The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 353 Wolf Cavalry

Throwing a bomb broke Lu Li's heart.

Xingmu's explosion rate is now so low that he only carries three spare ones, and hundreds of gold coins fly away with just one throw.

Baslan, I spent a lot of money to burn you. If you don't repay me well, even if you are reincarnated, I will chop you down and burn you as firewood while you are asleep.

After Lu Li rushed out, he immediately went straight to the Maestra post.

Why don't you burn Basilan's body? Nonsense, Basilan is dead, and he won't run away. Those orcs will run away soon.

They didn't run away even after they were discovered. It's not like they were brainless.

"Sir, I have important information," Lu Li approached the Maestra post and resumed his original night elf form. He grabbed a human soldier and breathlessly recounted the situation in the pit camp.

Maestra Post is an area jointly defended by night elves and humans, and human soldiers are stationed here.

"How is this possible?" The soldier simply didn't believe it.

There is a tribal camp hidden within a thousand yards from here. What a joke. If Lu Li hadn't seen that he was a real night elf, he would have been killed with an arrow.

"It's true," before Lu Li could explain in detail, another soldier next to him shouted with a trembling voice.

Following the direction his finger pointed, a group of crazy orcs!

The three tall orcs in mail armor were all riding wargs. Their scarlet eyes were fixed on Lu Li at the sentry post. They did not slow down when they approached the sentry post and charged straight towards him.

Damn it, these lunatics didn't run away and chased them here.

And there are actually three wolf cavalry!

These wolf cavalrymen are official members of the Iron Knights at first glance. The standard BOSS template is simply not something he can handle at this stage, but the Maestra post has only a dozen human soldiers.

"Where is Lord Delgren?" Lu Li grabbed a soldier and asked.

Delgren the Purifier is a human paladin. He followed the orders of the Silver Hand and came to this place with his followers to station while investigating a secret organization composed of orcs and undead - the Darkbank Cult.

In other words, this is his territory, and it's time for him to take the lead.

"Your Excellency went on inspection today," the soldier said with a sad face.

"Get ready for battle. Use the defensive equipment. I'll go ask for help!" Lu Li didn't care about any rewards. If all these soldiers died, he might not be able to get any benefits at all.

And in a sense, these people were killed by him.

Transforming into a crow, Lu Li flew out from the outpost.

He didn't go looking for Delgren, who knew where the guy was patrolling.

The nearest defensive base is Maysena Outpost!

Since the last water elemental war, the defense of Meisena Outpost has been greatly enhanced, and it should be able to send reinforcements.

"Your Excellency, Mystra Post has been attacked by orcs. Three wolf cavalry have joined the battle. Please send someone to support you." Lu Li showed his figure in front of the players regardless of shocking the world.

In full view of everyone, a crow turned into a human form, causing many players around to exclaim.

Could it be that some druids have learned to fly, but we don’t even have mounts? Are we playing the same game?

They did not doubt Lu Li's identity, because Lu Li did not use any thieves skills, and he also covered his face and wore leather armor like the druid.

Meisena Outpost has never been short of players.

In order to admire Meisena's face and voice, countless perverts came here to admire her. They even set up their homes in outposts and were content to sleep on the grass every day.

During peak hours, there are even hundreds or even thousands of players lingering here.

"Wolf Cavalry?" Meisena's expression suddenly became serious.

There was no question about Lu Li. As a priest, Meisena was extremely sensitive to the blessings of the Moon Priest. She saw the mark belonging to Carolina on Lu Li's shoulder at the first sight.

"In addition, there are dozens of orc warriors and undead apothecaries. Mystra Post cannot resist for long," Lu Li quickly provided information.

Meisena blew the conch horn without hesitation. She mounted a pure white cheetah and rushed out first. Behind her were a dozen night elf sentries riding panthers and dozens of rangers. The sentinels leaped and sped through the trees.

"Defend Meisena!" Lu Li shouted loudly while hiding in the group.

The players were stunned for a moment, and then the male hormones in their brains were aroused by these words. They roared to defend Meisena, while running behind and rushing behind.

Many people who heard this familiar shout on the way joined in.

Not long after the battle to defend Meisena Post ended, many people here had participated in, or at least heard of, that exciting battle.

A torrent of hundreds of people followed behind, growing bigger and bigger like a snowball. Only then did Lu Li feel relieved.

But I beg the soldiers at Maestra Post to wait until reinforcements arrive. If Meisena is left with nothing but a mess when she arrives, any rescue will be meaningless.

Lu Li's crow was very fast and arrived at the scene before Meisena.

The battle was raging at the scene, and the Mystra Post was not destroyed by the tribe as Lu Li imagined. The crossbows on the watchtower worked, and the leader of the Maestra Post, Delgren, appeared on the battlefield in time.

This human paladin was wearing heavy silver-white armor and was fighting one against three. Although he was at a disadvantage and was covered in scars, he still didn't die.

"Sir Knight, reinforcements are coming," Lu Li roared an encouraging voice, and after landing, he pounced on an orc wolf cavalry.

Although his attack is not enough to cause much damage to the Wolf Cavalry, it is enough to relieve the pressure on the Paladin as harassment, and Meisena is behind him anyway.

As soon as he finished speaking, the reinforcements from Meisena Post arrived on the battlefield.

However, the crushing Lu Li expected did not happen.

The Orc Wolf Cavalry is the BOSS template, but the Night Cavalry from the outpost is only a high-level elite. They do not really belong to the Night Elf Sentinel Legion. Like the orc warriors outside Warsong Canyon, they are peripheral members of the legion.

Although Meisena is also a BOSS template, her profession is that of a priest and she is not known for her combat prowess.

Even so, with the addition of this new force, the balance of the war clearly began to favor the Alliance, and orc warriors and undead pharmacists were constantly shot and killed by the Night Rangers.

It was the players who were the straw that broke the camel's back.

When hundreds of players suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the three orc wolf cavalry were obviously stunned.

The system is yours, tell me what to do next!

"Defend Meisena, long live the goddess!" The perverted wolves roared and rushed towards the enemy in their eyes. Let alone a level 30 BOSS, even if Sargeras is standing here, he can't stop the pervert.

The Wolf Cavalry is not afraid of these reptile-like weak players, but don't forget that there are human paladin Delgren who are not weaker than them, priest Meisena, and a group of level 30 elite NPCs they lead.

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