations from the guild after that.

Not long after Lu Li won the game, the three of Azure Sea Breeze, relying on their level and equipment advantages, managed to win two games in a row and finally broke into the top 100.

The Piao Ling team has no treatment, and relies entirely on heavy firepower to rush forward. If they can heal within seconds, they will win. If they can't heal within seconds, they will lose. In the following game, they encountered the main team of Wushuang City. Those who were abused did not want to give up. They were very sorry. is just outside the top 100.

Wushuang City ranks ninth on the Chinese Guild Rankings and has star-level professional gamers Qingqi Gujiu and the deadly Golden Pants.

Speaking of the union rankings, the rankings last time were like this.

The City of Glory deserves to be number one. The following are Jiangnan Nobles, Blood Flag, Storm Legion, Seventh Heaven, Azure Guardian, Light Rain Pavilion, Wings of Dawn, Peerless City, and Stars.

Except for the first City of Glory, the fourth Storm Legion, and the tenth Stars, the others are all alliance unions.

The dominance of one family in Glory City was evident from the very beginning.

Although the Jiangnan nobles ranked second, they did not have many masters. However, after entering Shuguang, they secured the joining of Xingmeng Qingwu and Yiye Zhiqiu, coupled with the veteran main force Tong Yanwuji, they formed a new thief method. The German Ironman Triangle has not lost a single game in the regular season.

It is impossible for all of the top 100 to be masters, and there are also lucky ones like Azure Sea Breeze. It can only be said that most of the people who can reach the top 100 have their own uniqueness.

After entering the top 100, there was a long rest period.

Lu Li planned to do a few things to bridge the gap between them and the big guild team in terms of skill books.

During the competition, skills that he thought were unlikely to become popular at this stage appeared one after another, such as Frost Nova, Soul Scream, Kidney Shot, Big Cyclone...

They have no advantage in terms of skills in front of these big guild teams.

Lu Li planned to open a silver treasure chest first.

This time he didn't go alone, but called Hachi-chan.

No way, treasure chests of silver or above cannot be opened casually. Either the location is difficult to find, or they appear among a group of perverted monsters.

The silver treasure chest that Lu Li was about to open was guarded by a level 30 lava monster. It was not a BOSS, but it was much more powerful than an elite. Players called it a quasi-BOSS.

Lu Li's chance of killing a level 30 quasi-boss is almost zero, so he still can't open this treasure chest.

It's different now, Hachi-chan can also fly, so you can add blood to yourself by taking her there.

No matter how useless the treatment is, it can still increase blood, right?

"According to what you said, I bought the supplies, but you have to tell me where to go. What if you take me out and sell me?" the little girl thought.

"I might as well sell you two pieces of black iron equipment," Lu Li was speechless.

"You..." Hachi-chan said angrily, "I'm angry..."

He left the city with Xiao Bajiang and gradually headed towards the barren mountains in the southwest. All the monsters he encountered along the way were killed by Lu Li. He was now equipped with a level 25 dagger, and his attack power increased sharply.

"There seems to be no road ahead," Hachi-chan raised his neck. What stood in front of them was a towering and continuous mountain.

"Let's fly over," Lu Li began to read the crow transformation skills.

"Wow, you can actually fly, but it's a pity that you're so ugly," Xiaobajiang turned into a butterfly and flew twice around the crow that Lu Li had turned into, letting out a proud laugh.

It sounds a bit creepy in the deserted wilderness.

"I'll take you to open the treasure chest. Remember to follow me closely. If there's any danger, run away first," Lu Li ordered, and flew up into the sky first.

Most of the dangers in the air came from raptors. This barren mountain became scorching hotter as you went deeper, making it less suitable for living creatures to survive. Without food sources, there were far fewer raptors. Lu Li and Xiao Bajiang did not encounter any dangers along the way.

"It's so hot, where are we going?" Hachi-chan complained, fluttering her wings.

"Be patient, it will get hotter later," as they spoke, they could already see a fiery red lake not far away.

"What is this? It couldn't be magma, right?" Hachi-chan almost fell down. If she still had legs at this moment, they must have become weak.

You can't see anything like this in the real world.

The magma is as turbulent as the sea water, rolling up high waves.

The splashing water almost stained Lu Li's wings. He had to raise the flying height again, then stopped and called to the people behind him.

"Come here quickly, nothing will happen."

"You're lying, I just saw you almost burnt to death," Hachi-chan wasn't that stupid.

"I'll take you to find good things. There's no danger at all," said the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. Lu Li couldn't force her, so he had to follow the guidance.

"Really?" As soon as she heard that there was something good, the little girl forgot about the danger.

Following Lu Li, they avoided the lava and flew for about five or six minutes. Finally, they landed on an island in the middle of the lake. Lu Li circled around for a while and chose a place to land.

Judging from the appearance, there seem to be traces of intelligent life activities here, and the surrounding half-dissolved buildings look like temples.

Xiaobajiang also fell down and transformed back into human form together with Lu Li.

"I feel like I'm going to die from the heat. No wonder you asked me to bring some water." Hachi-chan opened a bag of water, took a few sips, and then poured some water on his head.

Lu Li ignored her and searched for a while based on the direction in his memory. Sure enough, he found what looked like a treasure chest behind a stone wall.

The material of the treasure chest is extraordinary, and it is entirely silvery white. The inscriptions on the chest flow slowly, constantly changing patterns.

Silver treasure chest!

The silver treasure chest on this lava island has a high probability of being able to produce various top-notch skill books. This is what Lu Li saw in the notes of a treasure chest hunter in his previous life.

The notebook not only records his several harvests, but also records the powerful lava monster guarding the treasure chest.

"Wow, treasure chest," Hachi-chan was about to rush over.

"I don't want to die," Lu Li quickly grabbed her, observed the surrounding terrain, and chose a location that was suitable for Xiaobajiang to increase her health.

Hachi-chan obediently stood behind a stone and squatted down.

When Lu Li needed her to increase blood, she would stand up and read skills. When she didn't need to increase blood, she would squat down to avoid being affected by the lava monster's group attack skills.

PS: Thanks to Fei Aguang, Sui Feng ④ Wandering for the reward, thanks to the Proud Demon King, Feather Color Like Lacquer, Deep Water Loach, Dabei Without Tears, Jiazhi, yuanyue159, Wu Shi 1 Reading, Masked Soul, Wu Shi 1 Monthly pass for reading.

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