The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 318 Challenging Lu Li

Blood Dagger can only make up for the damage gap in terms of skills. The attack angle of his dagger is very tricky, and normal attacks can usually deal damage up to the upper limit of the attack limit.

If he is not controlled, he will try his best to block the attacks of the water elves.

Blocking is the most commonly used fighting method among thieves. Passive skills purely test vision and hand speed. Successful blocking can effectively reduce the opponent's degree of completion. Fights between high-end thieves basically test the success rate of blocking.

Blood Dagger performed very well in this aspect.

It's a pity that he has a gap in equipment and skills, and his personal style is too violent and refuses to give up an inch of ground. He is not as smooth as "I'm Afraid of Wood", nor as clumsy as Lu Li, Kikube Paralysis and others.

The consequence of a head-on confrontation is that his blood volume drops too quickly.

When a white circle appeared under the water elf's feet, and then its blood volume suddenly recovered by 20%, the battle came to an end.

In the individual competition, Water Elf defeated Blood Dagger.

Several pairs of the seven thieves, plus Lu Li, had already fought, and there was no one-sided situation. Everyone had their own victory or defeat.

Just like the water elf, she defeated the blood dagger, who had the highest claim to win the championship, but lost to the hands of a very scared wood.

And I'm Afraid of Mumu said during the interview that the colleague he fears the most is the Blood Dagger.

In the team competition, Weiyu Pavilion faced off against Glory City.

The Weiyu Pavilion Guild also has a long history, but it has always been a famous but not powerful union.

It is famous because the main members of their union are girls, and there are many beautiful girls. As long as they are men who do not mess with gays, no one will be interested in girls.

However, considering various aspects such as temperament and physique, female players do have certain shortcomings in gaming.

So they have always been seen as casual girls who play games together.

This situation lasted until the emergence of Water Elf. This wealthy woman whose identity is a mystery is said to have entered the game at the age of fifteen. Later, she joined Weiyu Pavilion and grew into a high-level union leader by virtue of her own abilities. At the age of eighteen, she In 2006, she quietly privatized Weiyu Pavilion.

What really made Weiyu Pavilion famous was that they poached Qing Chengshang at a high price.

Qingcheng Ming was once the main player of the prosperous dynasty. She switched to Weiyu Pavilion with an annual salary of 2.1 million, setting a record for the value of a female player and causing a sensation at the time.

Priest Xingxing Nannan was also "bought" by the water elf at a slightly lower price. She came from a medium-sized guild and performed well in the competition that year. The water elf deceived her without saying a word, and there was no competition that season. Finished.

With the same RMP lineup, the game officially started an hour later.

Lu Li finally got to see Qingcheng Shang's fighting style. How should I put it? This girl was very violent and aggressive. In comparison, Xiao Mo seemed a bit feminine.

At the beginning of the competition, there was no one-sided situation. The six players were all experienced masters.

At one minute and forty seconds, the water elf performed outstandingly and controlled Xiao Mo on the spot. Qingcheng Chen rushed over and violently attacked, knocking Xiao Mo's health down to less than 30% in a short time.

But at this moment, Glory City Xishan Bai showed his power. Without anyone's intervention, he spent nearly ten seconds to read a skill, which raised Xiao Mo's health to 80%. about.

Add half the blood at once!

Lu Li felt a bit toothache from watching it. Those who could reach the later stages of the game seemed to have some tricks up their sleeves.

Of course, he himself is no exception. His ability to transform into a leopard is still a secret for now. I don't know what Jin Yiwei's group thinks, and they have never revealed it.

Maybe they felt that they were unlucky and lonely, and they were happy to see others stumble when Lu Li was here.

The output of Xiao Mo failed, and the advantage that Weiyu Pavilion had just now was wiped out. The blood dagger kept attacking Xingxing Nannan, the priest of Weiyu Pavilion. The blood volume gradually dropped to less than half, and the situation began to reverse.

In order to protect herself, Xingxing Nannan activated her soul scream.

Blood Dagger and Shadow Cloak blocked this skill. Xiao Mo was far away and ignored it at all.

Many people did not expect that Glory City would win so easily. At three minutes and seventeen seconds into the game, they killed the healing priest of Weiyu Pavilion, initially laying the foundation for victory.

Although Water Elf and Qingcheng Shang broke out and killed Xishan Bai, it was too late. Their blood volume was much less than Xiao Mo and Xue Dagger.

At three minutes and forty-four seconds, a huge golden dawn enveloped the stage, announcing that Glory City had won and entered the finals.

Xinxin Mercenary Group and Glory City compete for the championship in the finals, and the loser is the second place. Weiyu Pavilion and Wushuang City enter the semi-finals to compete for third and fourth place.

After the game, both sides chose to be interviewed.

"Weiyu Pavilion missed the finals, do you have anything to say?" The reporter first asked about the water elf. After all, she is a beauty.

"Our team has performed well this season. I am very satisfied that we have reached this point. I believe the results will be even better next season," Water Elf said without hesitation.

She didn't mean what she said. Last season, Weiyu Pavilion didn't even make it to the top eight.

"If you enter the finals and you face the Xinxin mercenary group, are you sure?" the reporter asked again.

The water elf blinked his big moist eyes and glanced to the side, "I think you can ask them now..."

The reporter's question was blocked and he was not angry. He turned his head and looked at the three people in the Glory City: "Hello, Master Xiao Mo. I haven't seen you on such an occasion for a long time. What do you think of the next game? "

"I hope to compete with Lu Li in the individual competition," before Xiao Mo could say anything, Blood Dagger was the first to express his opinion.

The reporter was quite surprised. It is rare to see someone challenging an opponent like this before a game. Looking at other people's expressions, they didn't seem surprised either. There must be a story in it.

Keenly grasping this information, the reporter cautiously asked: "Excuse me, can you reveal the reason?"

He was already prepared to be refused an answer. He never thought that Blood Dagger had no intention of avoiding it at all, and replied in a deep voice: "Because I was defeated by Lu Li once and was killed by him once."

"You are trying to rob me," Xiao Mo smiled: "I was killed by him too..."

Wow, the reporter almost jumped up.

As a reporter who doesn't play games, he has many ways to know about Lu Li. He knows that this newly rising master has various legends, and there are also a lot of dazzling performances in official records. However, these are not personal experiences, and hearsay is just a mist. Know whether to believe it or not.

Nothing can be more shocking than the person personally admitting it.

As for whether Xue Dagger and Xiao Mo could lie or make a joke, how could people of their level make such a joke.

That's either water getting into the brain, or water getting into the brain.

PS: Thanks to Ruyi02, Just read the book, Alian_, Great sadness has no tears, Good food is hard to find for the reward, Thanks to Alexwang, Xijie★Zhitian, Bookworm Xiao Xiao is me, Yun Chui Bo Miao, Very boring boring, Monthly tickets for XX Express and Anle.

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