The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 387 Killing monsters with a borrowed knife

Yetimas is three or four people tall, and Lu Li is like a child in front of him.

This guy slapped Lu Li away with a casual slap. The knockback effect was very powerful. Combined with the huge difference in body size between the two sides, Lu Li's poor scheming body looked like a ping pong ball being hit.

Fortunately the waitress took action.

Her seemingly weak figure rushed towards Yetimas with an extremely disproportionate momentum. Yetimas suddenly retracted his giant palm and let out a shrill scream.

However, this pain did not scare him away, but instead aroused the ferocity of the giant beast.

It howled and rushed over, clasped its hands together, and hammered down hatefully.

The waitress turned around and ran away without hesitation. She even grabbed Lu Li before leaving, otherwise Lu Li would have flown hundreds of meters high by now.

The entire canyon seemed to shake, showing the lethality of this skill.

"Is this really your first time coming to Hillsbrad?" the waitress's voice was filled with chills.

As a thief, she felt that she should not challenge her opponent head-on, and he was also a difficult opponent that even she usually had to retreat from.

"Goddess of the Moon, this is really my first time here. Are all the monsters here so powerful?" Lu Li's voice contained a hint of grievance. It was indeed his first time in Hillsbrad Hills in his life.

"You shouldn't mess with this big man," the waitress frowned, looked at Yetimas and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I drank too much ale just now and I lost the calmness that thieves rely on to survive." Lu Li paused and added: "In front of a lady like you, any man hopes to have the opportunity to show bravery."

Lu Li's language style is very similar to NPC.

In fact, he has no knowledge. He just dealt with the NPCs in Dawn for more than two years in his previous life. He deliberately studied and read many books about Dawn. He has a very good understanding of race, region, history, and even the character of the waitress in front of him. Deep understanding.

His flattery was perfect, never going beyond the waitress's tolerance limit, and basically reaching her heart.

"This is not bravery, this is stupidity," the waitress flicked her wrist. Although she still blamed him, she actually forgave Lu Li. She said eagerly: "Since we have provoked him, let's kill him together."

"I am willing to fight for you, my dear lady," Lu Li licked the corner of his mouth and said shamelessly.

Okay, everything needs to be settled.

The only thing he needs to worry about now is whether he and the waitress Nima can jointly kill this giant beast.

Two thieves, without treatment, Lu Li did not dare to face Yetimas. He went around to the monster's back in a clumsy manner and slashed at its heel.



This damage is not ideal, but the damage caused by Yetimas to him does not exceed 300 points, so it is not unacceptable.

If there is no special plot mission, just like the last time Lu Li and Paladin Delgren teamed up to kill the Wolf Cavalry at Maestra Post, when the player and the NPC join forces to kill the monster, the player must complete 10% of the total health of the BOSS. Only by doing damage can you gain the right to pick up equipment.

Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

Now it was another situation. Lu Li only received an escort mission, and that was almost a joke, and it did not include this quasi-boss who was not part of the plan.

Lu Li couldn't see the damage the waitress had done to the boss, but based on his observations, it shouldn't exceed 500 points.

Yetimas has a total of three hundred thousand blood!

Unfortunately, Lu Li soon discovered that there was a fatal flaw in his calculations.

The waitress is holding the Defiler Fragment in her hand, which is the fastest attack weapon in the Dawn game. Even though it is not as incredible as the legendary 3 attacks when others attack 1 time, it still reaches 1.5 attack speed when others attack 1 time. times ratio.

After calculating this, Lu Li became anxious and accelerated the pace of his attack.

In panic, Lu Li retreated a little too late after Yetimas's shock was tested. Huge vibrations were generated under his feet, and a powerful impact lifted him into the sky.

At least three hundred meters!

At this height, anyone would fall to death.

The waitress' expression changed, but it was too late to rescue her. In order to avoid being attacked by the boss, Lu Li hid behind him. The distance between the two was too far.

Just when she thought Lu Li was about to fall to his death, Lu Li turned over in mid-air and turned into a little leopard under the eyes of the waitress.

This incident made the waitress' scalp numb. She had always thought that Lu Li was a pure thief.

She is the leader of the alliance in Ravenholdt Manor, so she is naturally unique in observation, but she did not expect that she might also make mistakes.

Lu Li fell to the ground, a bright red -1487 floated up, and a large amount of blood disappeared.

There was nothing he could do about it. Even if he learned from the Son of the Forest and had a huge cushioning bonus when landing from high places, it would still be unable to overcome the rules of the law of gravity. This gap made him very injured.

After drinking a bottle of intermediate recovery potion, Lu Li pounced on him again.

The waitress' expression changed, and after hesitating for a moment, she waved the dagger at Yetimas again.

Someone resisted the monster and retreated in time when the group was injured. When Lu Li gradually adapted to the rhythm of the battle, the giant beast could no longer threaten his life.

The waitress is indeed very powerful. Now she is fighting the boss like a warrior, and there has never been any danger.

Occasionally, something like a blood mist floats out from Yetimas' body, and is then sucked away by the waitress. In form, it looks like a star-absorbing technique in martial arts novels.


Lu Li couldn't help but think of his Supreme Ring - it once had similar properties. When he upgraded it last time, he didn't know if it was due to the material, but the blood-sucking property disappeared.

How did you obtain the Defiler Fragments?

Lu Li fell into deep thought...

There weren't many people who had access to Ravenholdt, and Lu Li had only been exposed to the tip of the iceberg in his previous life. Naturally, he knew nothing about such core secrets.

Glancing at the waitress who was fighting off monsters with her lips pursed, Lu Li swallowed down the question he wanted to ask.

Since he knew that the question was abrupt, the best way to solve it was not to ask. Lu Li was afraid that he would offend the waitress if he asked such a question. After all, they were not very familiar with each other yet.

Twenty-five minutes later, Yetimas was visibly weakened.

Lu Li was not in a happy mood. He was increasingly unsure whether he could cause 10% damage. The few critical hits of the waitress made his already weak hope even slimmer.

If you can't get 10% of the damage, does that mean you can't pick up the Twisted Horn of Yetimas?

Do you really want to open the entire guild to fight with this pervert?

Even if the entire guild comes, they are not sure, because no one can withstand this level 40 monster unless the Azure Sea Breeze reaches level 40 or above.

And once other guilds get the news, they will definitely not sit back and watch the Sword of Judgment fight the BOSS.

"Hurry up and fight, I'll give you ten minutes."

Just when Lu Li was extremely confused, a scene happened that stunned him.

The waitress was still standing there to attract the BOSS's attention at this time, but the attacking movements on her hands stopped.

PS: If possible, I hope everyone can subscribe to the original version. Even a dollar of support will be the motivation for the author to work hard to create. Thank you for your monthly votes for Starlight, Theory, Explosive Blood 995, bbccnn, and Youyou Ruoshui.

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