The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 400 Bloody Dungeon Mission

The others transferred copies, and Lu Li ran out and took another bloody halo. This time he didn't meet any opponents, and no one even saw him.

Most of the guilds started playing blood, and some lucky ones succeeded in clearing the level.

Who has time to fight at this juncture?

Besides, since you can't enter from the dungeon, why don't you spend a few copper coins to teleport from the dungeon teleporter?

There is a short animation at the beginning of the dungeon, similar to the one in Nanhai Town.

A group of children were playing, three of them imitating adults in playing house.

Sally Whitemane said: Do you think you can break into this temple of light and walk out unscathed with your secrets? Veshas, ​​the interrogation begins!

Little Jimmy Weshas said: It's a great honor, my lady!

Little Jimmy Weishaupt said: Ha, tell me, tell me everything, scum! Otherwise I will dig out all the secrets from your body!

Little Jimmy Weishaupt said: It won't say, my lady. But I know it holds secrets, worthless secrets!

Sally Whitemane said: My warrior, destroy this monster!

Renault Mograine said: We must purify this heretic, my lady!

Renault Mograine said: Ah! It struck a fatal blow! I failed your expectations...

Renault Mograine staggered down, pretending to be mortally wounded.

Sally Whitemane said: Is Mograine dead? You have to pay for it! Resurrection, my warrior!

Sally Whitemane pretended to cast resurrection spell on Renault.

Renault Mograine says: Fight for you, my lady!

Sally Whitemane said: Let's attack together! !

The children cheered.

Sally Whitemane said: We won! ! !

"These three are the bosses we are going to fight. The first one is interrogator Veshas. He is a cruel executioner. Put away your sympathy." It is not good to have too many girls in the team. They are very emotional. transformed animals.

"Little Mrs. Zheng is very cute," Luo Ying recalled not believing it.

Lu Li ignored them, led his team to clear away the mobs on the road, and slowly approached a dark red barracks.

"There are a lot of bloodstains on the ground, and it smells like rust," Azure Sea Breeze walked in front and wrinkled his nose.

"This is the interrogation hall, where prisoners are interrogated. We will clear them out one by one. There may be a lot of monsters in the room. Master Feng, be prepared to use damage reduction," Lu Li said.

If there are too many monsters in the room, the possibility of group annihilation is not ruled out. The key lies in the reaction and operation ability of the MT.

With Lu Li's reminder, Azure Sea Breeze and others, MT was indeed a solid master, and they quickly cleared a room.

"Let's go," Can Meng turned around and shouted.

"This man is not dead yet," Lu Li stayed in the cell that had been cleaned and looked at the bloody corpse on the ground. The corpse was blue-grey, a typical feature of the undead.

His body was chained, and no part of his skin was intact. He was whipped, burned, and poisoned...

It really looked no different from the dead bodies in other cells, except for the slight rise and fall of the chest, which proved that the man was still breathing.

"Is this a mission?" Hachi-chan covered her nose and looked sympathetically at the undead gasping for breath in a pool of blood.

"Maybe," Lu Li certainly knew there was a mission, but there was no need for him to say it directly.

After a while, the undead regained consciousness. He opened his remaining eye, glanced at Lu Li and others, and said weakly: "It turns out that the people who saw me off were a group of alliances."

"Is there any way to save you? We are all powerful," Hachi-chan squatted down so that the weak voice of the undead would not affect communication.

"It's useless, kind little girl." The undead suffered for a moment and then said after taking a breath: "Although we belong to different camps, I'm afraid I can no longer serve Queen Sylvanas, because I felt like the strength that had sustained my life had been destroyed.”

"It must be that bastard Weshas who did it," the position was decided quickly, and Hachi-chan chose to sympathize with the weak.

Even Luo Ying, who thought Weishas was cute when he was a child, had similar memories of the same enemy. He could only kill someone with a nod, so why torture a person alive to this point.

"Yes, all of this was caused by that interrogator Veshas. He tortured me for several weeks, but I feel like these days are like hundreds of years," the undead said intermittently: "I originally planned to die. , but I can’t die yet.”

"What is your wish?" Hachi-chan said with tears in her eyes.

"Weshas took my wedding ring and gave it to his wife Nancy. That arrogant fool always brags about how beautiful his precious wife Nancy is. She lives near Lake Lordamere and goes to kill To her, give my wedding ring back to my wife Monica."

"I want to kill someone else's wife..." Hachi-chan suddenly felt very embarrassed.

If she was asked to kill Weshas, ​​she would definitely do it without saying a word, but the target of the mission was not Weshas, ​​but his wife.

"That woman is Weshas's assistant. She is even more perverted than Weshas. Half of the people in this camp were executed by her," the undead explained with a wry smile.

"Oh, then we will help you get your wedding ring back," Hachi-chan promised, patting her chest.

"Thank you, may Queen Sylvanas bless you, and by the way, tell my wife that I will always love her," the undead's wish was fulfilled, and the look in his eyes gradually faded.

"Wait a minute, where is Monica?" Hachi-chan grabbed the undead man and tried to stop him from dying.

"Near Tarren Mill, if you hold the ring, she won't attack you." After the undead said that, he kicked his legs and walked away very simply.

This is a team task. After completing it, everyone in the team will be rewarded. However, the task does not seem complicated, and there are probably no rewards worth looking forward to.

"I'm so touched. In order to fulfill my wish, I was tortured like this and didn't die." The next theme of Canmeng and Hachi-chan is to discover the story while being moved, and adapt it into a tearful and hilarious adaptation.

Keep cleaning up, the second mission will come soon.

This time, the person alive on the interrogation table was neither the Alliance nor the Horde, but an awakened Scarlet Crusader.

The so-called awakened ones are probably equal to traitors to the Scarlet Crusaders.

"My name is Joseph." This bloody awakener was not as miserable as the undead just now. At least he was only seriously injured and not tortured severely. He leaned on the cage and said: "I got a message. I heard that my mentor ——Fairbanks is still alive, but is locked up somewhere in the cathedral..."

The plot is not complicated either. It is the former Scarlet Crusade mage who somehow learned that the previous Grand Prosecutor Fairbanks was not dead and was imprisoned.

As a student who worshiped his teacher, he quietly broke into the cathedral together with several senior brothers.

The result was very sad. The current prosecutor, Sally Whitemane, discovered and subdued them, and handed them over to his crony Weshas for interrogation.

Fortunately, Weshas had been feeling unwell these past few days and didn't have time to torture a few of them. Otherwise, they might have died long ago.

"I hope you can find my mentor. He is a wise and brave elder who will never be defeated by the plague," the Scarlet Awakener prayed, adding a buff state to Lu Li and others.

All attributes are +5, which is better than nothing, and can be considered a very good boost.

PS: In fact, I think the dog couple is quite pitiful. In addition, the monthly ticket is doubled now. If you have a ticket, hurry up. Thank you book friend 130712154528303, The Wind is also Piaomiao, The Wind Signal Butterfly Dance, Juehu Bu Is the Water Goods, Cold Wonderland, Long and Like Water , 27572, It’s raining! monthly ticket.

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