The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 404 Alliance with Weiyu Pavilion

Exaggerated, this acting is too exaggerated.

Through the voice communicator, Lu Li could hear the clicking sound very clearly in his ears. How busy could he be doing things, talking through the voice, and consuming spiritual fruits at the same time?

Elf fruit is one of Dawn's best fruits. It combines the advantages of several fruits in reality. Many players like this virtual taste.

Many players who collect life skills collect and sell them for money. Because of the high demand, they actually feed a large number of people. Lu Li also collected some and sold them for money in his previous life. Unfortunately, there were too many people collecting and he couldn't make much money. money.

"I have something to discuss with you. When will you be free?" Lu Li did not reveal it.

"You want to discuss something with me? Are you planning to sell me the strategy?" The water elf pretended to be surprised.

"Haha..." Lu Li laughed dryly, "Of course it's easy to talk about strategies. I didn't prepare anything yesterday. I thought about it today and compiled a strategy about Herod. By the way, there's also Veshas. We destroyed it yesterday. It took many attempts to defeat him.”

"Lu Li," the water elf was silent for a long time before he said faintly, "Where has your integrity gone?"

"We are friends. Have you forgotten? If it hadn't been for you last time, we might not even have won the championship." Lu Li also worked hard. For a piece of synthetic stone, this time he was really shameless to the extreme.

The purpose of this synthetic stone is to allow equipment of level 40 or higher to be used in advance.

The improvement is greater than the span from gold to dark gold.

The most important thing is that you may not be able to buy it even if you have money. Root No. 3 contacted dozens of mercenary groups that roamed the battlefield to pick up bargains. Only one had seen this kind of stone and sold it to water elves.

The transaction price was as high as 150,000 real coins.

Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a piece of equipment is nonsense to ordinary players.

But the club is willing to give it up. If they win a game, the minimum income from various income plus one dollar is in the millions. The estimated income for the top-ranked clubs is higher.

"You rejected me twice, and now you don't even help us with the equipment you promised at the beginning." The water elf felt extremely aggrieved. There were only a few people in Dawn who could be regarded as her friends, but Lu Li was so unreasonable. Play your cards.

"I'm sorry, I've been a little busy lately. When I finish painting the blood in the past two days, you can prepare some grinding tools and I'll make up for it all." Lu Li also felt that he had gone too far.

Of course, it was only a little bit. Because of his background, it was impossible for him to feel guilty because the other party was a beauty.

"Let's form an alliance," the water elf was silent for a while before replying.

Regarding alliances, there is no officially recognized form yet. It will take some time to appear. The system will optimize the guild system. If the alliance guild reaches the limit, it will even share part of the warehouse, although most alliance guilds cannot do this.

"An alliance between Weiyu Pavilion and the Sword of Judgment?" Lu Li frowned.

Forming an alliance would be too involved. In Lu Li's mind, an alliance must be an alliance that advances and retreats together.

The ideal alliance partner in his mind is actually Wushuang City, because both Sword of Judgment and Wushuang City are young guilds with strong momentum, and they are also targeted by the big guilds everywhere.

The quality of the Wushuang City guild members may not be as high as that of the Blood Flag, but they are passionate and energetic.

As for Weiyu Pavilion, Lu Li didn't have many opportunities to interact with them. His impression was that they were just a bunch of girls. They didn't succeed but failed, at least not as powerful as Wushuang City.

"What, you don't like our Weiyu Pavilion?" The water elf's voice was a little embarrassed.

I don't know how many guilds are trying their best to form an alliance with Weiyu Pavilion, including the Bloody Battle Flag. She never takes the initiative to find someone to form an alliance. She didn't expect that the first time she opened her mouth, she would get such a questioning reply.

"Of course not," Lu Li quickly compensated, thinking that at least Weiyu Pavilion had more money.

He never wanted to dominate the gaming industry. This kind of thing cannot be accomplished overnight. Looking at the two hundred years of gaming history, almost no one has actually achieved it. His purpose of developing in the game is just to make money.

In the chat and laughter of Huangtu Hegemon, life is a drunken experience.

It is actually good to form an alliance with Weiyu Pavilion. They are not so pedantic as to simply recruit female players, and the strength of the elite group is not bad.

"If we form an alliance, we will share the dungeon guide that you sent to the elite group." This is the true purpose of the water elf. She can lead Weiyu Pavilion to this day, and she is definitely not a casual person who has a bad temper.

"Yes, but you must buy it," Lu Li said bluntly.

"Stingy guy, I've already asked someone to send you the synthetic stone," the water elf cursed, but did not refute. Of course, a synthetic stone is not enough to be used as a bargaining chip for an alliance.

She just wanted Lu Li to understand her value.

"Thank you. If you want the guide, you can ask for it from Root No. 3," Lu Li felt relieved and agreed.

This alliance was not coerced. When everyone established fortresses and territories in the future, wars often broke out between each other, and guilds of all sizes formed alliances. This was inevitable.

Moreover, all the equipment he acquired recently was thrown into the guild warehouse. Shen Wansan's income has been cut off, and Lu Li must consider increasing his own income.

Recently I want to buy a house and have a home that truly belongs to me.

The money from selling the guides does not belong to the entire guild, but to the ten people in the Xinxin Mercenary Group alone.

As for how to divide it, Lu Li didn't plan to keep it all to himself, even if he actually created the strategy alone. Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to ask for an equal share, and it's likely that others wouldn't agree either.

He didn't go back to get the synthetic stone. Even if it was embedded, it wouldn't be useful now.

Level 40 equipment, minus 20% of the level requirements, still requires level 32. He still lacks more than 80% of the experience.

Weishas has been destroyed, and the next step of land reclamation can be carried out. There are still dense mobs blocking the way, and they must be cleared all the way.

It didn't take long for the guild to know about the alliance with Weiyu Pavilion.

Most people didn't really believe it. If the person who sent the message was not the current president of the guild, Root Number Three, they would probably think it was a joke.

In the eyes of ordinary players, Weiyu Pavilion is equivalent to a beauty concentration camp. This is a very intuitive expression.

Moreover, she is a super guild, ranking seventh in the domestic guild rankings. This ranking is not chosen by everyone's vote, but a real combination of various achievements. Without a year and a half of accumulation, it is impossible to be on the list.

And the Sword of Judgment is nothing. Although it has the title of champion, it can't stand up to the lack of people!

There are only a few thousand people in total, and most of them need to be leveled or equipped, and they may not want to be cannon fodder in a large guild.

The elite group that best represents the strength of the guild only has one hundred-member group. Not to mention the City of Glory and the Blood Flag, even the Imperial Guards have seven or eight elite groups, and there are more than a dozen groups as inferior candidates.

There are twenty-six elite groups in Weiyu Pavilion, two core elite groups, and the total number of elites reaches nearly three thousand.

"Boss Lu Li must have betrayed his appearance." Amidst the questioning, a message suddenly popped up, and was quickly copied across the screen.

Lu Li sacrificed his appearance in exchange for Weiyu Pavilion's condescension.

So touching~

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