The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 388 Dunholk Castle

Lu Li is very self-aware, and he even has a lot of inferiority complex hidden deep in his heart.

Therefore, he never felt that he was very popular in the eyes of NPCs, especially when there was often a task expert beside him to compare. When the waitress said this, he was really touched.

As thick-faced as Lu Li was, this kind of emotion rarely appeared anymore.

With the cooperation of the waitress, Lu Li naturally does not have to worry about not having the right to pick up because the damage caused is not enough.

Since the beginning of the war, most of the damage was caused by the waitress. Yetimas' hatred was firmly fixed on the waitress, and he wanted to smash the waitress into a piece of meat.

Lu Li's continuous attacks failed to attract Yetimas' hatred at all.

Six or seven minutes later, Yetimas let out a shrill roar, and the mountain-like body crashed to the ground, sending dust flying into the air.

"Thank you," Lu Li said sincerely as he saw his experience bar jump a lot.

The waitress can ignore him at the beginning and let him fend for himself, and there is no need to stay and wait for his output later on.

"Can you tell me why thieves can use druid skills?" the waitress asked.

No beating around the bush, very straight to the point.

"Because of an item I obtained by accident, I may be able to master a few insignificant Druid skills," Lu Li said without digging into his heart, but he didn't remain silent either.

"Props..." The waitress put away the dagger, feeling a little dazed.

Azeroth is a dangerous continent, and everyone wants to become stronger. The waitress takes refuge in Ravenholdt Manor, but this is not enough to give her a sense of security. She hopes to be stronger.

NPC has another way to upgrade. At level 45, she has encountered a bottleneck in her strength and has been standing still for more than half a year.

Lu Li's transformation into a little leopard gave her a huge shock.

Such a weak thief - at least weak compared to her, actually mastered such powerful power.

Lu Li squatted on the ground and touched the body. He didn't know what the waitress was thinking at this time. He was not even sure if the waitress had any intention of killing him and exploding the equipment. After all, she was so excited.

It's not that he isn't worried, but it's useless to worry.

The fifteen-level gap makes everything possible succumb to absolute strength.

Apart from the Twisted Horn of Yetimas that Lu Li wanted, there was only a level 40 silver hammer, which was only used for Paladin damage output. Its attributes were not very good. It is no wonder that almost no one wanted to kill this level 40 accurate hammer. BOSS.

It’s really a thankless task, and as for the Twisted Horn of Yetimas, it’s almost useless to the uninitiated.

Lu Li carefully put the Twisted Horn of Yetimas into his backpack. It was so big that it occupied three of Lu Li's backpack slots. Then he raised his head and looked at the waitress.

The waitress was looking at him too.

Seeing Lu Li looking over, the waitress nodded: "Let's go, I hope we can do it before dark... Alas, it's already dark. If you plan to continue walking, then I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep in the Nanhai Hotel today."

"I can't wait to enter the manor," Lu Li still has more than forty minutes until he logs off, and he knows that this time is enough.

The reason why adventurers insist on logging off in the hotel is because they will get an hour of double experience time the next day if they log off in the hotel.

Since Lu Li insisted, the two of them rested for a while and then moved forward again.

At night in the wild, the biggest threat besides Yetimas was the ogres. Lu Li encountered two ogres who were snatching several mountain deer from the mouths of a group of lions.

Ogres are active throughout the day and become more powerful at night. They are elites at level 35.

They couldn't last more than a few rounds against the level 45 waitress. Lu Li had no chance to make a move, so naturally he couldn't get any experience or equipment.

However, Lu Li planned to brush the ogres when he had time, because they would drop blueprints for advanced healing potions.

Advanced healing potion blueprints are not as hard to come by as intermediate ones, but they are not commonplace either. Moreover, once you get the advanced healing potion, it will be of great help to both dungeons and PKs.

About twenty minutes later, they approached their destination.

Regarding Ravenholdt Manor, Lu Li only knew that it was near Dunholk Castle. He knew nothing about the specific location. Even those who had been successfully brought into the manor could not tell the strange route.

As for Dunholk Castle, it is also famous throughout the ages because it was once associated with a great figure.

A human sergeant named Edras Blackmoore found an abandoned orc baby in the wild. He did not kill the baby, although most Alliance members would have done so.

Cheap orc slaves are everywhere and no one wants a baby.

Blackmoore named the orc baby Thrall, representing the human common language of slave, and brought him back to the prison fortress of Dunholk.

There, Blackmoore not only asked his family of servants to raise him with milk, but also hired teachers to educate Thrall, asked people to guide him in war strategies, and trained him in combat skills with various weapons.

Blackmoore wanted to train Thrall into a cultured leader, let him take over the orc tribe, and rule the world with the orc army.

Nineteen years later, Thrall grew into a strong, agile orc as he wished.

Then came the rise of a hero. From the perspective of the alliance, Lu Li deeply admired this hard-working tribal chief.

It has to be said that Thrall's success is indispensable without Blackmore. Without him, Thrall would only be a baby starving to death in the wilderness.

Dunholk Castle is the place where Sal grew up, but even a person like Sal probably never thought that there is a secret organization on the mountain behind the castle.

Some people say that Thrall was helped by the Assassin's League when he broke out of Dunholk Castle. The Assassin's League was always there when Thrall was growing up.

Today's Dunholk Castle is full of ghosts and has completely become a world of the dead. Only under certain plots, players can go back in time and see what Dunholk Castle once looked like.

That was the plot of a difficult mission - escaping from Durnholde, also known as rescuing Thrall.

Both Horde players and Alliance players can do this task. It is a bit ridiculous for Alliance players to save Thrall, but the rewards are very generous. Lu Li plans to bring someone to do it in the future.

After bypassing Dunholk Castle, they found themselves in front of a mountain range.

"Follow me or you might get trapped in this maze," the waitress warned.

"I will follow your footsteps closely, thank you for taking care of me along the way," Lu Li did not dare to be careless at all. Too many people have failed in this place. As long as they have not met Duke Ravenholdt, it is not true. victory.

PS: Thanks to Yunjian Aaiai, Jiajia Dudu, Little A Maojun, Book Friends 080906040842937, and idateyou for their rewards and likes. Thank you for my thoughts, Huixian, I love books like you, Gao Tall, liangzi1314, Feng Shaomu La, Mumu Munan, Po Feng Huazi, Frog Jumping Out of the Well, Jiajiadudu, nellmu, Xuanyuandragon,, Zalor, Monthly passes for Chencun, Xiaoxuxu, Fenghuanyunlian, Maoji, KAMPLUC, Illusory Samsara Zero, and Bianhuang Zuike.

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