The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 402 Team Adjustment

"There are no secrets in front of me. You humble beings, tremble in the flames of darkness." As Xavius's familiar lines appeared, everyone concentrated.

There was a flash of fire, and five people were burned.

Different from the last time, due to the adjustment of their positions, three people were immediately released from the spell.

"The moonlight is the moonlight, the moonlight is the moonlight," Lu Li shouted.

Without thinking, Sanyue Yu and Piao Ling used the magic dispelling skills directly on the target.

This time, although both Tangyuan and Yueguang had lost most of their health, no one died, which at least showed that Lu Li's method was completely operational.

Of course, in today's world where responsiveness must be fast enough, one success doesn't mean much.

Lu Li was not in a hurry anyway, he didn't even criticize anyone when the team was destroyed for the second time.

However, just because he didn't say anything didn't mean that the team members who made the mistake felt better, and everyone was tense.

The time for the blood aura was up, so Lu Li went outside to fight a sufficient number of blood paladins to restore the aura. However, the small status added to them by the Blood Awakeners is still there, and it is estimated that it will not disappear until the mission is completed.

During this period, the water elf approached Lu Li again, still asking for the guide to the Scarlet Armory. Of course, Lu Li rejected her.

This was a small incident, and Lu Li didn't take it seriously. He was actually not in a good mood at the time, and it happened to be the third time the group was wiped out.

It's not that you can't beat them, but your teammates are indeed weak in some aspects. Reaction, cooperation... This kind of weak Lu Li cannot save the situation with rebirth or powerful operations. He must be trained and adjusted slowly.

Fortunately, the team's defeat was not in vain. At least Lu Li saw hope, his teammates' progress in this area, and their attitudes.

The fourth time to open up Vaishas.

"Today's game time is almost over. We have the last battle against Veshas. If we fail, we will continue tomorrow. Everyone should have a good rest after going offline and don't have too much psychological burden." Lu Li made a general mobilization in front of the station with a calm and interesting voice. He said with a bit of disdain: "Other guilds are still being destroyed under Herod's axe, but our advantage is still there."

"Yes, we were all destroyed like this, but if it were those guilds, huh, they would be even worse off," Piao Ling stopped speaking venomously. He rarely encouraged others.

Speaking of which, the Xinxin Mercenary Group has not suffered such a setback for a long time.

They are not like the land reclamation groups of other guilds, where it is possible for a group to be wiped out more than a dozen times.

The longest-running dungeon that Lu Li knew about in his previous life was probably Naxxramas.

That time, Wushuang City stood out. It took them several months to finally get through the abnormal copy, but other guilds didn't even see the shadow of the final boss.

Suddenly, the prestige of Wushuang City reached its peak.

Unfortunately, a few days after the game was completed, the dungeon guide was circulated for unknown reasons. At that time, the top management of Wushuang City was so angry that they collectively vomited blood.

But even with the guide, few guilds were still able to completely defeat Naxxramas. It was not until the game later modified Naxxramas Elite and Hard difficulty that ordinary guilds had a chance.

At present, Lu Li and others have been destroyed three times, which is far behind in comparison.

In fact, Lu Li also thought about transferring two people from the elite group, such as Fat Monkey and Nuo Yu. These two fire spells have relatively high fire resistance and strong operational awareness. They should have some effect.

But thinking about it from another angle, if he didn't make up his mind to change people, this would actually be treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

It's better to use Weshas as a whetstone for training teammates.

This time everyone's psychological burden is not so heavy. Anyway, Lu Li also said that if they can't defeat them, they will continue tomorrow, and even if other guilds catch up, they have little chance of defeating them first.

Surprisingly, everyone performed better after there was no psychological burden.

There was no attrition until the seventh burning. Lu Li wiped the sweat silently in his heart.

This is the rhythm to live by.

He didn't dare to say any more encouraging words to increase pressure on everyone, so he played cautiously. Of course, there were other people with discerning eyes who could see clearly. Those who felt that they wanted to get through followed Lu Li's example and kept silent, treating them as if they were being beaten casually.

It was not until after the tenth burn that everyone found themselves standing in front of the BOSS - still alive, except for Huadi Liqing who was unfortunately killed because the spell was not cast in time.

"Bajiang pull Huahua up, we have passed this boss," Lu Li let out a long sigh of relief.

"What, are you going to pass?"

"Ah, is it going to pass? Is it finally going to pass?"

The ones who reacted more strongly were Canmeng and Hachi-chan. They had been tensing up, but now that they heard that the BOSS was about to pass, they immediately felt the urge to cry.

Lu Li patted Xiaobajiang's head: "Stop jumping around and pull Huahua up quickly. The boss still has 10% health."

With Zhan Fu, everyone is fighting again.

Weshas no longer poses a threat to them. Although the subsequent skills are relatively powerful, at least they are not group damage. The existence of March Rain puts no pressure on the team.

The experience value has skyrocketed, and two more members have reached level 30.

"I got a skill point," Can Meng was originally excited, but now he was crying and laughing, going crazy.

"Awesome, Mengmeng is the best," Xiaobajiang hugged her and made a fuss.

"Will the next two bosses be more difficult?" Piao Ling imitated Lu Li and sat on the ground, regardless of whether the ground was covered in blood or flesh.

Lu Li said nothing because he was afraid of scaring the children into tears.

Everyone was very exhausted. Fighting Weishas four times was simply more tiring than killing monsters in the wild for two days without stopping.

"Young people are full of vitality. I remember back then..." The blue sea breeze leaned on Piao Ling's shoulder and looked at the two little girls jumping around like rabbits, his tone full of vicissitudes of life.

"You bitch, get out of here and stay away from me," Piao Ling said harshly, but she didn't have the strength to push him away.

"Mengmeng came over and touched the body. Let's go offline and rest. Aren't you tired?" Sanyueyu grabbed one of the crazy girls and reminded them that it was time to reap the fruits of their labor.

As the central dungeon of the Scarlet Monastery, where the big BOSS is located, although Weshas is not the final BOSS, there is no reason to be stingy.

"Golden pants, give the baby extra critical hits, and avoid damage, mine, mine," Can Meng touched the equipment. Of course, he was also the first to see the attributes of the equipment. The first one was hers, and now he was even happier.

"Wipe your tears, ugly girl," Piao Ling's habitual venomous tongue doesn't care how cute you are.

"Hmph, the second item is actually a plate armor belt. Why don't you give it to Brother Moonlight? Piao Ling is a bad guy," Can Meng was seeking Lu Li's opinion, and also wanted to take revenge on the person who just called her an ugly girl.

"Okay," Lu Li nodded without even looking at the attributes.


"Bloody finger bones, what is this?" Can Meng got the third item.

"The rare material can be used to make gloves for shamans. It's a good thing. Let's remember it." Lu Li could tell the purpose of the material without even looking at its attributes.

In fact, this thing can not only be used as boxing gloves, but also as thieves' shoulder pads. However, Lu Li knew that Luo Ying's memory weapon needed to be replaced, so he gave up immediately.

The fourth piece of equipment is a cloth-armored healing hat, which is naturally given to March Rain.

"Oh, there is also a strengthening stone. It's so beautiful. There are actually five items this time," Can Meng exclaimed in surprise.

She was overjoyed. This thing was currently tilted towards the star player. Lu Li took the beautiful little red stone from her hand.

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