The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 394 Level 40 Weapon

"Actually, it doesn't matter even if we lose one or two first kills. Third brother said that we are too sharp, which may not be a good thing," said Azure Sea Breeze, who was rarely serious.

"Uh... maybe," Lu Li said noncommittally.

Should he stop and wait for the wolf-like big guild behind him? He never felt that he had the capital to stop and wait.

The so-called first kill is due to rebirth.

But rebirth is not a panacea, Lu Li must distance himself from others.

He pulled up the dungeon interface and checked the dungeon records of the Scarlet Cemetery in the past two days. Many guilds had developed strategies for this dungeon, and with the strategies in place, most teams were able to pass the level.

Yesterday, Xinxin Mercenary Group spent an hour and a half clearing the dungeon.

On the current list of dungeon records in the Scarlet Cemetery, the fastest one is the Scarlet War Flag, which ranks first and takes 45 minutes; followed by 48 minutes in the City of Glory, and most of the following ones are over 50 minutes.

This does not mean that they are better than Lu Li and others. Lu Li and others actually defeated two bosses, the Gravekeeper and the Blood Mage, while the others only defeated one Blood Mage.

Dawn's dungeon mechanism includes first kills and records.

As the name suggests, the first kill is the first time to clear the dungeon, and the record is the shortest time limit to refresh the past in terms of time.

Looking at the previous dungeons where the first kill was achieved, except for the Wailing Cave, the rest of the records have been refreshed. After playing a few dungeons, the Grand Guild can quickly sum up an effective plan, and then send a pair to kill them. Maybe if a high-level person enters, he can easily set a record for the first kill in the dungeon.

There was nothing he could do about the dungeon record being refreshed, unless Lu Li slowed down his upgrade pace and waited for the next cycle to go back and refresh it a second time, and it was best to refresh it on elite difficulty.

The current dungeon mechanism is very annoying. No matter what difficulty level you play, as long as it is not normal difficulty, you only have one chance per week.

Once you clear Elite, you can no longer clear Difficulty or Nightmare.

This also means that equipment and dungeon records cannot have both. Lu Li will never give up the high profits of nightmare, difficulty and other difficult dungeons for a mere dungeon record.

Moreover, the dungeon record is only displayed on the dungeon interface. If you click on a certain dungeon, you can see the 100 teams that took the least time to conquer this dungeon.

Its impact is certainly not as powerful as the first kill.

"Is there anything I need to prepare this time?" Azure Sea Breeze asked.

Commander Lu Li usually makes the decision on supply procurement, including medicines, food, scrolls, and even special types of equipment.

"In the weapons depot this afternoon, Mr. Feng, please ask someone to see if there are defense scrolls for sale in the trading house. Everyone should have a few spare ones. Those are very useful..." Lu Li suddenly slapped his head and said hastily: "Forget it, I It’s better to go back, you should have enough time.”

Trading OK!

Thinking of this, something flashed in Lu Li's mind, and he eagerly wanted to go to the trading house to see if he could buy it.

He took out the Defiler Fragment from his backpack, checked it again, and liked the word groove 1 32 times.

Do I have to wait until level 40 if the level requirement is 40?

This is usually the case, but there are exceptions.

The current situation is an exception. It is precisely because of the words "Groove 1" that Lu Li can equip this level 40 weapon at level 30.

The key to solving the problem is just a small stone.

The equipment requirement level is -X%. Every time this kind of synthetic stone appears, countless people rush to grab it. Lu Li walked into the trading shop full of hope, and then quickly walked out with a depressed look on his face.

The explosion rate of synthetic stones is already low, and the one Lu Li wants is even rarer.

He bought some supplies along the way, and the most important thing was to buy dozens of scrolls that added physical defense for a short period of time.

This kind of scroll doesn't add much, it only has an effect on physical damage, and the price is as high as several gold coins per piece, which is only a few hundred yuan less. Most people will not spend this wasteful money.

"Help me find something. If the price is not too outrageous, buy it directly," Lu Li sent a message to Root Number Three, the guild's chief steward.

"What, it sounds powerful," Root Number Three was a busy man, but he would never neglect Lu Li's instructions because he knew Lu Li's role in the entire Sword of Judgment system.

What they are doing determines the height this guild can reach.

"Synthetic stones that reduce the level of equipment required," Lu Li said as he started heading towards the Scarlet Monastery.

"Sounds very rare," Root No. 3 checked, but naturally found nothing.

"Things embedded in equipment can lower the level of equipment requirements. Currently, the jewelry life skills cannot cut out such good stones. Only BOSS and rare monsters can produce them. You can try contacting those mercenary groups or something. "Lu Li wanted to give some clues.

Although the Xinxin Mercenary Group is also known as a mercenary group, they are actually very different from the traditional mercenary group.

At least the mercenary group will not challenge the dungeon without overestimating their capabilities. Their main activity is to help others complete tasks, and they will also buy equipment and sell it.

There is a group of people who like to wander around the edges of NPC battlefields. They hunt down dying enemy camp NPCs and often obtain equipment above the mainstream level. Lu Li had encountered a high-level driver in Warsong Canyon before. The wind.

Of course, not everyone can do this kind of thing. Even if a high-level NPC is on the verge of death, it can easily kill a large number of ordinary players.

Root number 3 understood this and went to chat with someone who was familiar with this art.

Lu Li arrived at the outskirts of the Scarlet Monastery and joined his teammates.

It was not easy to go back. Azure Sea Breeze and the others did not return to Ashenvale at all, but hid in a small alliance camp on the back coast.

Because the roads are not smooth, no one has set foot there yet. Lu Li gave the coordinates based on his memories from his previous life. Equipment can be repaired in the camp, there are mailboxes, and even food is sold. Apart from the fact that there is no hotel, it does not affect the camp.

With this advantage alone, Lu Li and the others can save a lot of time running away compared to alliance players.

As for Lu Li himself, he could run faster than others on the ground, and he could fly in the sky, coming and going freely, and it only took him ten or twenty minutes.

At this time, the outside of the Scarlet Monastery has become much calmer. After all, the battle lasted for two days, and many people were losing experience or even losing levels. Even if there was compensation from the guild, the gain would outweigh the gain.

However, it would be a mistake to think that this calmness is safe.

For example, in the City of Glory, they will send some PVP elites to take turns to squat in certain places to hunt down the enemy's core operations, thereby delaying the progress of the opponent's dungeon.

The Sword of Judgment team is a top priority. Not only the tribal guilds, but also the alliance guilds have received orders to kill them.

At that time, no matter what happens, they will be destroyed directly. As for settling the scores later, who will care.

Lu Li and the others had long received warnings from the people sent by Root Number Three. After careful exploration, they knew that thieves and druids were lurking in at least a dozen places.

"Let's just go in, don't worry about the Scarlet Paladins, just kill anyone who is in the way," Lu Li waved his right hand and rushed forward with Yue Guang.

PS: Thanks to Jiajiadudu, Douya’s Bookstore, idateyou, Yansuo Pochiliu! Rewards and likes from Tao Ran Jin Jiang Tang. Thanks to the devil, sunshine otaku ING, Gan 1986, Xuanyuan dragon, leisurely little Dai, Maoqiu, Xuanyuan villain, timmyang, big fat bookworm, dragon god flying, don't forget Xia Feng, mcflurry1980, fantasy eternal song, vbn056, long☆time, cyylp, yuiZH, Forbidden Moon Demon God, gsdgfdsg, The Pride of Flowers, Supporting Humanity, Calmness, Song Family Akai, Immortal Cultivator on Earth, Theoretical Monthly Ticket.

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