The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 317 Entering the finals

Five minutes into the game, Qingqi Gujiu could only hope that Lu Li would make a mistake.

According to his experience, people are not machines. As long as they are human, they will make mistakes. The key is that some people's mistakes are too slight for their opponents to grasp and launch a counterattack, while others often fall into their own mistakes.

Disappearance, Shadow Escape, Wind Walk, Sprint, Shoe Special Effects, Glove Special Effects, so many mobility skills and equipment special effects are enough to support Lu Li in a guerrilla war.

Sometimes, the dagger's special effects would be punished, and another person exactly like Lu Li would appear on the field to join in the fun.

The phantom attack was not very high, but it added up. Those 20 seconds were particularly difficult for Qingqi Gujiu. He had to worry about whether he would be directly controlled and killed by Lu Li, so he had to use big skills to increase his health.

The big skill is really effective, but it costs mana.

At the 18th minute, Lu Li tried his best and finally wiped out all the magic value of Qingqigu Wine.

If you add blood to yourself, you will have to spend mana. If you don't add it, you will be killed. The grinding king, who is famous in the gaming industry, was killed by grinding.

This battle is even more classic than the battle where the solitary smoke of Dragon City in Ziyue Cave killed the moonlight.

In the individual competition, Lu Li defeated Qingqi Gujiu and won.

After an hour's rest, Lu Li barely recovered and began to compete in the team competition.

Coming from a grassroots background, he is very resilient. He can carry on carrying bricks on a construction site for three to five hours straight, but Qingqi Gu can't do it. He is highly concentrated mentally and is even more tired than Lu Li. Standing on the field I still can't hide my tiredness.

Lu Li and Yue Guang looked at each other and nodded understandingly.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, the playing field is not a place where gentlemanly demeanor is important. If they don't use Qingqi Gujiu as a breakthrough at this moment, then they can really go home and sleep.

Lu Li and Yueguang rushed directly to Qingqi to sell wine. March Rain rushed directly to the opponent's camp and screamed with his soul.

There was chaos on the field, but Lu Li and Yueguang remained calm. Lu Li controlled Qingqi Gujiu and beat him with all his strength together with Yueguang. Even if there was a full-time assistant to increase blood, it would be useless. After all, it was not a professional treatment.

Fatal Golden Pants, who rushed to the rescue, was hit by Yueguang's gut-wrenching roar, and became a cripple within a few seconds.

The team battle ended quickly. In comparison, it was not even as exciting as the individual battle.

The most profound impression people have is that the combined output of Lu Li and Yueguang is so brutal. As a plate armor, Qingqi Gujiu's health line is so fast that he was almost killed alive by one round of skills.

Wushuang City stopped at the top four, and the Xinxin Mercenary Group entered the finals!

When he heard the news, not to mention everyone else, even Lu Li was in a daze.

Just entered the finals?

As the days passed, each day was very fulfilling, and the memories blended together, Lu Li gradually couldn't tell the difference between the past and the present. Many times, he still felt that he was an inconspicuous little shrimp.

In order to make money, he worked hard.

Finals, championships... these things are two years away from him. It's like when he wakes up, someone comes over and informs him out of nowhere that you have entered the finals, so prepare to compete for the championship.

"Why don't you go offline and take a rest," Yueguang could understand Lu Li's exhaustion at this time. He was still half dead after the match with Longcheng Guyan.

"No, there is still half an hour for the game between Weiyu Pavilion and Capital of Glory. Let's go and have a look, but we just don't know if we can buy tickets." Ten silver coins is nothing, but it's hard to get a ticket.

"You can apply to the organizer," Yueguang said with a strange expression.

He was finally able to confirm again that Lu Li was not familiar with this industry. If people in the professional circle knew that Lu Li was still buying tickets online like ordinary players, they would be shocked.

Although it has not been officially confirmed yet.

But the three members of Lu Li's team played their roles. They were solid star players.

No matter how hard someone from the professional association makes a move, it’s impossible to shut them out.

Lu Li tried to apply through the system channels, and sure enough, he got the privilege of freely entering and exiting various arenas.

After entering, you will directly appear in the player's seat, which is not in the same place as the audience. The angle of watching the game from this place is more perfect, and it also saves the embarrassment of being surrounded by ordinary players.

Not many people have seen Lu Li's true appearance, so he hasn't experienced the treatment he gets as a star.

The individual competition is between Blood Dagger and Water Elf.

Dawn's most classic individual competition is currently the battle between thieves and law, and the other is the civil war among thieves.

The water elf lost to the very scared wood before and had a good psychological quality. He faced the blood dagger again.

It's hard to say who is stronger, Blood Dagger or Scared Like Wood. In Lu Li's memory of his previous life, they also had the opportunity to fight, and each had their own victory or defeat. Generally speaking, Blood Dagger is slightly stronger.

However, some people believe that the reason why Blood Dagger is stronger than Scary Wood is because he has the Capital of Glory at his back.

Ragnarok ranks 30th, while City of Glory ranks first. The resources are completely unequal.

But in terms of technology, it seems that wood is not bad.

Speaking of equipment, water elves don't seem to be weaker than blood daggers.

Her weapons were all made by Lu Li himself, and even Lu Li drooled after seeing them. As for the other equipment that could be worn on her, it was probably made of fine silver at least. Rich women were most in need of money.

Blood Dagger is indeed level 25, and the equipment has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the civil war between two thieves, the key is the issue of first move.

From the perspective of the audience, Lu Li could see their movements and movements. This kind of duel between masters was also very inspiring to him.

The necklace around the water elf's neck shimmered, and she ran straight towards the blood dagger.

This was activated equipment, and it seemed to add a lot of perception. Lu Li never believed that Blood Dagger didn't have any concealment-enhancing equipment, but the water elf still took advantage of it.

The sneak attack is followed by a backstab.

The degree of completion looks very impressive, the damage is not low, and it also has an armor-breaking effect.

Blood Dagger decisively used Wind Step, and the two were once again in a stealth confrontation. The water elf's necklace seemed to be in a cooling state, and she did not continue what she had just done.

Next it’s time to test their positioning. The two top thieves are very capable in their positioning.

But the water elf was a little bit off. When she passed by Xue Dagger, she was knocked out by Xue Dagger with a sap.

The blood dagger also starts with a sneak attack, followed by a backstab. Its completion is no worse than that of the blood elves, but its damage is slightly weaker. It seems that there is a gap in the equipment between the two sides.

The water elf used Wind Step, which was expected.

However, the purpose of this Wind Step was not to escape, but to attack. The moment the Wind Step took effect, the cloak on the water elf's back flashed and appeared directly behind the blood dagger.

This cloak was sold by Lu Li, who had dominated the wild BOSS of Illidan's Shadow for a long time.

Several copies of the Shadow Cloak skill have been released, and two cloaks have also been released.

Blood Dagger was controlled again. He no longer had the Wind Step skill, and could only passively bear damage before waking up from the dizziness.

The blood volume dropped quickly, but the water elf didn't have the ability to stun him until he died. The blood dagger disappeared and escaped the water elf's attack. If the blood elf's throat wiping was completed at a higher level and produced a bleeding effect, The blood dagger is over.

If there is a bleeding effect on the body, it will automatically appear after disappearing.

"What do you think?" Yueguang asked Lu Li.

"The blood dagger is actually nothing more than that," Lu Li smiled and replied.

Moonlight was silent for a moment, then asked: "Who do you think our next opponent will be?"

"It's hard to say. In the individual competition, Water Elf should win. Her equipment is so good. That necklace is full of malice towards thieves," Lu Li sighed.

In addition to the necklace, the water elf's weapons are also top-quality forged by Lu Li. I don't know if this is considered self-imposed.

PS: Please ask for recommendation votes. When there is nothing to do, everyone just voted for recommendation. It is a shameful waste. Thanks to Political Commissar Zhuang Zai, Yan Yang, Starry Stars, and Mao Xiaoxi for your monthly votes.

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