The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 408 Dog Man and Woman (Part 2)

"Stop fighting Whitemane. Remember, you should also deal with Mograine. Pay attention to the BOSS's blood volume. Make sure the female's blood volume is less than the male's, otherwise the male will go berserk."

In fact, there is only a certain probability of going berserk, but for the sake of caution, Lu Li's strategy is very conservative.

The two BOSSes are quite difficult to fight, the output is slow and the treatment pressure is high.

Especially Hachi-chan, she takes a treatment path that takes into account output. This kind of druid has good sustainability, but the burst treatment is seriously insufficient. If it weren't for the drifting technology, she would have been wiped out long ago.

"Memory, put a totem that restores blue. Once the bloodlust has cooled down, activate it." Lu Li dealt Whitemane alone, taking time off to direct the battle.

"It's cooled down, can we open it now?" Luo Ying recalled inserting the blue totem between Sanyueyu and Xiaobajiang, so that they could both enjoy the short-term blue recovery effect at close range.

"You come back and deal Whitemane. I'll call one, two, three to activate bloodlust. Everyone uses the special effects. If your Shadow Demon is ready in March, don't forget to use it too." Lu Li's brain is not a calculator, so it's impossible to use all the special effects. People are well aware of their situations, especially in fast-paced battles.

A bloodthirsty man successfully suppressed the health of both BOSS by less than 50%.

"Be careful. If anyone is controlled, remember to scream." Lu Li estimated the time and determined that another critical moment was coming.

"What does it mean to be controlled?" A person is being controlled inexplicably, and most people really can't understand it.

"It means that your actions are not under your control. You may attack your teammates, or add blood to the BOSS," Lu Li explained patiently. He felt like he was Ya's nanny.

"Mengmeng, it's Mengmeng, you want to shoot me to death," Hachichan shouted.

"I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," Can Meng was hit. Her arrows shot at Xiaobajiang for free, and her pets also chased after Xiaobajiang and bit her desperately. .

"Bachang, run to Canmeng and ask her and the baby to stand closer. Huahua, freeze it," Lu Li said.

Whitemane's skill is called Dominate Will, and it can control a player for ten seconds.

Huadi Liqing's Frost Nova can take care of it for eight seconds, cut off the beginning and end, and the problem is almost solved.

The only little trouble is that the frozen Canmeng can still shoot arrows. This girl is equipped very well, and it hurts very much when she shoots someone, so everyone keeps away from her range.

"Remember to hide the offerings on the ground, and eat the blood bottle after it cools down. Don't wait for the healer to add blood to you. Don't check if the healing mana is not enough. Don't open it first to reduce the damage. Huahua, your shield...forget it, just open it. Come on, remember the refrigerator later when this pair of dogs and men jointly use their powerful moves, "It's impossible to have everything under control. A good commander should have the ability to improvise."

In the face of absolute strength, skills and tactics are of little significance. The only thing that can maintain the situation is damage reduction.

The two BOSS stood together, and a wave of skills surged past from left to right like a wave of fire. All players who were burned continued to lose blood.

"Reducing damage!"

Lu left the Wind Step, and after the invincible time passed, he quickly opened the shield on his clothes and finally withstood the wave of damage.

Huadi Liqing obediently used the refrigerator, and the others all relied on damage reduction skills to survive. This joint skill of the couple is the best and most powerful skill of the bloody dog ​​man and woman, and it is also the place where players are most likely to be wiped out.

Because everyone was concerned about saving their lives, Whitemane took the opportunity to give Mograine a healing spell.

The blood volume of more than 10,000 was restored directly.

In fact, more than 10,000 blood is nothing, just kill it slowly. The key is that the addition of more than 10,000 blood directly causes Whitemane's blood volume to be lower than Mograine.


When Mograine saw that his wife was more seriously injured than him, he stormed off.

"Fuck," Lu Li was also helpless.

I have very deliberately controlled their blood volume, but who knew something might still go wrong.

At this time, both Gui Piao Ling and Luo Ying recalled that neither of them could interrupt and it was of no use. The problem must be solved, otherwise the group would have to be destroyed.

"Young master Feng, if you have any other damage reduction, just fire. Pull Mograine's back to the crowd. Move the melee class back a little, and focus fire on him at long-range speed." Lu Li had already stopped, and if he continued to deal Whitemane at this time, he would be fine. Seeking death.

There will be many double BOSS scenes in the future, but today’s one is actually very childish.

Mie, Mie, Mie, Mie's technology improves, and with a little luck, maybe it will be over at some point.

But Lu Li didn't want to play a third time. He had a complete strategy in his hand, and his team was currently the top team. There was no reason why he would lose.

After Mograine went berserk, his attacks not only increased dramatically, but also had a splash effect, burning those who were close. Pets that Can Meng didn't have time to retrieve were directly burned to death on the spot.

This shows the importance of strategy. If you don't run in melee combat, it will definitely increase the pressure on treatment.

There are three remote professions, Can Meng, Huadi Liqing, and Sesame Filled Rice Balls. The three of them work together to output Mograine. March Rain and Xiao Hachijiang work together to increase the blood of Azure Sea Breeze. As for Whitemane, Piao Ling is pulling her. As she ran around, Lu Li and Luo Ying recalled following behind, ready to interrupt her skills at any time.

Because there is no attrition, the BOSS's rage will always be defeated as long as the MT and healers can sustain it.

When Mograine's health drops below Whitemane, his rage ends.

There was no near miss, and the ten-man team escaped unharmed.

"From now on, save the damage reduction skills. If the damage reduction skills cannot be cooled down within thirty seconds, just leave the lobby," Lu Li said.

Everyone counted the time, and Tangyuan with sesame filling, Luoying Memories, and Can Meng turned around and ran out.

This method of dodging skills is not worth advocating. Running back and forth will cause the output to be interrupted. Once the output cannot keep up, the speed of the BOSS's blood recovery will definitely make people cry.

Of course, they can't do it unless they go out. Without damage reduction skills, they will never be able to withstand the next wave of big moves.

The ultimate move came, and after the damage was reduced, there were no casualties. However, the health of the two BOSSs has rebounded to a certain extent, especially Mograine, who is a paladin. His health is almost higher than that of Whitemane. After all, he suddenly lost less. There are three output professions.

"Fight all Mograine," Lu Li stared at the Paladin's crazy output, turning his head to look at Whitemane from time to time, lest she read the healing spell or group resurrection spell.

"We're almost out of blue," March Yu said anxiously.

"Stay steady, don't be afraid if you don't have mana. If you can drink the potion, drink the potion. Remember Hua Teng. How long will it take for the Shadow Demon to cool down?" Lu Li ignored the sweat on his forehead and raised his head to drink a bottle of intermediate healing potion.

If there were advanced treatment potions available at this time, there would probably not be such an embarrassing situation.

"The Shadow Demon will take one minute and eleven seconds, and the potion will take almost two minutes to cool down. I don't remember the details." March Rain has almost no mana, and can only use small skills that don't consume mana to barely increase the blood.

March Rain's Shadow Demon has been upgraded to level five, and the cooldown time has been reduced from the original five minutes to 200 seconds.

"Piao Ling walks down to the BOSS, Xiao Bajiang adds blood to Feng Shao, Feng Shao, have you reduced the damage?" Lu Li glanced at the scene and felt a little unsure.

"There are two damage reductions left, one skill and one equipment special effect," Azure Sea Breeze didn't even need to open the skill panel or equipment panel to check, he was always calculating in his mind.

The first MT is worthy of being the first MT. He has many skills and good equipment. After fighting to this point, he still hasn't run out of ammunition and food.

"Okay, the cooling down of the Shadow Demon has been postponed until March. Others should pay attention to drinking their own medicine. If there are special effects, use special effects. If we survive this time, we will win."

PS: Thanks to Autumn in the Old Capital, Phoenix in Fire, Wind Yan Tian, ​​Kang Yujia, Black and White 1986, Galaxy Flying Dragon, The name is really long in Changzhou, Fallen Light Sage, lg331, qlhlys, Xuan Ge, Xixian_ Yue’s monthly pass.

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