The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 410 Funny daily routine

The water elf turned around and complained to Luo Xing in annoyance: "He said he needed to sort it out. I guess I won't take out the guide so simply. Do you want to pay more?"

She and Lu Li just made the decision to form an alliance, and of course left the specific negotiations to professionals.

According to the requirements given by Root Number Three, the price of an exclusive BOSS strategy within 24 hours should be 100,000 real coins. The shorter the time, the higher the price. In line with the principle of harmonious coexistence, each BOSS strategy should not be higher than Three hundred thousand real coins.

Spending 300,000 yuan to buy a BOSS guide seems very luxurious, but after buying Weiyu Pavilion, it is of course impossible to send only one team to fight it.

Consider that the three thousand elites under Weiyu Pavilion can form three hundred ten-person teams.

On average for each team, it is actually only 1,000 yuan in real currency.

You can buy a BOSS that takes a whole day to defeat for just one thousand real coins. If someone in Shuguang sells this, many people will line up to buy it.

Of course, always buying guides is not necessarily a good thing.

The guild needs to grow, and the members need to work together. A lot of loyalty and friendship are created while fighting side by side.

It's okay to use things you bought with money, but too much will affect the development of the guild.

The purpose of the water elf's guide is very simple. In order to increase the reputation of the guild, the name Weiyu Pavilion will be placed on the head of other guilds in the dungeon records, so that ordinary players will have a deeper impression of the three words Weiyu Pavilion. .

"It's not about money," Luo Xing shook his head.

"Ha, you actually said it's not about money. You don't even know how much Lu Li is obsessed with money," the water elf snorted.

"If money can really solve the problem, do we still need to find ways to form an alliance with them? It's not like you really can't use that synthetic stone, that piece of level 45 equipment..."

"Even if the equipment at level 45 is equipped with stones, it cannot be used until level 36," the water elf emphasized.

As a proud woman, she felt uncomfortable when she heard this. What does it mean to try every means to form an alliance with the other party? She said it as if she had a jump sale on her forehead.

"Anyway, we are allies now. You should hang out with them more," Luo Xing suggested.

"How can we move around and level up together?" The water elf looked disgusted.

She is used to leveling up alone, and her powerful equipment and skills allow her to level up and kill monsters as easily as Lu Li.

"Don't you have a mission and need help?" Luo Xing reminded.

"I have hundreds of thousands of people under my command, and I still need to find foreign help." The water elf lowered his shoulders, "Okay, I will talk to him after the dungeon is completed, and I can learn his skills secretly."

"Use your charm and let him kneel down and sing Conquer. The future copy of Weiyu Pavilion depends on you." Except for the star players who fight side by side with the water elves in the guild, only the top guild leaders like Luo Xing dare to open the game. Such a joke from their boss.

Lu Li is not simply dealing with the water elves, although his strategy does give priority to his own elite group.

The last two bosses in the Scarlet Cathedral are really difficult to defeat. Not only do they have to pay attention to each link, but they also have certain requirements for professional matching. At the very least, there must be enough professions that can interrupt and remove magic.

In addition, the person entering the dungeon must have sufficient damage reduction.

When the two BOSS cooperate to amplify their moves, it is impossible to expect the healing profession to increase blood. The pressure is too great, and the mana of March Rain is not enough, let alone ordinary people.

Of course, non-nightmare difficulty dungeons will be easier.

"Leather armor," Can Meng held up a piece of equipment. The color and style showed that it was gold at a glance.

Lu Li and Xiao Bajiang both looked at her eagerly.

"Hachi-chan, your equipment, sister loves you," he gave it directly to Hachi-chan.

Both are leather armor professions, so there is no overlap in equipment between Lu Li and Xiao Bajiang. Healing Druid requires intelligence and healing effects, while Lu Li pursues agility and other attributes that help attack.

"Blood Commander's Shield, this..." Can Meng couldn't tell who to give it to. After all, there were two defensive professions that used shields.

"You guys roll it up," the main player adds physical fitness and strength. One special effect increases hatred, the other reduces damage. The level 30 gold shield can be used by two people, and they both need it.

"I am the main T. If you want to be strong or penetrate, I will give him the ones I eliminated," Azure Sea Breeze refused to accept.

The main tank gets the equipment first. This is indeed a rule. The reason why Lu Li doesn't follow the rules is because the shield in his hand is also top-notch, so he can't be given the advantage of anything.

"Are you scared?" Piao Ling sneered.

"Am I afraid of you? Are you kidding? Come on, roll it out." The blue sea breeze couldn't stand the excitement, and the others were just watching the fun.

The floating point rolls first, and a 45 point appears. This is similar to rolling dice, it is generated immediately, but the upper limit of the point becomes one hundred. 45 points is not high, it is a mid-range point.

"Haha, you Sabi, you dare to play roll with me, I will kill you, I have never been lower than... uh..." Azure Sea Breeze laughed.

1 o'clock.

"Haha," Piao Ling raised his new shield with great satisfaction.

"Fuck, how is this possible," the two funny men tore into each other.

In addition to these two pieces of equipment, Mograine also gave him a strengthening stone and a rare material for making plate armor.

Next, it’s time to touch Whitemane. The double BOSS is indeed difficult to defeat, but after defeating it, you can share the spoils in two parts, and those who share the spoils will be very happy.

"Staff, Staff of Justice, Sister Yue Yue, you can change your equipment again, it's the best." Can Meng now has a good eye following the first-killing team to touch equipment all day long.

This staff is indeed worthy of the title of the best. In addition to some regular attributes, Sanyue Yu's favorite is one of its recovery effects.

Special effect: When used, 68 magic points are restored every second during combat, lasting 15 seconds, and cooling down for 300 seconds.

The mana recovery effect every five minutes can restore thousands of mana points at a time, which can indeed alleviate the embarrassment of insufficient mana points in March Rain to a certain extent. In fact, it's not that March Rain's magic points are not enough, but that Lu Li always chooses nightmare difficulty, which naturally puts a lot of pressure on treatment.

The second piece of equipment is March Rain's equipment. After all, Whitemane is a priest herself, and her probability of using priest equipment is much higher than that of other professions.

Whitemane's embroidered hat, a level 30 silver mold, needs to be made. Of course Lu Li knows it is a good thing. After this piece of equipment is made, it will have a special effect similar to the fade-out technique.

This special effect can reduce the BOSS's hatred towards March Rain.

One situation is that March Rain is not treated properly and the hatred value is too high OT. When using this skill, all the hatred of the BOSS will be eliminated immediately.

The other is that the BOSS wants to name her. If Sanyue Yu uses this special effect at this time, it will greatly reduce the probability of naming her. Of course, it does not rule out the situation where the BOSS shamelessly insists on naming her.

The third thing is the skill book, which is also a priest's thing.

"Prayer of Healing", a very powerful healing skill, casts a spell on a squad or raid member that restores 300 health the next time the target takes damage. After this healing effect occurs, Prayer of Healing is transferred to a party or raid member within 20 yards. It can be transferred up to 5 times and lasts for 30 seconds on the target after each transfer.

In other words, this skill can add blood to five people.

What makes him powerful is that the effect is triggered immediately after receiving damage, and the mana consumption is very low, almost the same as a single-target health-increasing skill.

PS: Thanks to weilan83 for the reward, and thanks to Yanyang, Guoxiaosheng, aiyeval, weilan83, and Tears of the Soul Redeemer for their monthly votes.

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