The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 397 The whirlwind of pros and cons

The armory was a single-boss instance, and Herod sat alone in the warrior hall filled with heroic sculptures.

In the shattered shadows of the old days in Nanhai Town, Lu Li had seen this blond boy jumping past him. He had no scheming and a bright smile. His only line was: Sally, I want to be a hero when I grow up. .

Sally Whitemane, a young man always hopes to prove everything to his sweetheart.

That year, the plague spread across Lordaeron. The Scarlet Crusaders and the Forgotten abandoned their past grievances and joined forces to fight against the Scourge of the Undead.

As the army was dispatched and the Scarlet Crusade base camp was empty, Herod's teacher Rushvoa contacted the troops of the Kingdom of Stormwind and asked them to help guard the Scarlet Monastery.

These knights, who were full of justice and sacrifice, lacked political sense, or were too eager for help and lost their vigilance.

The Kingdom of Alterac has ceased to exist in name only, Dalaran has been destroyed, and the remaining Scarlet Crusaders still insist on Lordaeron. How can the nobles of Stormwind City, who have long dreamed of conquering the human kingdom, really help.

Their army pressed forward and raised their butcher's knives against their allies.

Herod led the bloody warriors, drew their weapons, and launched a desperate fight with the invaders who were several times their size.

The battle was extremely fierce, and most of the warriors died in the battle, but every time one of them died, more invaders were buried with him. We can understand their mood at that time - behind them were the old and the weak who were defenseless. Sick and disabled, their country only has that piece of territory, they have no retreat, all they have left is courage and life!

In that battle, Herod and his men suffered heavy casualties, but they refused to retreat and finally saved the Hall of Honor of the Scarlet Monastery, and together with the returning reinforcements, they repelled the greedy Stormwind noble army.

Thereafter, the Scarlet Crusade no longer regarded the Alliance as their allies.

Herod was named the Scarlet Crusade Warrior!

But in that battle, he was struck by an ax in the left chest, and the injury was so serious that even his heart was vaguely visible. After that, his left half of the body became immobile, unable to bear armor, and unable to hold heavy weapons with his left hand...

If anyone pays attention, they will find that he is actually a berserker with a one-handed axe.

Herod stayed quietly in the Hall of Warriors, guarding the most sacred territory of the Scarlet Crusade. Accompanying him were the statues of the Scarlet Heroes - the warriors who sacrificed their lives heroically in the Natural Disaster War.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door of the Warriors Hall, Herod turned around, his eyes lit up with the flames of battle.

In fact, he is a very simple warrior. Those disputes, extremes, and betrayals have nothing to do with him. He is just a retired veteran who, together with his childhood friends, worked hard to support the last remaining army of the Scarlet Crusade.

"I have been waiting for a real challenge," Herod waved the battle ax in his hand and rushed over before the blue sea breeze could taunt.

The scope of hatred is quite large.

Azure Sea Breeze raised his shield and intercepted the attack. However, a -460 damage hit appeared on his head immediately. Piao Ling standing next to him was also scratched and lost more than 200 blood.

Cleave is already a semi-group attack skill, and all players on the attack path will be harmed.

"This guy's cleave is better than yours," Piao Ling taunted the soldiers in the team.

"No matter how good he is in chopping, he only has one hand, and the damage is actually not high." Azure Sea Breeze was not convinced, "And I am a defensive warrior. I only need to be able to raise the shield well."

Anyway, this BOSS didn't have big problems in the early stage. The key was that the MT could handle it, so Lu Li started to tell the story about Herod.

"Why do I feel like this guy...this big brother is quite respectable," Azure Sea Breeze said a little softly.

From Lu Li's plain narration, what appeared in front of them was a brave veteran with passion and perseverance. He was simply a hero in a novel and a being worthy of respect.

As a warrior, the chuunibyou sufferer felt the blue sea breeze particularly strongly. Moonlight was much calmer, but the way he looked at Herod was no longer just looking at a monster, but also with respect.

"Oh, we are villains now," Hachi-chan said with emphasis. I don't know whether she was sad or happy.

"Don't be stupid, be careful of getting hacked to death," Piao Ling was usually cold-blooded and ruthless.

"Just listen to the story. Don't pay too much attention to the rest. This is just a dungeon BOSS." Lu Li suddenly felt that he really shouldn't say so much.

Unlike Duan, Herod's intelligence was obviously low and he had no reaction to the words of Lu Li and others, as if the person in Lu Li's story was not him at all.

The system is so ruthless, the game has a game to play.

Of course, not all dungeons are like this. At least the Scarlet Cathedral must be smarter. As the level of the dungeon increases, the BOSS becomes more and more intelligent and becomes more and more troublesome to deal with.

"Be careful, be careful of his positive and negative whirlwind," Lu Li glanced at Herod's health and began to warn everyone.

"What is the positive and negative whirlwind?" Not to mention Piao Ling and others, even the two warriors who had learned the whirlwind were a bit dumbfounded. Is there any positive or negative aspect to this skill?

"The whirlwind is turning from left to right. Only MT can bear it at this time. Everyone else must run away, otherwise they will die if they are taken in, especially Mengmeng and Bajiang. You guys will follow suit in March. ," Lu Li explained.

"What about the anti-whirlwind?" The positive whirlwind sounds no different from the large whirlwind commonly used by warriors. It has high attack group damage and strong sustainability, and also has a small deceleration effect.

The problem may lie in the anti-cyclone, otherwise we wouldn't have another name.

"An anti-cyclone turns from right to left. You must look carefully when the time comes. If you see that it is an anti-cyclone, everyone except March Rain will rush into the cyclone to share the damage to the MT, otherwise Mr. Feng will be cut to death directly. , if a single person takes damage, the damage will get higher and higher, and the final damage can kill any unit instantly."

"I'll go, it's so troublesome," others felt for Alexander instantly.

Game companies are really cheating. This game is specifically for playing games. If it weren't for Lu Li, they would be destroyed.

"Otherwise, why do you think there is no first kill notice from the Armory yet?" Lu Li smiled.

The 110s and cannonballs in front of the armory are actually quite deceptive, but big guilds usually have a strategy team. The Three Stooges are better than Zhuge Liang. With so many people, there is always a smart person who can spot the clues.

At least these mobs are not enough to stop the several large guilds who are also opening up wasteland armories.

When his blood volume dropped to 30%, Herod turned the windmill with one hand. This strong warrior with a disabled body but not a will indeed has his own style. This windmill can be said to be a self-created skill. Apart from him, , no other warrior in Dawn should be able to use it.

A large amount of damage floated up from the blue sea breeze. He was moved by the whirlwind. He couldn't help himself, so he could only reduce the damage to himself. Fortunately, there was also March Rain's health boost. Although it looked dangerous, at least it was not fatal. .

The others were like rabbits being chased by a big whirlwind. Xiaobajiang and Canmeng were stuck behind March Rain, and the three of them were like a bunch of candied haws.

Luo Ying recalled that she made a mistake in running in the wrong direction and almost fell into it. Fortunately, Yueguang stopped her in time. Star racers actually had an advantage in the dungeon. At least they were calm enough and had quick reactions.

Herod: This is a whirlwind. If you don't run, people will die.

No one questioned Lu Li's words, and no one even wanted to try it.

With the first buffer, no one will make mistakes when the second big whirlwind turns.

Lu Li felt a little relieved, at least Herod shouldn't have to annihilate the group anymore.

PS: This chapter has been coded until 1:30. If you have a guaranteed monthly pass, please support it. Thank you to Aiwenster, KAMPLUC, Fengqiyunlanglangben, bybye, 7F Shang Tianlong, Hot Yeah, Phantom Ghost Thief, A Xun, Yilan Wu Monthly tickets for Ji Zun, Walking in the Night, wxjwjm, Chasing the Wind Scythe, and kongqingzhen.

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