The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 319 The wealthy woman borrows equipment

"Can you describe the situation at that time?" I can't tell whether it was due to interview needs or whether the reporter was curious like a kitten scratching his heart. Anyway, he really wanted to ask this question.

Unfortunately, Xiao Mo still just smiled, while Xue Dagger shook his head: "There's nothing to say, I just lost in his hands."

"So, you hope that Lu Li will play in the individual competition," the reporter smiled bitterly. He couldn't pry the mouths of these game masters. Whether or not to talk depends on their own mood.

"Yes, I hope Lu Li will not avoid the battle, although the possibility of him participating in the battle with the Xinxin Mercenary Group is very high," Xue Dagger said indifferently.

"Are you sure you can defeat Lu Li?" the reporter asked.

The water elf snorted beside him, and the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

Even if you can't beat me, you still want to defeat Lu Li without going home and looking in the mirror. Just because a woman has big breasts doesn't mean she has a big heart, and rich women don't even bother to pretend to be elegant. They feel unhappy when they lose at the hands of the City of Glory.

Xue Dagger decided not to be acquainted with women, and faced the camera and said: "Whether I am sure or not, I will fight him openly."

He emphasized the word "upright and upright", and he was obviously still worried about the time when Lu Li and Nan Bosi Rui teamed up to get him.

After watching the game, Lu Li still went to level up, no different from usual, as if tomorrow's final match was not important at all. Yueguang still went to Warsong Canyon, and March Rain worked hard to practice his skills with several sparring partners invited by Yueguang. , it seems that only she is normal.

"Where is it?" The water elf's information is never so full of nonsense.

Such a beautiful girl has no emotions at all, and I don't know if she will meet someone who can change her in the future.

"Scorched Earth Plains, killing the fire wolf," Lu Li replied.

Ten minutes later, a cold light struck from the side and pointed directly at Lu Li's neck.

The angle was tricky, and it was silent, but in the end it failed. At the moment of contact, Lu Li, who was still trembling with the monster, appeared ten yards away like an illusion.

"Is this the backhand you used when competing with Qingqi Gujiu?" The water elf gave up the test as soon as the attack failed.

"Well," Lu Li killed the remaining monsters in three strokes. He stopped and asked in an equally emotionless tone, "What do you want from me? Do you need us to level up together?"

"No need, I'm here to ask you, are you confident against the blood dagger?" The water elf shook his head.

"Well..." Lu Li hesitated for a moment before saying, "Didn't you just defeat him? Do you think I should be confident?"

At their level, no one can be sure. Of course, Lu Li is not without confidence, he is just more cautious.

"I can defeat him partly because of equipment, but also because of luck. As for whether you can defeat him, how do I know? I thought you were already confident," the water elf said.

In her eyes, Lu Li was very mysterious and always had unexpected behaviors.

"I can't say I'm confident, but I think I won't lose," Lu Li caught the fire wolf that spawned next to him and spoke while attacking, not having the consciousness to face the well-known beauty in the game.

"..." The water elf didn't say anything, thought for a while, and started to take off...

"What are you doing?" Lu Li was shocked and was attacked by the fire wolf several times.

If his equipment wasn't good enough, if an ordinary person were attacked like this by a level 30 fire wolf, he would probably die directly.

But no one could calm down after seeing this scene. The wealthy woman was actually taking off her clothes in front of him.

"Give you my equipment," the tree elf rolled his eyes at him, and began to realize that his behavior was a bit inappropriate. Taking off his clothes in front of a strange boy was really crazy.

In fact, the clothes in the game cannot be stripped off unless strongly requested. There will be a set of cotton underwear left on the body, which looks like pajamas. Very little skin is exposed, but the outline is better than wearing leather armor. Be clear.

Of course, the water elf has a very good figure and has everything he should have (o(╯□╰)o), but Lu Li's attention was all on the equipment he had traded.

It should be mentioned here that the equipment in Dawn is not differentiated between men and women, but the effect of the equipment on players of different genders is completely different. Female players tend to be more beautiful, while male players tend to be more powerful.

The top was made of level 25 fine silver, with special effects for attack. It was completely different from the one worn by Lu Li. He thought about it and rejected the equipment.

He gave up the wrist guard without even looking at it. Lu Li would not change it even to increase the attack power against the undead race. The blood dagger was undead, so he would enjoy the maliciousness of Lu Li's wrist guard against the undead race.

The shoes, belt, and shoulder pads were all not necessarily better than Lu Li's, so Lu Li traded them all back.

"You should be able to use this necklace, and this... ring." The dull woman held a ring and finally discovered that the meaning of this jewelry was a bit strange.

The Insight Pendant is indeed it. It is an activation-type jewelry that can increase perception by 30% after use. It is not as good as the Star Silver one, but it is almost the same if used in a short period of time.

Lu Li put on the necklace and took the ring.

Of course, his supreme ring will not be replaced, nor can it be replaced. What is replaced is another ring.

The water elf ring has very good attributes, including armor breaking and critical hit. It is the best among the rings. I don’t know how much this prodigal rich woman spent to buy it.

There was also a helmet. Lu Li's original one wasn't bad, but it was still not as good as the one handed over by the water elf.

It adds some perception. In addition, it can also be immune to the effect of being controlled once. However, it has to be activated before the skill falls on the body. The duration is only five seconds. Advancement or delay will not work. The operation is very demanding. , Water Elf had not successfully used it in the competition, but Lu Li liked this equipment very much.

"I'll lend you these gloves too. Remember to return them to me," the water elf reluctantly took off the gloves.

Even such a good ring was given as a gift. What could be more exquisite? Lu Li's interest was immediately aroused and he couldn't wait to take it.

Predator Gloves (Gold): Armor 28, Agility +20, Strength +10, Special Effect 1: The equipment requirement level is reduced by 20%, Special Effect 2: When hit, there is a certain probability of silencing the target, and no skills can be used within 3 seconds. , Special effect 3: Disarm, forcing the enemy to be unable to use weapons to fight, lasting 3 seconds, cooling time 120 seconds, equipment requirement level 30, durability 64/64.

It’s actually golden equipment!

Moreover, it is a level 30 gold equipment. Because it has a special effect that reduces the demand, it can be equipped at level 24.

No wonder Xiao Mo was controlled by the water elf. Lu Li was still puzzled when watching the game. Moreover, he also saw the water elf disarming the blood dagger weapon. He guessed that this wealthy woman had a special skill.

I didn’t expect it to be such top-notch gold equipment at level 30.

The comparison between people was really irritating. Lu Li looked at his equipment. Except for the Supreme Ring, there was no piece of equipment that could compare with this glove.

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