The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 405 Scarlet Cathedral

"What are you looking at? I missed the blame, you idiot," Lu Li felt uncomfortable and pointed at the easy-to-bully Azure Sea Breeze to divert his attention.

"Shit, even a furry monster is missing. Lu Li, please tell me honestly, what method did you use to get Weiyu Pavilion to agree to form an alliance with us, and what harsh conditions did you agree to them?" Azure Sea Breeze was very gossipy.

"No, the water elf said that we should form an alliance. I said yes and we will form an alliance," Lu Li said truthfully.

"Go away," a group of people gave him the middle finger.

"Everyone in the guild said that he betrayed his appearance," Hachi-chan was convinced.

"Let's play for a while, little girl knows how to look." Piao Ling patted her on the head, "As for Lu Li's appearance, he must be at least half as handsome as me."

"When we run out of money one day, we will sell you. You are so good-looking that both men and women will like you," Hachi-chan covered her forehead and cursed softly.

"Okay, we'll be at the boss's door right away. Cheer up," Lu Li couldn't stand these idiots anymore, so he had to stop with a straight face.

There was an uproar inside, and there was also a turmoil outside.

There are no secrets on the Internet, and the top management of Weiyu Pavilion and Sword of Judgment did not think of keeping it secret, so just a few minutes after they decided to form an alliance, the World Channel already knew the news.

The two most popular guilds formed an alliance. Ordinary players just watched the excitement, but the big guilds had to pay attention to the impact of this alliance.

Why didn't we think of forming an alliance? This was the first thought that came to many guilds. It doesn't mean that they plan to live and die with the Sword of Judgment. Their eyes are focused on the dungeon strategy.

There is no doubt that this alliance must include discussions about dungeon strategies.

Water elves are not the only ones with money, but unfortunately they cannot spend their money.

For a while, Sword of Judgment won't be able to ally with too many guilds, and who doesn't want to stand out.

However, the Grand Guild has the arrogance of the Grand Guild. They will not feel that they will be left behind just because Weiyu Pavilion has Lu Li's strategy. At most, they will continue to increase their investment in the strategy team.

"This is the Blood Cathedral," everyone was a little surprised looking at the majestic building in front of them.

When we first arrived, everyone had seen this building standing in the center of the Scarlet Monastery from a distance, but only by looking at it up close can we feel its simplicity and grandeur.

"How many bosses are there here?" Piao Ling looked unhappy.

"Two," Lu Li gestured with his finger.

"That's fine," the others sighed in relief.

Even if there are seven or eight bosses in such a large building, it is not impossible.

When playing games, copies are essential, but they will never be mainstream.

None of them are professional players. They can do dungeons for two days a day, but they will get upset if they do dungeons for a long time.

"Pull these monsters here and kill them. Be careful not to pull the guy with the blue stripe on his collar. That's the instructor." Lu Li shook his head disapprovingly. You will know how powerful the dog men and women are later. I'll see if you still have them. I'm not in the mood to say that the two bosses are easy to defeat.

There is a group of monsters at the entrance of the Scarlet Cathedral, marked as scarlet recruits, and a scarlet instructor is training them.

There are a lot of scarlet recruits, but their strength is not that great. It is no problem to fight them together, but the instructor is a quasi-boss. If they are taken together without distinguishing, the group will be destroyed.

The instructor not only has high attack power and high health, but can also boost morale and increase the attack power of the red recruits by 200%.

This is purely a trap created by the game designers. Many teams that came here for the first time suffered a loss because the instructors were dressed almost exactly like the recruits.

Azure Sea Breeze obediently pulled a group of more than a dozen mobs, and they all swarmed up and were quickly wiped out.

After two or three times of this, there was only one instructor left outside the Scarlet Cathedral.

"Hey, where are my soldiers," the bloody instructor exclaimed as if he had just woken up from sleep: "It must be you intruders who did it. You should die."

Then he was killed. How could a quasi-boss without soldiers make waves?

As a quasi-BOSS, this instructor doesn't have any good stuff to offer, so the only thing you can do is pick up the key to the cathedral from him.

This door is not very complicated, and a thief can actually open it.

"Don't open the door yet. Everyone, sit down and recover first. Take all the potions you need to take. When the door opens, a steady stream of bloody paladins will pour out," Lu Li called to Azure Sea Breeze, who picked up the key and was about to open the door.

"I'll go, isn't that the same as the Death Mine," Azure Sea Wind said angrily.

"It's even more troublesome than that. Those who came out of the cabin that time were all ordinary monsters. The Blood Paladins are all elites. If you are not careful, the ship will capsize." Lu Li applied poison to the dagger and drank a bottle for a short time. Add agility potion.

"This is to torture players to death, and they are not afraid that no one will play the game," Yueguang sighed.

He is the only senior game player in this team of mainly young people. The games he has seen in the past, no matter what they say, are actually trying every means to please the players.

A dungeon requires several days of development and dozens or hundreds of deaths. It was unimaginable before.

"Elite difficulty is not there, only difficulties and nightmares will continue to pour out monsters," Lu Li explained. He was not worried at all that no one would play this game. In just three years in his previous life, Dawn had already dominated the entire game industry.

Countless game companies have gone bankrupt, and game talents have either changed careers or relied on Sugon to make a living.

"Can you download this dungeon today?" March Yu asked worriedly. There was such a big gap between nightmares and elites, but Lu Li had nightmares every time.

"Yes," Lu Li said confidently.

When the heavy door of the cathedral creaked open.

"Don't go in, just stick to the door. Master Feng, be careful to pick up monsters."

Iron boots trampled the ground, and the sound of heavy footsteps came closer from far away. The blue sea breeze bowed slightly on the back and raised the iron shield.

The long sword struck the iron shield and sparked, announcing the official start of the battle. Blizzard, fire rain, random shooting, various skills poured in, and countless damage figures floated.

"Don't panic when being chased by monsters, remember to use damage reduction," Lu Li was doing crazy damage while not forgetting to remind others.

There were too many monsters coming out of it, and they were all elites, so it would be difficult to clear them out in a short while. Fortunately, Azure Sea Breeze listened to Lu Li's words and blocked the door, so the monsters they had to face were not as much as expected.

It was inevitable that some fish would slip through the net, so Lu Li was responsible for cleaning up such monsters.

"Huahua, go in and immobilize the monsters behind." Seeing more and more monsters, Lu Li had to think of a way to relieve the pressure on the blue sea breeze.

Huadi Liqing rushed into the pile of monsters with a flicker, and up there was the Frost Nova.

All twelve-yard monsters were immobilized on the spot for a full eight seconds. The pressure in front was greatly reduced, which was enough for the output profession to defeat this wave of monsters.

Huadi Liqing was miserable when he was among the monsters. All the monsters around him that could attack him reached out to him without hesitation. Fortunately, he still had an ice barrier. This skill, which was jokingly called a refrigerator, gave him a long life. invincible time.

This is enough time for teammates to push the line through.

With such a density of monsters, an ordinary team would have been in chaos.

Even if everyone's level is higher in the future, a group of ten people with an average level of 35 will be reluctant to choose nightmare difficulty.

PS: Thanks to Jieqingzhi Xiyan, holy_true, Chuanchuanba, Guxue Yifeng, Xiaowu Tinghou, Guxue Yifeng, Ruan Yan'er, pcwayt, Peerless Beacon, Eternal Phantom, Fei Aguang, Shadow Fang, Shu Friend 150614230530903, blue separator, I love hot-blooded novels, monthly passes for Lock of Cold Flames.

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