The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 401 Holding back

Lu Li and others soon arrived at the main venue of the interrogation camp.

This place is even more bloody than outside. The walls on both sides of the road are covered with wall lamps made of skulls. The green flames are beeping and screaming. Some are from the tortured people, and some are from the tortured souls. .

And interrogator Weishas was not as cute as Luo Ying recalled when he was a child but became disabled when he grew up.

When Lu Li and others saw him, he had just skinned a prisoner's face and was rubbing white grains on it. Judging from the prisoner's sad reaction, it must be salt.

He has a handsome appearance, elegant manners, and a warm smile on his lips.

The contrast is mind-numbing.

"The designer of this character must be a pervert," Azure Sea Breeze concluded.

"Who in the game designer profession is not a pervert," Piao Ling said disapprovingly.

"My brother is studying game design," March Yu suppressed a smile.

Huadi Liqing's originally expressionless face was even more cold as ice, and she didn't know how she planned to take revenge on the two guys who slandered her career.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense," Lu Li couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted them, saying, "This Veshas is a warlock template. His most powerful skill is group burning, which can burn five people at a time. If you are burned by him, you must remove it immediately."

Many professions are exposed to magical debuffs. The Xinxin Mercenary Group mainly consists of priests, shamans, and knights. These three professions have the ability to instantly remove them.

Lu Li organized ten people into a team.

In March Rain, Falling Cherry Memories, and Piao Ling, each person is responsible for the debuff status suffered by two teammates. If there is a situation where the burning magic cannot be released in time, he will reduce the damage himself.

As for Lu Li, he already has a cloak of shadow, which not only can dispel magic, but can also protect him from magical effects for a period of time. In addition, the invincibility effect of Wind Step can also be dispelled once. Of course, there is no need to arrange for anyone to dispel magic for him. .

Five or six minutes after opening the monster, Weshas's blood volume dropped by more than half. His blood volume was not much to begin with.

At this time he started to use this group burning skill.

Lu Li was a Scarlet Monastery who was over level 30 in his previous life. At that time, the game had been open for a year, and there were already mature strategies. The players in the team were generally better in level and equipment than they are now, so it was not difficult to fight against this burning.

Maybe it's because the game company later weakened the copy.

In short, the effect of group burning was far beyond Lu Li's imagination. His original team would have been fine in his previous life, but this time there was a big problem.

First, Luo Ying recalled that the team she wanted to rescue - all three of them, including herself, had been burned. If everyone's levels were higher, they would not have been fatally injured. There would always be a chance to wait for her to deal with the burns one by one. The burning effect is removed.

If that was the case after all, Luo Ying recalled that when she saw her friends were all on fire, she was stunned for a moment, not knowing which one to solve first.

Then she felt that the sesame-filled glutinous rice balls were the main output, and the burning on his body should be relieved first. After she was relieved, she died before she could lend it to herself.

Another member of her team, Canmeng, also died.

After the second burning came, it could not be relieved in time, and Piao Ling was burned to the last bit of blood in the blood tank.

The BOSS fired two burns in total, killing four people. This was just the beginning. For a long time to come, the BOSS relied on burning to survive.

"Give up and try again," Lu Li sighed, decisively announcing that the first battle of Weshas was a failure.

Persistence is a beautiful virtue, but fearless persistence is just a waste of time.

"Wow, the group is destroyed," the blue sea breeze whistled, and he was quickly burned to death.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the strategy you designed," Piao Ling curled his lips, but there was also a sense of relief in his ridicule. The group destruction at least proved that Lu Li was not omnipotent, and he also made mistakes sometimes.

He believed that the basis for Lu Li's guide was the so-called background story, which was entirely based on his understanding of Weshas. But he didn't believe that Lu Li could use these few Easter eggs to applaud the copy that the game company had worked so hard to create.

"Okay," Lu Li sighed, it was just a group destruction, no big deal.

Most of the guilds are still killing each other in the weapons depot, and no one has discovered the secret of Herod's positive and negative whirlwind.

"Now I have to think of a way. This kind of burning is really hurtful. It's a pity that there is no magic defense scroll," Piao Ling said, regretting that the physical defense scroll played an important role in defeating Herod.

"Actually, we should go to Elite difficulty. With our current level, we will definitely not be burned to death," Azure Sea Breeze complained.

He was right. The reason why the Xinxin mercenary group was destroyed was that the strategy was not enough to cope with the situation. The most important reason was that Lu Li was always playing Nightmare difficulty.

"Elite difficulty, do you know that elite difficulty only has a small chance of getting golden equipment," Lu Li said angrily.

"And our nightmare difficulty is that every BOSS will produce golden equipment. For the golden equipment, let's continue," Piao Ling waved his hand feebly, signaling Azure Sea Breeze to come forward and clean up the few mobs that patrolled the door of the BOSS.

"This time, we have to stand as separate as possible. The three people in each small area must not be in the same team. Once these three people are burned, they will be removed immediately, and the remaining two will not be used. Panic, I will immediately direct who can solve the magic," Lu Li slightly improved his strategy.

"If someone who solves magic is hit..."

"Of course, the priority is to save yourself. Just now Luo Ying recalled that the operation was really terrible, and you Can Meng, you should use damage reduction skills," Lu Li said.

"Well, I will definitely open it next time," Can Meng lowered her head pitifully.

She did react too slowly. Normally she would just follow others, but at this moment of attrition, she not only lost combat power, but also affected her morale.

"When you have nothing to do, find more monsters that need to be moved to practice the operation. You are not stupid, you can improve." Seeing her embarrassment, Lu Li couldn't bear to say too many harsh words to this girl who may not be an adult yet. .

"Well, I will practice hard, and next time... I won't hold you back next time," Can Meng almost cried.

"Don't scold me, I will also practice well," Lu Li's eyes had just glanced at her, and Xiaobajiang had already assured her very cleverly. She was also a bit witty sometimes.

According to the normal guild management model, the core elite group should adopt an elimination system.

Those who perform poorly are eliminated and those who perform well in the elite group are replaced. Only those who are nostalgic and idealistic like Lu Li ignore this conventional rule.

However, in order to motivate the elite group, he has already discussed with Root Number Three to establish a second core elite group.

The second reclamation of Weshas begins.

PS: Thanks to ESCADA, Very Boring Boring, HISSHE, Dragon God Flying, Wind Rises, Gu Xue Yifeng, Wandering Shadow Man, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, Alexwang, Q Tomato Q, Jiu Zheng Bu Er, First Sight Heart Sunny, Fireworks Dancing in the Sky 007, Silver Stars, Fat Monkey, EdwardRee, Hot, Alian_, w0j1y3l9, Hanjiang Night, Prodigal Son ~ Qing’s monthly ticket.

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