The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 393 Defiler Fragments

"Why are you still looking at me? Well, young man, just tell me what you want." The old man was silent.

It's a pity that no one laughed in his honor. The only audience present only thought that he was too treacherous.

It is absolutely unprecedented for this old man to dare to deduct mission rewards from players.

"I just saw the weapon of the Guide. It seems to be very powerful," Lu Li said tentatively. He had to fight for many things by himself. It was obviously impossible to expect Duke Ravenholdt to actively reward him.

"Oh, so you are talking about the Defiler Fragment." According to Lu Li's description, Duke Ravenholdt quickly reacted and explained with regret: "That was actually a failed work. In the last era A master craftsman in the country planned to make a batch of weapons comparable to the Warglaives of Azzinoth. After researching for more than a hundred years, he finally found that many key aspects could not be completed."

"It turned out to be a failed work," Lu Li suddenly felt disappointed.

The mass production and failed works were far from what he expected, and he was prepared to complete difficult tasks.

"This plan has been shelved a long time ago. The few existing Defiler fragments were handed down from that time." Duke Ravenholdt rummaged for a while and took out a weapon that was exactly the same as what Lu Li had seen before, and handed it to him. come over.

It is indeed worthless, otherwise it would not be given away so casually.

Lu Li took it dejectedly. When he got it in his hand, he casually glanced at the attributes...

"Ah!" Only an exclamation could express Lu Li's mood: he was thrown from heaven into hell, and then suddenly discovered that hell was actually not bad.

"If nothing happens, you can leave. If you have any questions in the future, you can go to Nima in Nanhai Town. She is your contact person." The old man showed a mischievous smile, waved his hand and disappeared from the hall.

In fact, he didn't lie. When the Defiler Fragment was made, the demigod-level blacksmith wanted to create a top-notch weapon like the Warblade of Azzinoth, but it naturally failed.

Later, he launched the second plan, hoping that these weapons could be upgraded as the user's abilities improved.

Facts have proved that equipment that can be automatically upgraded is not a common commodity, not to mention that the blacksmith wants to make a lot of them in batches.

Lu Li walked out in a daze, not realizing that the entire island had changed rapidly in a very short period of time.

The vegetation is withering, the buildings are decaying and collapsing, and even the once blue sky is gradually becoming gloomy.

The mountain rain is about to come, the wind is filling the building, and the sea waves are surging.

But Lu Li didn't care at all, his eyes never left the dagger in his hand.

Defiler Shard (unique gold): damage 42-56, agility +20, strength +12, slot 1, special effect 1: attack speed +30%, special effect 2: deep pollution, use, reduce the target's armor and 25% movement speed, cooling time 360 ​​seconds, special effect 3: critical hit, when the target's blood volume is lower than 20%, there is a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect, equipment requirement level 40, durability 120/120.

The level 40 dark gold equipment has extremely good attributes and top-notch special effects, but this old man actually said it was a failure that he had given up on.

The two daggers equipped by Lu Li were actually of the highest quality. Any one thrown into the auction house would cause players to rush for it. But compared with this piece of Defiler, they had the urge to throw them into the sea.

Not to mention the damage, the difference is huge, the Defiler Shard is higher than Moonlight’s level 30 two-handed weapon.

Thirty points of effective attributes do not disgrace its status as a dark gold weapon.

The attack speed is increased by 30%. The highest attack speed bonus Lu Li has seen so far is only an increase of 15%. His previous Furious suit, which is said to be able to be used up to level 30, only increases the attack speed by combining the two pieces together. 20%.

Now that the dagger alone was increased by 30%, Lu Li finally understood why the waitress's attack speed was so fast.

Firstly, it was because the waitress was 15 levels higher than Lu Li, and secondly, it was because of this dagger.

Lu Li now has a weapon in his hand with an armor-piercing special effect, which has a certain probability of reducing the target's armor by 20%. He was very excited at the time, thinking that a one-handed level 30 weapon could never be more powerful. Now he knows that he was wrong. Defiler Shard not only causes higher armor penetration, it actually also slows down the target.

What makes him like this dagger even more is that the double special effect of deep contamination is "use", not a certain probability.

Speaking of probabilities, he is an unlucky guy no matter in this life or in previous lives.

The final blow was the coup de grâce.

It sounds amazing, but in fact it can make Lu Li's enemies tremble with fear.

When the target's blood volume is lower than 20%, there is a certain probability of killing the target instantly. It is actually not effective against current players, because the current blood volume of mainstream players is less than 2,000, and 20% is only three or four hundred.

Lu Li could hit at least 200 points against players of the same level using his finishing moves, and the critical hit was over 400 points.

The point is, the target isn't just players.

Just imagine, if it is a BOSS with 100,000 health, once it has 20% of its health left, it suddenly triggers a fatal blow.

All of a sudden, there are 20,000 blood!

Many of the BOSS's ultimate moves are in the later stages, and Lu Li's dagger is simply buggy.

This is called a reward!

Only this dagger is worthy of the task of killing a level 40 evil quasi-boss!

What is a pity is the equipment level, level 40...

Lu Li has not even reached level 31 yet, and is 9 levels shy of level 40. Now that he is fully upgraded, he needs too much experience points, and even if he is given a month, he may not be able to level up.

A good weapon is placed in front of you, but you cannot use it...

The most painful thing in the world is this!

"Brother, when will the dungeon be released? You have been informed for most of the day. The records of the cemetery have been snatched away by the Blood Flag and the City of Glory. These goods are already catching up."

He read the message directly and returned to the city. As soon as he stepped out of Astrana's teleportation array, the loud voice of the blue sea breeze rang in Lu Li's ears.

This was the message from before. After Lu Li entered Ravenholdt Manor, he cut off all contact with the outside world.

Looking at the time, the message was sent not long ago.

"Is there anyone in the library who can call me?" Lu Li sent back a message.

"Third brother sent people to take turns watching outside the Bloody City. At noon, news came that people from the City of Glory, the Bloody War Flag, and the Wushuang City had entered the weapons depot. Otherwise, I wouldn't have rushed you. Just give me The upgrade of this place we found is really cool." Azure Sea Breeze said.

The two red books in the armory and the cathedral must have keys to open them, and thieves can't even open the locks.

This also means that clearing the library is a prerequisite for these two dungeons. Since someone enters the weapons library, it means that they have also cleared the library.

Each of these large guilds has a core elite group and a strategy team. This strong alliance model makes it difficult for most dungeons to stop them.

"Don't worry, the weapons arsenal is not that easy," Lu Li chuckled.

PS: I’m too busy these days, and the website requires checking and revising previous chapters, so the update may be a little affected. Thank you for telling the story of Dabing, Cao Mu Ma Next Door, Fallen Spiral, Dazhou Bookworm, Yu Geren, and Little A Cat Jun. , tinfong, fgdgkjuj, b33l*ofei.qdcn, mk145465a, Shadow Fang, Yue Xiaoduo, Night \u0026 Rain \u0026 Wind, Look Up at the Starry Stars, Song Family Akai, Ao Ning Zi’s monthly pass.

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