The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 409 The bloody first kill

Hold on for one minute without the main healer being able to work...

At this time, the core group of any major guild in Dawn will think this is a joke, something that is simply impossible. However, the people of the core group of Sword of Judgment have created so many miracles under the leadership of Lu Li that they themselves feel that this is a joke. There is great hope.

What's more, this is not just holding on without treatment at all.

Although Xiaobajiang's treatment methods are a bit weak, he is better at being obedient. With Lu Li guiding him, he can at least exert half of the effect of March Rain.

Her equipment is rather strange. There may be a few pieces of mana-returning equipment that are used as mission rewards that are particularly powerful. She has not been lazy about paddling, and now she still has nearly half of her magic that is useless.

Therefore, there are actually no absolute weaklings in the Xinxin mercenary group. Including Baobao, Canmeng's comprehensive output strength ranks in the upper middle, often second only to Lu Li and Huadi Liqing. Although Xiaobajiang's health increase is not as good as March Rain, But she is very persistent.

"Give Piao Ling a healing function that continuously adds blood, and put Ironwood Bark on Master Feng. Master Feng, you move to pull monsters, and the dedication keeps burning you," Lu Li reminded Azure Sea Breeze to move.

Mograine's dedication won't do much damage to the thick-skinned MT, but it adds up. Moving monsters to pull monsters can reduce the pressure on treatment.

"Hachichan, you're so awesome," Can Meng was surprised to find that his friend actually controlled the situation. Can Meng couldn't help but admire, but at the same time, he was also a little frustrated. It seemed that he was the only one holding back.

Xiaobajiang ignored her and now focused entirely on the voices of the two MTs and Lu Li.

She would do whatever Lu Li said.

Since there is no need for thinking and judgment, the technique is quite impressive.

"The Shadow Demon is ready." During the time that Xiaobajiang was living like a year, March Rain finally cooled down the super mana recovery skill.

"March, pay attention to your technique. Your last Shadow Demon only recovered twice. It's best to stand behind Mograine before summoning the Shadow Demon. Let the Shadow Demon choose the target to attack immediately. Practice this skill more when you have time. Theory It can restore 30% of the magic value, and if you are lucky, 40% is not impossible."

Shadow Devil's mana recovery mechanism is very special. Every time it successfully hits the target and causes damage, it will produce a 10% mana recovery effect.

The total amount of mana recovered is determined by the number of hits. If it misses, it will not be included in this list. Moreover, the Shadow Demon's attacks will generate a lot of hatred. If the BOSS is attacked too many times, it will turn around and slap it.

One slap is enough to kill this little guy.

In addition, the Shadow Demon only has fifteen seconds of existence, and can only complete an attack almost every three seconds. This skill is absolutely impossible for the priest to fully restore mana at once, which will greatly affect the balance of the game.

Lu Li asked March Rain to stand close behind Mograine and release it in order to reduce the distance between the Shadow Demon and the target.

Azure Sea Breeze's hatred was very well established. After the Shadow Demon attacked three times, the BOSS changed its target. Two monsters, one big and one small, attacked each other almost at the same time.

A -1 damage appeared on Mograine's head, and the Shadow Demon turned into a black bubble.

Lu Li glanced at Sanyue Yu's sharing panel and was very satisfied to see that she now had 43% of her magic value.

These magic values ​​are enough for her to withstand the next double boss attack.

"Get everyone's blood levels up, and drink your potion once it's cooled down," Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

When the big move came, everyone turned on damage reduction. Sanyue Yu's healing technique mainly focused on one side to bear the damage from the big move, and also tilted the MT who continued to be attacked by the BOSS.

"Oh," Luo Ying recalled being critically hit by her ultimate move and dying immediately.

After the storm, in addition to Luo Ying's Memories, another Can Meng died. The poor little hunter did not continue the good luck of the last BOSS, and this time he decisively died at the last moment.

At this time, Mograine's health volume is 9%, and Whitemane's health volume is 6%.

"Stay still, Hachi-chan... pull up the memories," Lu Li hesitated for a moment, but still chose Luo Ying's memories. After all, she was killed by a critical hit, and Can Meng was so excited that she forgot to use damage reduction. .

"Come on, La Mengmeng, she is a lower level than me and has to go to class during the day," Luo Ying recalled taking the initiative to give up her seat.

These are two thirty-level BOSSs with rich experience. According to regulations, people lying on the ground cannot get experience.

Others can still find time to level up outside of the dungeon, but Canmeng and Hachi-chan have to go to class during the day and have to go out late and come back early every time, so their levels are already a bit behind.

Hachi-chan pulled Canmeng up.

The two bosses, the bloody dog ​​man and woman, seemed to know that their end was coming.

They didn't show any signs of burning the boat, nor did any of them go berserk when their blood volume dropped to the 5% warning line. They seemed to think that dying together would be a good ending.

Although they felt that these bad guys and girls were not pure villains, Lu Li and others sent them on their way, ending the bloody dungeon group that lasted for several days.

System: Sword of Judgment guild members Azure Sea Breeze, March Rain, Huadi Liqing, Sesame Filled Tangyuan... Under the leadership of team leader Lu Li, they completed the first kill on the Nightmare Difficulty of Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Cathedral.

On the World Channel, someone directly cursed, and it was an exclusive font belonging to a certified star racer.

Young Master Eleven: Damn it, this is cheating.

Nanbo Rui: Eleven, didn’t you say that they were trapped in the dungeon by you and didn’t dare to come out?

Young Master Eleven: Get lost, I won’t talk to shameless people.

Nanbo Rui: I won you by accident, why should I be so stingy? I didn’t mean it.

Eleventh Young Master:......

Tong Yan Wuji: Nan Shen, please don’t tease Shi Yi, he is mine.

Young Master Eleven: I'm sorry, gay brother, I don't like men. You are gay, but I am not.

Appreciating flowers and buying jade: high-level collection guide, money is not an issue.

Water Elf: Haha.

Appreciating flowers and tasting jade: Rich man, are you kidding me? I'm not as rich as you, but I have dignity. Lu Li, come and trample on me.

Water Elf: Sorry, we don’t sell it.

Appreciating flowers and tasting jade: Why you...

Traces: Ouch, does the goddess have her own rhythm?

Water Elf: Weiqi, you'd better not go out again. I sold the cloak you dropped the day before yesterday for 200 gold coins.

Traces: Damn, I bought it for 600 gold. What a cheap bastard.

Water Elf: Does it have anything to do with you?

A few star players were chatting, and the majority of players were watching with great interest. By the way, there were also a group of rotten girls and otakus gossiping about all kinds of exciting stuff.

On Lu Li's side, everyone's experience points increased. Yueguang and Huadi Liqing also received a skill point reward each.

"Congratulations, we have just defeated Veshas, ​​and you have defeated Bloody again," the water elf said in a tone of envy or something else. Lu Li felt like she was gritting her teeth.

"Thank you, I have better luck," Lu Li said the same thing.

"You have been very lucky. When can you sell us the guide?" the water elf asked.

"The strategy needs to be sorted out. I think you can keep a few strong teams to try the difficult or even nightmare mode." Now that they have formed an alliance, Lu Li seemed to be less indifferent than before.

PS: Please subscribe. It’s not easy to code. It’s easy to do and cherish. Although I have no integrity in updating, I hope you can help me if you can subscribe and support me. Thank you to Don’t Forget Hao Feng, Fallen Bright Sage, Sui※yun, Chen Wujue, and Dabeiwu. Tears, Fat Monkey, National Primary School Saint, Please Call Me Zou Wei, Dream PH for the rewards and likes, thank you for the deep blue sea, urban lonely shadow, straight, deep cement loach, grass on the tail of the fish, Timespace, Uncle Aniu, Feng Shaoyanyan, aqua blue, hypocritical and touching the face of the evening, Xiaoyao¤God of War, wind and clouds and waves running, Nuoyu, vbn056, drifting away Frenzy's monthly ticket.

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