The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 385 Defiler Fragments

The hotel in Nanhai Town is very different from other places.

The tinkling musical instruments were beating tirelessly, and it was an ancient and strange melody.

There are many people drinking here, including NPCs and players. There are actually more players.

As for the hotels that Lu Li was familiar with, such as Astrana, the hotels there were much more deserted than here, and people were in a hurry, rushing to level up and download dungeons all day long, as if there was a ghost chasing behind them.

This hotel in Nanhai Town is more laid back.

At this time, there was a teenage girl standing on the table dancing.

The body is small and light like a butterfly.

There was a man and a woman standing next to the table where she was dancing. Judging from their appearance and expressions, they should be her parents.

After the dance, there was thunderous applause, and even the NPCs cheered loudly.

"Hey, Elf, what would you like to drink?" Kaili, the owner of the hotel, a Mediterranean human uncle, greeted Lu Li.

"A glass of ale, thank you," Lu Li threw the Ravenholdt Manor badge on the counter and sat down.

"You are so discerning. You will never find such delicious ale in the entire continent." Kaili glanced at the badge without any reaction. He quickly filled a glass of ale and pushed it from the counter table to Lu Li's face.

"That's really lucky. It's my first time here," Lu Li took a sip and praised: "The taste is great, I seem to smell the smell of spring."

"Young man..." Kaili shook his head in disbelief, "I thought you were here to see Nima. She will dance her new dance tonight. It's a pity that you adventurers went to bed too early."

That's because the system forces you to go offline, okay?

The nima that the hotel owner calls - this is not a curse word - is a beautiful waitress who is a beautiful sight in Southsea Town.

If Carolina is the divine beauty and Meisena is the gentle beauty, then the waiter in this town is the wild beauty with an extraordinary style. Many people come to the hotel to drink probably because of her. Come.

At this time, Nima was talking to several players.

She was holding a string of pearl bracelets in her hand, and several players were telling how hard-earned this string of bracelets was. They seemed to have explored an undersea ruins, and were said to have experienced nine deaths.

Nima exclaimed at the right time, and as she moved, she caught a lot of glimpses of her chest and neckline.

"Your Majesty, you are so impressed. I must be looking forward to the arrival of the night every day." Lu Li glanced sideways at the waitress and complimented the hotel owner as the guide said. In fact, this flattery was not against his will.

"No, young man, I treat her like a daughter, how can you say that," Kaili argued excitedly.

"Boss, what happened?" The waitress heard the movement and ran over quickly.

As she ran, the burden in front of her jumped and jumped, blinding everyone's eyes.

Only Lu Li didn't notice at all. He twisted the badge and let it fly between his fingers: "I'm sorry, this is a misunderstanding. Dear sir, you have a daughter who is enchanting. I don't know what will happen in the future." Who can win her favor?"

When Nima heard Lu Li's flattery, her already smiling expression was full of joy.

She held the counter and sat next to Lu Li: "Oh, elf from afar, you are so good at talking. I have never seen such a gentle adventurer."

Sven should mean polite.

No one will deliberately speak in an NPC way, and the way of speaking in reality will not cause communication barriers.

"This is my first time in Nanhai Town. I want to find something to do. Where can I earn some money for drinks?" Lu Li slowly put away his badge and raised his eyes to ask.

"I'll go, where did you come from, you're such a weirdo, you can still make some money for drinks, you're so poor and you still try to strike up conversations with others," the people who were talking to Nima just raised their ears. Of course they heard what Lu Li was saying, and they were unhappy that Lu Li had attracted the waitress. Attention, what comes out of your mouth is sour and poisonous.

At this time, Lu Li had just experienced a battle for most of the day, and his body was not repaired. The equipment of various levels was also very messy, so it was in a mess.

"Hehe, drink money," the waitress covered her mouth and smiled very teasingly, a bit charmingly.

"The ale here is so delicious. I plan to stay here for a while." Lu Li raised his head and drank the liquid in the wooden wine glass.

The others looked with disdain on their faces. The ale that cost three silver coins per cup, except for the barrel of sour wine that cost one silver coin per cup, was probably the cheapest wine in Nanhai Town. This man was actually so drunk.

"Thank you for liking this ale," the waitress looked very happy. She tilted her head and thought for a moment, then said, "I'm going out later. Are you willing to protect me? Those undead are really scary. If I meet them, they won’t show mercy because I’m a girl.”

"It's an honor. Only by stepping on my body can those who should have died touch your noble body," Lu Li said sincerely.

The system now prompted him to receive an escort mission.

Several onlookers were stunned. They hung out here all day long, drank hundreds of gold coins of various kinds of wine, and did not see a thank you from the waitress.

I don't even understand why the waitress would choose such a down-and-out thief to protect her.

You know, after the players set foot in Nanhai Town, no one could receive even the simplest task from the waitress for half a month.

Is it because of the ale?

They silently memorized the trigger point of this mission, and looked at Lu Li with even more jealous eyes.

"I think this brother can come to Nanhai Town. He must be at a high level. How about we compete. If I lose, I will buy you as much ale as you want." One of the three unhappy players came over. , said gloomily.

Lu Li ordered another glass of ale, counted three silver coins and put them on the counter. He ignored the provocations of the people around him.

The same thing happened after that. About half an hour later, the waitress changed into a hunting suit and came out from behind.

"Boss, I want to go out."

"come back earlier."

Lu Li stood up from his seat and followed, and the two of them walked out of the hotel.

The waitress's new hunting attire was very beautiful, giving her a dashing beauty. Lu Li was walking behind her, and what he was staring at was not her exquisite waist and hips, but the small dark red penis she was holding in her hand. dagger.

Defiler Shard!

Lu Li even wanted to bend down and bow to the waitress.

It's purely respect for the strong.

However, he still had things to do before expressing his emotions.

"Please forgive me for being so rude in front of ladies," Lu Li's figure swayed and hurried back.

Before the three sneaky players had time to react, the one in front was knocked unconscious by the sap. One of the other two players stood blankly on the spot, and a large amount of damage appeared on the head of the other one.

It took a total of thirty-two seconds for the three players to lie on the ground and become corpses.

The waitress stood there quietly, without making a sound or taking any precautions against Lu Li's sudden outburst. It seemed that in her eyes, everything was so boring and ordinary.

PS: Thanks to Mlo0o, 7F Shang Tianlong, Kang Ejia, Theory, Ruoye Yingxue, The Sloth in the Tree, Shuoning is My Baby, degrewdfd, Dragon God Flying, and Lulu Lililu for their monthly votes.

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