The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 407 Dog Man and Woman (Part 2)

"Resurrection, my warrior!"

"Fight for you, my lady!"

Lu Li and others were unable to move while they were sleeping, but they could watch and listen.

They witnessed the birth of Shuguang's most classic line. Not counting the opening animation, it was just children playing house, a joke immersed in the turbulent flow of time.

Nowadays, with life as the medium, the dog man and woman show their love to the world in a high-profile manner.

With resolute steps, Whitemane stood behind the one she loved without hesitation. Regardless of everything for love, Mograine stood up from the ground and blocked all enemies who wanted to harm Whitemane.

The former is a kind of trust and steadfastness in a lover, a girl's dependence and trust in a warrior.

The latter is the knight's protection of his lover, the realm of life and death together.

Lu Li thought that Old Whitemane might have been wrong in trying every possible means to prevent them from getting together. That harsh and stubborn dogmatism is the root of all this tragedy.

In fact, Whitemane's fate was very tragic. She witnessed a terrible scene in her childhood. Her family was infected with the terrible undead plague while passing through Northern Lordaeron. When they became mindless minions of the natural disaster, she was forced to kill her parents and siblings with her own hands, filled with guilt and anger. From that day on, only one thing could bring joy and satisfaction to this terrible priest - slaying the undead.

She has always played a weak and submissive role, and Renault's patricide can be said to be largely due to her.

And how do you ask a woman to change the justice she has always insisted on - destroying all undead, not to mention that love has left her with only Renault Mograine in her eyes.

A bloody patricide suddenly took on a human touch.

It's a pity that Alsace has countless fans, and Renault was denounced as a bitch by jealous critics just because he hooked up with the goddess that otakus loved.

Whitemane is worthy of the title of goddess. She is very beautiful. The designer spent a lot of energy on her. She is a holy priest, and her red but not so conservative dress is full of visual impact.

When playing cosplay offline, many people choose Whitemane.

On the contrary, there are relatively few cosplays of Meisena or Carolina. The former has a voice that cannot be copied, and the latter has an impeccable temperament, but they are not as simple and direct as the sexy Whitemane.

"Attention, Mr. Feng grabbed Renault Mograine. This guy's wife is here, and he may be a little excited," Lu Li loudly reminded his companions that the sleeping time was over. The moment he finished his voice .

The shield of the blue sea breeze slapped Renault Mograine hard on the face, which looked very painful.

Being slapped in the face like this in front of his wife, the handsome man Renault was angry. He hit Azure Sea Breeze's forehead with his one-handed hammer five times in a row.

If Azure Sea Breeze hadn't reacted quickly and activated a powerful damage reduction skill, he would have been defeated by this skill long ago. Without Holy Healing, Mograine gained another skill - a mutated version of Crusader Strike. .

Immediately afterwards, he came with a Holy Storm, an eight-yard range group damage skill. The long-range professions stood far away to avoid the disaster, and none of the melee professions escaped, and all of them lost most of their health.

"The knight is too perverted, aren't you ashamed of Piao Ling?" Azure Sea Breeze complained.

Piao Ling is also a knight, but his performance is like a castrated paladin, and he is extremely weak in comparison.

"From another perspective, maybe the Paladin will be very powerful in the future," Lu Li comforted heartlessly.

There is no strongest profession, only the strongest players.

This is the highest truth of Shuguang. As long as you work hard and play with your heart, there is really no need to worry about your career.

Piao Ling was trying hard to hold Whitemane back. This female priest was not as weak in attack as Lu Li said. She had two main attack skills, one was Shadow Word, which caused continuous damage, and the other was Holy Smite.

Shadow Word continues to damage, and if it's not dealt with quickly, the damage will get higher and higher.

Holy Smite is a skill that must be resisted. Whitemane's Holy Smite has a very high critical hit rate, and the floating blood goes up and down, so Hachi-chan can only increase it desperately.

"A team of DPS Whitemane. Recall that you and Piao Ling are responsible for planning her healing spells, as well as group resurrections. Group resurrections must be interrupted, otherwise the group will be destroyed..." Lu Li was directing when he suddenly noticed a pile of corpses at the gate. A dozen or so bloody paladins stood up inside, and they could only shake their heads feebly: "I told you to pay attention to interruptions, why is no one interrupting the group resurrection?"

"There happened to be a healing spell, so I interrupted it," Luo Ying recalled innocently.

"I didn't discuss the order. I also used the interrupt skill just now, so..." Piao Ling was also very innocent.

"Give up and start over. March and Bajiang, find a place to escape from the battle with Shadow Escape. The others will fight first." Lu Li counted the mobs. There were eighteen in total. They were almost the upper limit of the group resurrection spell, eighteen. With elites and two bosses, it is 100% impossible to survive.

Thirty seconds later, the battle ends.

Mitsukiyu and Xiaobajiang, who used shadow escape to escape from the battle, ran back and pulled up the dead people.

Because of the prepared group annihilation, Lu Li and Huadi Liqing were not killed. The night elf's racial talent Shadow Escape is indeed a powerful skill now, although it is of little use in the overall situation.

"Let me adjust the team. In the first team, Luoying Memories and I will be joined together with Piao Ling Xiaohachi. The others are considered to be in the second team. Piao Ling, you and Memories will discuss the order of interruptions. I will be responsible for the group resurrection technique, or the old one. The rules are to kill Mograine first..."

"Can you pull the two of them apart?" Piao Ling suddenly thought, "For example, pull one of them outside the church."

"A couple who share life and death, are you embarrassed to separate?" Lu Li made a joke. In fact, Piao Ling's method would not work at all. Whitemane would appear wherever Mograine appeared.

With the reference from the first time, it will be easier to reach the double BOSS stage the second time.

Lu Li also joined the team. He was responsible for interrupting Whitemane's group resurrection. There were corpses everywhere, and it was easy to resurrect a large number of level 32 elites.

Piao Ling and Luo Ying Memories are responsible for regular interruptions. They have discussed who should go first and who should last, and they can basically interrupt Whitemane's healing technique accurately.

However, in addition to healing, Whitemane also has a "Power Word Shield". This skill is also known as March Rain. It applies a shield to allies that can absorb a certain amount of damage. It is a relatively good rescue skill.

In the hands of NPC, its power will undoubtedly increase.

Whitemane's Power Word Shield can help her husband withstand 10,000 points of damage.

Since the skill is instant and cannot be interrupted, everyone has to use the shield to knock it down before they can continue to output. Fortunately, the shield does not have a cooldown time. Under Lu Li's command, it can barely cope with it.

PS: The double monthly pass is about to end. Friends who have monthly passes, please don’t keep them. Thank you all, thank you for Fallen Sunday, Zalor, Night as Cool as Water, Heart of Joy, Mannix, One Light Year Away from the Sea of ​​Stars, 115945, Panda Xiaosheng , Guxue Yifeng, SamDuo, Big Reader, wowowcy, and monthly tickets for Xinqing at First Sight.

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