The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 399 The Resentment of Mistress

Lu Li was still not very lucky this time. He got a level 30 silver dagger, which was worse than the one he was using now. Plus, there was a better one in his backpack, so naturally he had to lose his life in exchange for points in the guild warehouse.

On the contrary, Tangyuan with sesame filling and Luoying Memories got good things. The former was a piece of equipment with particularly good attributes, and the latter got a skill book.

"Shaman's Wrath" has the effect of reducing the damage received by the shaman by 30% for 15 seconds. The key is that this skill can still be used when unconscious. It is a very good damage reduction skill.

Although the others got some good things, they were of little use to them.

This group of people from the Xinxin Mercenary Group can easily get the first kill in the dungeon. Their equipment is better than that of ordinary people, so it is difficult for ordinary things to enter their eyes.

For example, Luo Ying recalled the pair of claws she held in her hand. Although they were only level 20 silver equipment, the special effects were so good that they couldn't be replaced until now. This was even more true for the cloak on Lu Li. He estimated that the level 15 shadow cloak was It will be with him for a long time to come.

"Strategy, make an offer!" Such a domineering opening statement can only be used so skillfully by a wealthy woman.

Not long after the first kill was announced, when a group of people were still discussing the Xinxin mercenary group on the World Channel, the water elf sent a message.

"In the armory, there are no strategies, just hide the bombs and so on. I was lucky this time and passed in no time." It was a standard perfunctory argument. Only Lu Li could do this to a girl on the stunning list.

A beautiful woman needs money, good looks, and a good figure. What's even more difficult is that I have never heard of a water girl bullying others or making trouble unreasonably.

A hero has a hard time being a beauty, and when he sees a man, he will be three points shorter.

There are actually not many people in Weiyu Pavilion, and there are only tens of thousands of people including branches, but they are able to be among the big guilds.

To say that there is no element of everyone taking care of the girls would be an absolute lie.

When fighting a BOSS in the wild and encountering someone from Weiyu Pavilion, it is impossible to give way to the BOSS directly, but you must always give way.

There are many high-level guilds or star players in the gaming industry, and their significant others are from Weiyu Pavilion, such as Long Chen, the president of the Blood Flag, Kikube Paralysis from the Azure Guardian, and so on.

The water elf angrily cut off the communication, angry and funny.

It wasn't like no one had treated her politely before, but to Lu Li's level, it was really unique.

Swish, swish, swish, the monster in her hand was stabbed to death a few times. The female local tyrant grinded her fine white teeth and thought bitterly, Lu, you'd better not fall into my sister's hands. When the time comes, you won't be able to survive but die. cannot.

After the armory, Lu Li and others immediately moved to the Scarlet Cathedral.

This is the last dungeon of the Scarlet Monastery, and it is also the most important dungeon. Only after this dungeon is completed can the strategy for the entire dungeon system be completed.

To put it simply, the Scarlet Monastery is the headquarters of the Scarlet Crusade.

The Scarlet Crusade can be divided into two stages. One is when the Ashbringer Mograine was still alive, when the Crusaders were jointly established by General Abidis, Senior Prosecutor Isenlien, and High Lord Mograine.

In its early days, the Crusaders were an aristocratic organization, and the fanaticism, stupidity, and extreme behavior seen today did not exist at that time.

The second stage is after the death of Ashbringer Mograine, the Scarlet Crusade went crazy.

The key point in this is the death of Ashbringer Mograine.

He was killed by his own son. Looking at the historical background of Dawn, Renault Mograine and Arthas have a great degree of similarity.

When the first signs of the undead plague appeared, the Mograine family lived in Brill's farmhouse. His mother died in childbirth, which resulted in the death of his younger brother Darien.

Renault joined the Knights of the Silver Hand when he was about 15 years old. With the betrayal of Prince Arthas of Lordaeron, Lordaeron completely became a hell on earth full of death.

During the Battle of Andorhal, Uther the Lightbringer, the chief paladin of the Silver Hand, was killed by Arthas, and the Knights of the Silver Hand were almost wiped out. The remaining paladins were led by Alexandros Mograine, Isorien, Alfred Abidis and others, and the Scarlet Crusade was born.

Renault Mograine has been very competitive since he was a child. As the son of the great Paladin Alexandros, his noble origin did not make him lose his desire to fight. He has always yearned to become a hero like his father.

But as the son of the "Ashbringer", he has always been shrouded in the light of his father. He is competitive but does not want to rely on his father's protection. He wants to prove to his father that he is a brave and fearless warrior. However, the great lord did not seem to agree with Renault's performance. He always found fault with his son and often scolded Renault in public, which made Renault, who had a strong self-esteem, very dissatisfied.

Perhaps, the great lord has always hoped that his son can become a hero, and his true purpose is to strictly demand his son.

But history always moves at a faltering pace.

The reason why the father and son completely became enemies was actually because of a woman.

The young priest of the Scarlet Crusade, Sally Whitemane, and Renault Mograine were childhood sweethearts. They grew up together and loved each other.

But Alexandros couldn't accept that his son actually fell in love with his adopted daughter. He asked his son to strictly abide by the knight's ancient creed of humility, honor, bravery, sacrifice, mercy, faith, honesty, and justice. He should treat ladies with respect and courtesy. Knights only have the obligation to protect ladies, but not the right to possess them, and feelings and Carnal desires will cause the Paladin to lose his will to fight.

"This old man is so annoying," the silly and cute duo were at an age when they were ignorant and full of fantasies about love. They listened to Lu Li's story and their anger was at its maximum when they heard this.

"Is Whitemane beautiful?" Piao Ling rubbed his chin, his eyes filled with flames of war. He didn't believe that anyone was prettier than him.

"I heard my legs are prettier than yours," the blue sea breeze laughed playfully.

"You are so disgusting. Look at my legs. What do you want to do?" Piao Ling said angrily.

"Get out," the blue sea breeze said like vomiting.

They were dissatisfied internally, and externally they were tempted by Saidan Dathrohan, a high-ranking crusader who was possessed by the fear lord Balnazzar. In addition, the lich Kel'Thuzad also participated in the conspiracy.

A young man full of resentment and two calculating devils.

Guided by the Scarlet Crusade traitor Athiel, Raynor lured his father Alexandros and Grand Inquisitor Fairbanks into the ruins of Stratholme, where they were surrounded by the Scourge.

Grand Inquisitor Fairbanks fell earlier, leaving Alexandros alone to fight the Scourge. Raynor used Ashbringer to kill his exhausted father from behind.

The whole process of Renault's father-killing was witnessed by Fairbanks who was lucky enough to save his life.

The Grand Inquisitor supported his plague-infected body and returned to the Scarlet Monastery, and angrily exposed Renault's heinous behavior in front of everyone. However, many people, including Archbishop Ethan Lien, were unwilling to believe this. The truth of the matter, and as an insider, Sally Whitemane, in order to cover up Renault's crime, simply said that Banerfax had been infected by the plague and went crazy, and imprisoned him in the secret room of the Scarlet Monastery.

After the Grand Inquisitor was placed under house arrest, he was replaced by Sally Whitemane.

This dungeon mainly has three bosses to deal with, Interrogator Jimmy Weishas, ​​Commander Renault Mograine, and Grand Prosecutor Sally Whitemane.

PS: Thanks to Green Lantern and Bright Moon, Heart of Joy, Dancing Sword Qingping, Feng Huan Yun Lian, Chasing the Wind Scythe, Brake, Flying Dragon God, Swordsman Flying in the Sky, Yun Chui Bo Miao, Longcheng Xiaoyi, Don’t Forget Xian Feng, Monthly tickets for Yilan Wu Jizun and the legendary Mi Chong.

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