Lu Li picked up the equipment exploded by the player and stood up slowly.

He put away the dagger and said apologetically: "I don't really like people following me, so I have no choice but to kill them. The respected lady should not mind."

"I sympathize with them, that's all." The waitress turned her head and walked forward: "I hope you can get to where you want to go before dark. Many ogres have come from the Alterac Mountains recently. Rather cruel.”

"Thank you, Your Excellency the Guide," Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief. The purpose of this trip was finally achieved.

Ravenholdt Manor is by no means a good place, nor is it a place that everyone can find. There are two guides in Hillsbrad Hills, one is a waitress in Southsea Town, and the other is a thief skills trainer in Tarren Mill. .

Lu Li was in an alliance, so naturally he wanted to find a waitress from Nanhai Town.

It doesn't mean that if you run up to her and say, "Take me to Ravenholdt Manor," she will take you there.

First of all, you must have the Ravenholdt emblem. No matter where you got this emblem, in short, this is the ticket to Ravenholdt Manor.

In addition you must gain the favor of the waitress.

Lu Li knew about these things in his past life, and someone was once killed by a waitress because their ignorance angered the seemingly innocent high-level thief who actually held the Defiler's shard.

The loser warned those who came after him, never think that you are the uncle holding the token in your hand. That token is not worth a penny. They can kill you at any time and throw your body into the wilderness.

As for the opinion of the League of Assassins - they will never have even an iota of respect for the dead.

Lu Li's way of gaining favor with the waitress was very simple. He first praised her for the ale he brewed by himself.

Honestly speaking, the ale in the hotel is indeed very good, tastes good, and is cheap. In total, it costs three to five yuan a cup, which is more affordable than Coca-Cola.

Otherwise, you can only bribe her with jewelry.

Women always like jewelry. This probably has nothing to do with occupation or race.

The waitress is level 45, a quasi-BOSS template. Ordinary BOSSs of the same level may not be able to do anything to her, and she is a thief who comes and goes like the wind.

The jewelry that can catch her eye must at least be jewelry with more than level 40 gold.

Those players just now used ordinary jewelry that could be bought for a few gold coins in the trading shop to fool her. Lu Li could sense the murderous intent in the female thief's calm eyes without even looking.

In a few months, when the evil spirit of the female thief is publicized, no one will dare to show off in front of her.

In fact, what Lu Li did when he killed those players was to please the female thief.

The female thief seemed to be very satisfied with Lu Li. At least she did not arrange any of the legendary cheating tests for him - 80% of the players failed during the tests and lost the Ravenholdt emblem as a certificate.

Lu Li turned his head and glanced at the female thief walking beside him.

It was not to admire her impressive appearance or figure, but to assess the strength of this NPC colleague.

Especially after entering Dalong Mountain, Lu Li began to look forward to danger.

The danger came as expected. When Yetimas' huge body appeared in his field of vision, Lu Li rushed forward deliberately, as if he had seen the windmill's Don Quixote.

It was a lifetime ago that I met Yetimas. At that time, he was in a team of 25 people at level 30. Twenty-four of them, including him, were employees. The boss hoped that they could help kill Yetimas. Mars, the mutated monster, got his mission item.

It's a pity that they underestimated the strength of this level 40 quasi-boss. The team defeated him four times in a row and failed miserably, with no hope in sight.

Death in the wild loses experience, and four times is already a crippling loss.

Lu Li also lost a level 30 silver equipment that time. In his previous life, he was not as rich as he is now.

Later, I came into contact with some guides about Hillsbrad Hills and Ravenholdt Manor, and I understood why the boss spent so much money to hire someone to kill Yetimas.

If you want to join Ravenholdt Manor and become an official member of the Assassin's League, the Twisted Horn of Yetimas, the Yeti Lord, is the first trial voucher.

Lu Li didn't want to go to great lengths to recruit hundreds of people to help, otherwise it would be easy for other guilds to pay attention and disturb him, although no one has dared to attract Yetimas' attention so far.

Yetimas is not a BOSS, but he is even more awesome than the BOSS.

For the Stormpike troops stationed in the Alterac Mountains and Hillsbrad Hills, their biggest threat is not the Frostwolf clan, let alone the Forsaken, but an unusually large snow monster—— Yetimas.

This monster has Dawn's most powerful shock.

He can knock his opponents into the air, at least several hundred meters away. Most of them will fall to death after falling down. Even if there is a little blood left, it is not enough to slap him.

The number of people was not a threat to him. After the shock, all the besieging units flew up and fell to death.

From level 30 to level 40, Yetimas is the most lethal existence.

Because of his presence, no one has set foot on the entire Dalong Mountain.

This was originally a fertile hilltop, rich in herbs and minerals, with roaming lions, deer, and wild horses, which could provide a large amount of leather and meat, and even a captureable horse mount.

What makes people even more speechless is that such a powerful quasi-BOSS does not pack any good stuff.

There are also guilds that use the tactic of adding fuel to the fire, and have beaten Yetimas to death a few times, but each time they came back disappointed.

Lu Li didn't know that the sky was high and he and a group of bad guys took over the mission. He died four times before he heard that this thing was almost unkillable. Later, after he got a high level, he came back with Azure Sea Breeze and a few others to take revenge.

Now he wants to enter Ravenholdt Manor and become a formal member of the Assassin's League - not a cannon fodder-like peripheral.

Yetimas is a must-kill target that he cannot avoid.

He was careful in everything and established a good relationship with the waitress Nima just for this gamble.

Hopefully the waitress won't sit idly by.

If a level 45 quasi-boss takes action, no matter how awesome the level 40 quasi-boss is, he will probably have to stop. What's more, this female thief is definitely not a weakling. The Defiler Shard in her hand has an extraordinary origin.

The Defiler Shard is an almost legendary weapon.

Although the equipment level is only forty, although the grade is only legendary, and although I have never heard of any awesome special effects, it is the fastest weapon in the Dawn game background.

Someone once said that when you attack your opponent once, once the opponent holds this dagger, he can attack you at least three times.

Of course, all of this is speculation. At least no player has ever obtained this dagger. All legends and speculations are only learned from NPCs.

PS: Thanks to Xingchen Yinhui, idateyou, Xiao A Maojun, Book Friends 080906040842937, Polynezine, Jiajia Dudu, Don’t give in to labor and management, and rookie tweets for their rewards and likes. Thanks for the monthly votes of Leap., Four Truths, pcwayt, The Ups and Downs of Love and Hate, The Frog Jumping Out of the Well, Fantasy Maple Song, 9527!, The Wind in the Sky, The Silver Star, tgtiiii, Xia Mo°Amor, and Book Friends 141219150538055.

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