The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 395 Killing you was an accident

If there was only Lu Li, it would be simple. Almost no one would be able to find his traces.

Even if you find him, don't try to keep him without a certain number of people. In single combat, the only ones who can pose a threat to Lu Li are the star players.

What are the chances of meeting a star racer outside the Scarlet Monastery?

Probability is actually the most unreliable thing. If something doesn't happen, it's 0%. If it happens, it's 100%.

When the silly soldier from the Eleventh Master rushed towards him, Lu Li knew that he was in trouble, although he couldn't tell how big the trouble was for a while.

What is certain is that there is definitely more than one person on the other side.

No matter how stupid he is, this guy won't rush over alone. Lu Li's team is composed of the champion team, thieves and animal husbandry iron triangle.

"Others enter the dungeon. Hai Feng, rush over and open the door." Lu Li ignored Young Master Eleven and ran towards the direction where Young Master Eleven appeared just now.

The Eleventh Young Master was intercepted by the moonlight, and the two soldiers fought.

The man who was rushing towards him, pretending to be like Feng, was inevitably stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Li rushing towards him.

In such a moment of confusion, the sap had already hit him on the head.

In this moment of confusion, Lu Li did at least three things. The first was to confirm and select the target, the second was to escape from the battle and sneak away, and the third was to hit his head with a sap.

"Fuck, your reaction is so fast," pretending that Rifeng didn't have the equipment or skills to release the control.

Fortunately, this was not a competition ground, and the trace of the hunter behind him was equally dissatisfied. He first switched his mode, quit the team, and started a vendetta against Zifeng.

A light arrow.

As long as you take damage, no matter where the damage comes from, the effect of Sap will be removed.

Traces is indeed very powerful. He can be ranked at least in the top five or even the top three among PVP hunters. After rescuing his teammates, he even had time to throw a flare at his feet.

Flare is a rare skill of the hunter. This skill can expose all sneaking and invisible enemies within a 10-yard radius of the designated location. It lasts for 20 seconds and has a 30-second cooldown.

This also means that any sneaking thieves or hunters approaching him will show their traces.

After the traces are revealed, the hunter's bow, arrows and pets will make the thief who has lost the initiative miserable. Even Lu Li can't take advantage of him.

But what made Feng Ru and Weizi puzzled was that Lu Li didn't come up to beat them. Could it be that this man was so patient that he had to wait until the flare disappeared after 20 seconds before taking action?

Thinking about Lu Li's previous achievements, both of them looked a little solemn.

It would be nice if people from his own guild came over later. In such an environment where he was being watched by lurkers, Yi Xun Yi Qi felt chills in his heart.

"Fuck you, uncle, why, why don't you come to support me," the voice of the Eleventh Young Master came with a cry.

"Hey, didn't you say that they won't love fighting and will all enter the dungeon directly? And Lu Li is on our side now..." Zang Bifeng was startled by his voice and did not dare to relax at all.

"You are just monkeys invited by monkeys...ah!" Then there was no sound.

"Why don't you talk anymore? You must have been disconnected, right?" pretended to be confused, and his pure eyes made people unable to bear to tell him the truth.

However, Wei Wen still explained to him very kindly: "If I guessed correctly, Lu Li just made fun of you and immediately ran to beat Master Eleven, so... ahem, you understand."

"Fuck, that's too treacherous. How could it be like this? Are the two of us being tricked?" He pretended that Rufeng's name was awesome, but he was actually quite innocent.

"No, it was Young Master Eleven who was fooled. He died again. The two of us are alive and well," Wen Wen smiled, not showing any signs of disappointment.

"That Eleven Shao is so miserable. Why do I always feel like he hangs around all day long? He hangs around on the field and he can't help but fight outside. He shouldn't have left any psychological shadow. Did you hear what he said just now? "Ah - I'm so upset," pretending to be sad like Feng.

"Why do you think Lu Li just left the two of us here to have fun, and then turned around to beat up Young Master Eleven?" Wei Wen asked.

"Needless to say, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance," pretended to be Feng Yi, who was filled with indignation and almost applauded the death of Young Master Eleven.

In fact, they just accidentally received news from the guild that Lu Li and others had appeared. Their hasty intention of taking action was to cause some casualties to the Xinxin mercenary group. It would be great if Lu Li could be eliminated.

Even if the three of them can't deal with it, no matter how hard it is, they can still hold back a few of them.

Regardless of whether it is an alliance guild or a tribal guild, I believe there will be many people who want to keep them out of the dungeon because they are always the first to kill.

Lu Li and Yueguang killed Eleven Shao, picked up the weapons he dropped, and quickly retreated into the dungeon.

To be honest, they were frightened.

There are PVP players in the Scarlet Monastery. Is the Grand Guild finally going to take action against these ten of them?

It's so shameless, Lu Li gritted his teeth.

Frankly speaking, if those people outside were ordinary players, no matter how large the number was, he wouldn't worry. After all, he was a thief and would only reveal himself when entering and exiting the dungeon, so ordinary people wouldn't be able to catch him at all.

But it's different if there are star racers involved.

Of course, Lu Li couldn't bring a group of people to have a fight. The Sword of Judgment had just been established, and they didn't have as deep a foundation as the Grand Guild, so they simply couldn't afford it.

He had already planned that if the traffic jam was too severe, he might as well get help from the town teleporter. The bloody aura was a good thing, but it didn't mean that he couldn't download the dungeon without it.

"You were intercepted. Did Master Eleven and his men do it?" Root Number Three was very well informed. As soon as Lu Li and the others gathered in the dungeon, they received the news immediately.

"It seems you are right. Our tree is big and attracts the wind. If we play the dungeon too smoothly, we will be the enemy of the whole world," Lu Li sighed.

"No way, one of you died?" Root Hao San was shocked when he heard Lu Li's voice was so low.

"How is it possible? We chopped up Young Master Shiyi and threw his body outside," Lu Li said.

"You actually killed Eleventh Young Master. Is he that easy to kill?" Root Hao San felt that the world of these masters was too strange. Just now he thought that Eleventh Young Master was unlikely to kill the members of the Xinxin Mercenary Group. Unexpectedly, Lu Li He actually turned around and killed Young Master Eleven.

According to the information he arranged outside the dungeon, Lu Li and the others were not alone.

"There was no way, he just rushed over. Yueguang and I struck him one by one, and chopped him to death alive." Lu Li suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Isn't the outside of the dungeon heavily guarded? The top thirty guilds are all guarding it." Are you all here?"

"Uh..." Root No. 3 felt a little pain in his head. Was this guy infected by that idiot from Eleventh Young Master?

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