The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 396 Blood Armory

"I also know what you said makes sense. We can't always dominate the dungeon and get the first kill. But those people are not up to par. Do I have to give in to them so that they can have a chance?" Lu Li was still immersed in his own world. .

Although he didn't agree with what Azure Sea Breeze had said to him before, he actually didn't know what he was talking about.

If he were the president of a big guild, once a guild kept getting the first kill, I would have to kill it even if I tried to sell it.

"It's not that exaggerated," Root Number Three explained: "There was no ambush outside. The Eleventh Young Master probably met you at the right time and accidentally met you, and was hacked to death by you.

The Grand Guild does not like us now, but you have underestimated how much they value face. People have a face, and the more status they have, the more they care about face. If the outside world knows that they can't beat you in the dungeon, they will openly organize the organization. The forces are surrounding you, do you think they still have the nerve to hang out in this circle? "

Lu Li is not a big shot yet, and he is pragmatic from a grassroots background, so it is difficult to understand the big shot's thoughts.

"However, we don't rule out the possibility of dealing with us. As long as we keep a low profile, no one will have anything to say," Root Hao San added: "You still need to be careful next time you encounter such a thing. There are many things that can capsize in the gutter."

Lu Li responded and ended the meaningless conversation.

He first ran out and killed a group of bloody paladins, and once again enveloped the entire group with a bloody aura.

Then the Scarlet Monastery Armory Dungeon officially started.

The level of the armory is slightly higher than that of the previous two dungeons. The mobs have all reached level 30. There are also level 32 elites at a higher level. If the average level of the team is not 30, it will be a bit difficult to fight. After all, Dawn only needs Level penalties begin to appear after a difference of three levels.

"Take a look, do you find anything?" Before taking action, Lu Li pointed at the long double corridor and asked.

He planned to train his teammates' vision and thinking mode. Although he had strategies in his hand, Lu Li never gave up on training his teammates and improving each of them's strength.

"There are five in a group, and there is one big one. It seems difficult to deal with," Azure Sea Breeze said.

"What else?" Lu Li shook his head.

This idiot, who asked him to count, how could anyone not see such a simple thing?

"The professional composition is quite interesting, there is actually a priest," said Azure Sea Breeze. Of course, he is not a simple middle school student. He has no talent in PVP, but he will definitely not disappoint his title as the number one MT in the dungeon.

"Even if there are priests, that's normal. Who said mobs can't be divided into professional teams like players," Lu Li said helplessly: "Didn't you discover 110?"

The so-called 110, borrowed from an organization's number, refers to the mobs patrolling everywhere.

This type of mobs either have a fixed route and patrols according to certain rules, or they have no fixed route and will walk to any location at will. If the settings are changed a little more, this kind of monster can also serve as a warning scout.

When they encounter enemy situations, they will feedback to their companions in a certain way.

The 110 in the Scarlet Monastery Armory has such a setting.

When players fight with them, these 110s are likely to blow their whistles, and then three to five teams of mobs will rush over to support them. The key is to focus on the distribution of surrounding monsters.

"These 110 are too many," Azure Sea Breeze observed, his expression becoming much more serious.

"Some fixed-position mobs will also turn into 110 immediately, so this wave of mobs is difficult to fight. What we have to do is not only clean up the mobs, but also pay attention to killing the 110 quickly. Once the 110 appears, I will flash over and control it. Huahua and Tangyuan should focus their firepower as soon as possible. The three of us should be able to handle it. If the second 110 appears, Yueguang, you charge and control it, and the others will help, understand?"

Because of Lu Li's leadership, they wouldn't have to kill them several times before they discovered the secret of the armory guards.

Other teams that entered the armory first, such as City of Glory, Blood Flag, Wushuang City, etc., all of them suffered a lot from mobs.

The blue sea breeze rushed forward to attract firepower, and the others followed the output. When encountering the patrol 110, everyone was able to deal with it. The most dangerous moment was when it attracted three waves of mobs, and more than a dozen of them swarmed over. Fortunately, the MT was very powerful, and only one was killed. Huadi Liqing did not destroy the entire team.

Lu Li played a huge role during this period. His control was just right every time so that 110 would not run around and have no chance to issue a warning.

After entering the building, another trouble encountered was the artillery array.

A row of four cannons is manned by four bloody elites, and they will bombard any unit that enters range.

These cannons are different from bombs. The shells are all solid. Although there is no explosion damage, the attack on a single target is very powerful, and it also comes with various negative effects such as serious injury, burning, and stun.

Once hit, half a tube of blood will immediately bleed out, and one or two more hits and it will be over immediately.

"When the cannonball hits the ground, it will tremble and have a scorching effect. The scorching effect will disappear after about five seconds," Lu Li explained: "What we need to do is very simple, that is, step on those scorching black marks. If If you observe carefully, you will find that after the cannonball lands at a location, it will take at least 20 seconds before it comes again for the second time, and 20 seconds is enough for us to find the next landing point."

"Wow, it's like the tomb exploration in the movie," Can Meng, the little hunter's eyes gleamed.

Her reflexes are very problematic during combat, and she often has to follow others, but when she encounters something like this mini-game, she becomes very proficient.

Girls are very strange creatures, and little girls are no exception.

"Don't panic if you get bombed. The dizziness will only last for three seconds. As long as you keep your mind calm and follow the method I told you to find the landing point, you won't be hit by the shell a second time." Lu Li asked uncertainly: " Does anyone have any questions?”

Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, you will never know until you try it.

Lu Li first showed everyone how to move. Everyone saw him running around in the narrow passage where shells were flying, and the shells seemed to have eyes, but they would not hit him.

"It's fun, it's really fun," the two little girls were very interested.

Come on, they are the ones to worry about. If they are fine, no one else will miss this link.

Canmeng and Xiaobajiang are just ordinary high school and elementary school girls. In fact, they do not have superhuman strength. After joining the Xinxin mercenary group by chance, they were led by this cheating team to fly all the way.

If anyone in the Xinxin mercenary group was defeated, the cute and silly duo would definitely not be able to escape.

After breaking through the artillery position, as long as you can get close to those elite gunners, the threat is basically over. No matter how good you are with long-range weapons, once you are attacked by melee, you will be nothing.

Marching along, we soon arrived outside the Warriors Hall.

PS: Double monthly tickets for October. I am asking everyone for a guaranteed monthly ticket. Thank you for your support. Thank you for Koala Losing Weight, Feng Huan Yun Lian, Secretly Go to the Market Brother, Feng Shao 777, Rebellion Soul §Z, and Whale King in the Sea. , Omaicaidi Gaga, Wolf Clan Requiem, militaryd, Grass on the Fish's Tail, Ye Pang's Happy Life, Charming Fire Dance, Dragon Tiger Roaring Wind and Cloud, BFlikt, Chuan Chuan Dad, Diao Er, Red Blood Fox, Aqua Blue, Peak White, Meteor Wheat Field, Assassin 1977, Weiming Fox, Youyou Ruoshui, Qiu Zai, Alian_, Jiazhi, Zhai Zhai Zhai Zhai Zhai, It rains all night, I love off-road vehicles, Ghost Wolf Purple Shadow, Milky Way Dragon, Sanke, Sweet and Bitter Coffee, Tiger Tiger, HISSHE, Sit and Watch, Night \u0026 Rain \u0026 Wind, Qingfengjiyue, Lengyu Xiaoqiang, Yunfei Wuyan, Cabbage Heartworm, Gasboy, Legendary Level Mi Chong, ignorant people just don’t understand the monthly ticket

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