The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 406 Dog Man and Woman (Part 1)

After a few minutes, all the mobs were cleared away, and the dead ones were also pulled up.

Lu Li and others entered the cathedral and began to face the largest BOSS of the Scarlet Dungeon Group - Reno Mograine.

"Shouldn't it be Whitemane?" Piao Ling asked confused.

According to the historical background told by Lu Li, Whitemane was Mograine's woman, assisting him in controlling the Scarlet Crusade. In terms of status, the Grand Inquisitor was weaker than the Scarlet Crusade commander in front of him.

"Congratulations everyone, we are going to play something challenging. We will face two bosses later," Lu Li clapped his hands and said pretending to be relaxed.


Azure Sea Breeze was stunned, and the weapon had fallen to the ground.

Scared the baby.

He was not the only one who was frightened. Except for Lu Li, the insider, everyone could not remain calm after hearing the news.

"After Renault killed his father, he was under heavy psychological pressure. Whitemane was the only one who knew about it. They stayed together in this cathedral and comforted each other, so the system set them to fight together," Lu Li He spread his hands to show that he was innocent.

Thousands of mistakes are made, and they are all the fault of the system.

"Lu Li, do you know how to write about seeking death?" Even Huadi Liqing, who pretends to be cold and handsome, couldn't help but scold Lu Li. It's still a nightmare if it's so difficult. If you don't play to death, you won't be willing to do it.

"Don't worry, we can do it," Lu Li said as he always said.

Everyone thought he was being too tough, but in fact he was telling the truth, although Veshas on the nightmare difficulty level did cause some trouble for the team. The team was wiped out three times, and it was only the fourth time that he successfully defeated it.

But Lu Li would not fight a battle that he was not sure about. If there was no chance at all, he would not randomly choose the nightmare difficulty.

"Tell me how to fight." After struggling for a while, I stopped worrying. Anyway, the first BOSS has been defeated, and I can't go out and reset the difficulty of the dungeon this week.

"Let me talk about the rules for the BOSS first. The first thing we face is Commander Mograine. Beat him to death..." Lu Li began to formulate a strategy.

"Wait a minute, you're saying that Whitemane won't take action until he kills the commander. How can he face two bosses?" Piao Ling was puzzled. He was confused by Lu Li's words.

"You can understand it this way. Whitemane won't appear until we kill the commander. After we kill the commander, she comes from the depths of the hall and uses resurrection on Renault..."

"Can the resurrection spell be interrupted?" Azure Sea Breeze asked without any hope.

"What do you think?" Lu Li shook his head and continued: "The next two bosses are coming."

"Which one am I responsible for? Is there a lot of defense pressure?" Piao Ling asked.

"You have to be responsible for Whitemane. She is a priest and her attack power is relatively weak. What you need to pay attention to is her shadow word. It is a spell effect. You must remove the magic in time. Secondly, her healing spell. You have to do it in time. interrupt……"

"I'll go, Alexander," Piao Ling had a headache.

"Which one to kill first?" Yueguang asked, representing the output profession.

"You can't kill anyone first. If Whitemane dies first, Renault will immediately go berserk. If Renault dies first, Whitemane will use resurrection. We must let them die together," Lu Li said seriously.

This also prevents people from living, which is quite difficult in the first place, and also has to control the rhythm to make the two bosses die together.

"Don't be so frustrated. As long as you follow my command, you can definitely defeat him," Lu Li encouraged his teammates. These guys have really poor mental quality.

"What powerful moves does Renault have?" Azure Sea Breeze tightened his grip on the one-handed axe.

"It's not clear yet. Don't underestimate him. After all, he is the current commander of the Scarlet Crusade. His profession is a paladin. We have to be careful about his paladin skills," Lu Li said, indicating that we can start.

The blue sea breeze activates monsters.

"I will become a hero, father," the paladin who was half-kneeling in the center of the hall stood up, swung the long sword in his hand, and struck the shield of the blue sea breeze hard, knocking him away.

Azure Sea Breeze quickly got up and charged forward again.

"Don't fight the others yet, let Mr. Feng build up enough stable hatred," Lu Li said without rushing.

This decision was very wise. When Azure Sea Breeze was stunned for six seconds because of being hit by the Hammer of Sanction, Renault Mograine did not turn around to hit others because the hatred was established firmly enough.

Just because he didn't fight didn't mean he wasn't hurt. The ground was filled with flames dedicated by the Paladins.

As long as it gets a little bit of it, it will continue to lose blood, and everyone has to wander around to deal damage.

The melee profession was at a disadvantage in this link, so I asked Azure Sea Breeze to drag the BOSS around and find some places without fire to give teammates a chance to attack.

"Be careful to control your mana when treating. If others can take medicine, take the medicine themselves." Lu Li saw that March Rain was too unrestrained in adding health, so he had to remind her.

The double BOSS in the Scarlet Monastery is indeed difficult.

Among them, continuous fighting is the killer that makes many teams unable to survive.

The healing blue is not endless after all.

"Don't move away, Bloodthirsty Memory. I'll get out of your way later," Lu Li stared at the BOSS's health.

In less than ten minutes, most of Renault Mograine's health was knocked out. This guy was not very good at defending against high attacks. After figuring out several of his moves, it wasn't really that difficult.

Moreover, his total HP is only 120,000, which is far lower than BOSS at the same level.

"Fuck, this guy is so shameless. Does the Paladin still have this skill?" Piao Ling cursed.

Just after he reduced Reno Mograine's health to 30%, he actually raised his hand and gave himself a skill, and his health was immediately full.

Holy healing!

The Paladin's most powerful skill in increasing health.

Learning this skill requires certain basic intelligence requirements, that is, the points you add must be more intelligent. Defense and disciplinary knights are destined to be unable to practice it. Only healing knights can add so much intelligence.

But the NPC is not restricted by the rules. As long as it is a paladin's skill, he can do it if the system allows him to do it.

Fortunately, when the double boss comes, this skill will not appear, otherwise this dungeon will be impossible to fight at all.

"Recall, turn on bloodthirsty, and others will deal violent damage. The boss must be killed within fifteen minutes, otherwise it will be another holy healing spell." Lu Li had already prepared. He didn't let everyone use anything just now. This is what he was waiting for. moment.

The system has calculated everything, and only a very capable team can do it, and has screened out most of them.

And Lu Li's team is the most powerful team currently.

Bloodthirsty is a good skill, and everyone has their own special skills. This time, they broke out with all their strength and completed Lu Li's staged goal without much pressure.

Renault Mograine did not wait for the holy healing spell to cool down. He knelt on the ground in frustration.

"Mograine fell? You have to pay the price for this!" A voice sounded in the empty hall, and along with a group sleep spell, everyone in the Xinxin Mercenary Group fell into a deep sleep.

Of course, this deep sleep is not sleeping, but a restricted skill.

Then, everyone watched helplessly as a beautiful girl with long legs wearing red clothes walked in.

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