The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 354 Killing the Wolf Cavalry

The Wolf Cavalry, who had been reduced to a mere commander, turned around and left.

Orcs are never afraid of life and death, but they are not irrational, especially for an NPC-type BOSS that already has a certain amount of intelligence.

"Sir, shame can only be washed away with blood. We can't let them go," Lu Li said anxiously. These are all level 30 bosses. If you don't leave one behind, then today's fun will be in vain.

Speaking of shame, the eyes of the paladin whose life is honor are red.

These filthy orcs actually built a camp in his jurisdiction. This masked elf was right, blood must be shed today, the blood of shame, the blood of death!


Delgren roared, and the horse rushed forward. The spear in his hand suddenly penetrated into the head of the opponent's warg, and the wolf cavalry on the warg's back was thrown off directly.

The other two wolf cavalry paid no attention to the companion who had lost his mount, and they galloped away without looking back.

The wolf cavalryman whose mount was shot down knew that he could not run away, and gave up the plan of escaping. A look of determination appeared on his ferocious face, and he roared and raised the battle ax in his hand.

The dismounted Wolf Cavalry is still the BOSS. Without a way out, he looks even more impressive.

"Fight the BOSS!" Not only were the players not afraid, but they were even more excited.

Not only can I show my bravery in front of the goddess, but I can also fight BOSS and explode equipment. How lucky am I today?

Lu Li was also very excited. He had already caused a lot of damage to the wolf cavalry in front of him. Once he killed the BOSS, he would probably gain the right to pick up equipment.

As for the trace of respect in my heart, there is no other way. The camps are against each other and there is only a happy fight.

The level 30 wild BOSS was never killed until he was bleeding like a river.

It will probably be much easier with the help of NPC today.

The orc cavalry made a sweeping sweep, and the players rushing in front of him flew backwards, losing a lot of health.

Lu Li had to go up to get the equipment. If he always stayed behind, as long as someone caused more damage to the BOSS than him, he would lose the right to pick up the equipment.

Fortunately, there was NPC Paladin Delgren, whose spear held up the giant ax of the orc cavalry.

Two BOSS-level beings stood together while going back and forth.

Others can only be reduced to soy sauce. Even so, some people are still often swept out, and even turn into white light in mid-air.

Lu Li originally thought that the Wolf Cavalry was a BOSS that was improved through training and combat, and would be weaker than the dungeon BOSS of the same level. Now he had to admit that he was wrong. He was very wrong.

Many times, wisdom is a more powerful thing.

Compared with those dungeon bosses, the Wolf Cavalry is undoubtedly a wise being.

This wolf cavalry's fighting style is irregular, and there is no strategy that can deal with it, so no one has ever written a strategy on how to deal with NPC soldiers.

Ordinary taunting skills have no effect at all on him, and his skills will not be released step by step like the dungeon BOSS.

In less than half a minute, dozens of players were killed, and on average one and a half died in one second.

He can dodge and swim away, and when he uses his powerful moves, he likes to target crowded places. Lu Li almost got hit by a fish once, but luckily he activated Wind Step in time and escaped.

Paladin Delgren, who was already seriously injured, had several more wounds. Without Meisena's health support from behind, Lu Li doubted whether he could really defeat this wolf cavalry.

One side is just for face and duty, while the other side is for life.

The Wolf Cavalry finally gradually reached the end of his life. He fought bravely and fearlessly, but he faced two BOSS-level existences.

When he was pierced through the chest by Delgren's spear, his little blood volume was instantly emptied.

Lu Li then received a system prompt to gain experience, which was not very generous. The main damage came from Paladin Delgren, not from him and the players who followed him.

Does the right to pick up belong to you?

There are many different rules for equipment explosion in Dawn, according to different scenarios and different types.

In this situation, if a player or team causes a certain standard of damage, they will be given priority to pick it up. If no player reaches the standard, the equipment will fly out from the equipment space, and whoever can grab it will belong to him.

Fortunately, they didn't fly out, indicating that the player's damage had reached the minimum standard stipulated by the system.

"Why can't I pick it up?" Someone screamed strangely.

Following his roar, everyone around him rushed towards him.

The level 30 BOSS will reveal something good. No one can resist this temptation. No one will pay attention to Meisena next to her. Anyway, there will be plenty of time to see beautiful women in the future.

Lu Li put his hand on the Wolf Cavalry and silently thought about picking it up.

At this time, he felt very anxious, fearing that he would hear the cold reminder from the system that he did not have permission to pick up.

Fortunately, this didn't happen. There was something inexplicably extra in his hand. Lu Li quickly put it into his backpack and continued to pick it up...

First two small objects, then a book, and finally a two-handed axe.

The first two were not very impressive, but when a huge ax appeared in Lu Li's hand, all the players stared at him. It turned out that this guy had taken everything away.

"Hand over your things and spare your life," someone said with a sinister smile.

"Everyone has contributed, so why don't you just take it all by yourself?" Some people reasoned. If they had the right to pick up the goods themselves, they would never say such words.

"After offending so many of us, do you think we can still play this game?"

Lu Li began to sweat on his forehead.

Wind Step is cooling down and has been used in the previous battle.

Escape effects on shoes? Hundreds of people are surrounding here, and there is no way to teleport him outside the circle.

After thinking about it, he couldn't find a way to get out safely.

After all, this is a game that pays attention to balance. No matter how good you are, you can't kill seven in and seven out under the siege of hundreds of people. They will leave you alone by throwing a common skill.

"Thank you for your help. You can go to His Majesty the Priest Meisena to receive the reward. However, I want to take this thief away."

Paladin Delgren sat astride the standing horse, watching all this from a high position. Just when the players were about to take action, he suddenly spoke up.

Go on, who the hell do you think you are? If it weren't for us, you would have been killed by the Wolf Cavalry. The players almost laughed out loud. With such thoughts in their hearts, it is naturally impossible to listen to this. Guy's orders.

These players felt too good about themselves. The reason why the orcs retreated was actually Meisena and her elite sentries, and perhaps the continuous reinforcements that the orcs imagined.

As for the players, neither party really takes them seriously.

"Attack!" Delgren suddenly raised his spear and thrust forward hard.

This is not a simple stab. He once used this move to kill the wolf of the Wolf Cavalry, and used this move to pierce and kill the Wolf Cavalry. At this time, his stab was aimed at the player.

More than a dozen people turned into white light and disappeared on the spot.

PS: Thanks to Dabei Wu Tears, L.Z.H., 7857, Muzi Saishan Xunfeng, \u0026 Funu¥Career, idateyou, Liu Gengxin, Naughty Jay, Yue Guaolaoshutou for their rewards and likes. Thanks to Nothing 1 Reading, Fat Aguang, \u0026 Funu¥Profession, Can You Still Treat Me, weilan83, yjm9999, Feng Yi Miao, Alexwang's monthly ticket.

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