Of course, there are not only three things in the nightmare copy. Canmeng touched it again, and this time he touched a synthetic stone.

Synthetic stone and strengthened stone are not rubbish. The difference between them is that strengthened stone is relatively stable and can withstand droughts and floods. The market considers it worth so much money, and the price of synthetic stone is determined based on the properties of synthetic stone.

Poor synthetic stones, such as those with a few added attributes, are worthless and no one wants them if they are given away.

After all, equipment with grooves is not yet commonplace. Who doesn’t want to insert a good stone to increase its strength?

There is no problem if a good one is worth hundreds or thousands of gold coins, just like the piece that the water elf sent to Lu Li. Although the Sword of Judgment and Weiyu Pavilion formed an alliance because of this stone, Lu Li still had to pay the water elf at least one thousand and five gold coins. Just fine.

The water elf spent 150,000 real money to buy it back, and there was no way Lu Li would let her lose money.

As expected of a little expert at touching corpses, the synthetic stone lying in the palm of the little hunter Can Meng is not junk.

Synthetic Stone: Ignores defense and has a certain probability of reducing the target's maximum life limit by 1,000 points.

"It feels very powerful. Doesn't it mean that you can gain 1,000 points of blood in one go? If it's a PK, half of the blood will be gone in one go." Everyone was surprised when they saw this special effect for the first time.

"It's not as powerful as you think," Lu Li poured a basin of cold water on it. "The sooner this thing works, the better. It's best to have the effect right after the first blow. Once your target's health has been reduced by a thousand points, If it works again, it won’t lose even a drop of blood.”

The two words "upper limit" are key.

For example, if I have 2,000 blood points, and the first hit you hit me has an effect, it is a real hit of one and a half health points. If you hit me with an effect when I have 999 blood points left, I'm sorry, I still have 999 blood points.

Even so, you still have to admit the value of this stone. It is much more valuable than the strengthening stone.

"What did you all get?" Because it was the first kill, not only were there generous equipment drops - three pieces of gold and one silver mold, but also a top-notch skill book and two stones.

In addition, there are system rewards.

Lu Li looked at the system prompts and said that he had obtained the skill book "Evasion".

Lu Li didn't have good luck in this bloody dungeon. He didn't get anything good from the four dungeons plus one. Now that he got a "Dodge" skill book, he suddenly felt that everything was worth it.

Dodge: Instant, cooling time 180 seconds, dodge the next attack you receive, and increase your subsequent dodge probability by 20%, lasting 10 seconds, current level 1/5.

A very powerful life-saving skill that also tests your judgment.

If the opponent is about to throw a big move at you and you dodge in advance, the big move will be useless, and you will continue to have a 20% dodge bonus for the next ten seconds.

The key is that you can't use it too early. If your opponent discovers it, he will directly throw a small skill to you.

Another flaw is that the BOSS's skills cannot be 100% evaded. The more critical the skill, the more difficult it is to dodge.

For experts, this skill is very maneuverable.

"I remember we have another mission in this dungeon," Lu Li didn't need to remind him. Among the ten people in this team, there was always someone who wasn't dazzled by the best equipment.

Before Weshas, ​​they had taken on two tasks in total.

One of them was to help Warrel Sengas kill Weshas's wife Nancy, get the wedding ring snatched by Weshas, ​​and then send it outside the tribal camp in the Hillsbrad Hills - Tower Renmire, find the wandering Monica.

Half of this skill has been completed, the rest is just to find someone.

The other one came from Joseph, a Scarlet Awakener. He believed that his mentor, the former Scarlet Prosecutor, Fairbanks, was still alive, and asked Lu Li and others to find him.

Now, the entire boss in the dungeon has been cleaned up, but there is still no trace of Fairbanks.

"Since it's a mission, Fairbanks is definitely still in the dungeon. Let's search this hall to see if there are any hidden compartments or secret passages." Lu Li did not open the secret room directly, as it would be too eye-catching.

The lobby is huge and it's a bit difficult to find.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people here, so it took a few minutes to find the switch to the secret room behind a pillar.

After a few tentative turns, a portal appeared behind where the dog man and woman once stood. This was a basement.

"I wonder if there will be mountains of treasures. The Scarlet Crusaders don't look very poor," Azure Sea Breeze said with anticipation on his face as he rushed into the secret room first.

"Ugh," the blue sea breeze smelled a foul smell after entering.

Dawn does not deliberately exaggerate the smell. For example, the smell of blood is almost non-existent, and other specific smells only appear in specific scenes.

"The smell of rotting corpses, you can turn off your olfactory experience," Lu Li stood outside the door very wisely and reminded the others.

As a result, only the first one to enter was caught by the blue sea breeze.

"Hey, where's the promised treasure?" Piao Ling never forgets to take pleasure in his misfortune.

"I came down first. If anything good comes out of here, it's mine," said the azure sea breeze with a stiff mouth, turning off the olfactory experience and moving on.

The basement was very dark, with only a green wall lamp on the wall providing some light. After the door was opened, a few more lamps were blown by the wind, and only then did everyone see the layout of the basement clearly.

The place is not big, facing everyone is a row of bookshelves, a chair, and a "person" sitting on the chair.


He was not in good condition at this time, and his body was almost completely rotten. The smell of corpses just now came from his body. It turns out that he was really infected by the undead plague, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

Azure Sea Breeze raised his one-handed ax and was ready to charge forward and attack the monsters.

Lu Li reached out to hold him and raised his chin: "Don't be impulsive. Look into his eyes."

When Azure Sea heard that his reputation had passed, he was puzzled at first, and then surprised to find that Fairbanks was really not an undead.

His eyes are very clear, clearer than ordinary humans. There is neither the indifference of the undead under Queen Sylvanas nor the madness of the plague undead. It is as calm as the lake in Elwynn Forest.

"Hello, dear Mr. Chief Prosecutor," Lu Li greeted.

"Oh, a group of adventurers, when did the Scarlet Monastery become a place where people can come and go freely?" Fairbanks' voice was a little hoarse, and the wind poured in from the rotten gap in his throat, revealing an indescribable weirdness.

These words were not very polite, and everyone was nervous for a while.

"We were entrusted by Joseph to defeat Mograine and Whitemane and come before you," Lu Li said.

PS: Thanks to Chubby Fox, Blood Dance Sword Ge, Death Ge Blunt Armor 123, lpev520, Tang Lai Chan Luo, Hanjiang Night, Zalor, Xiaojie's Attack, Fallen Light Sage, Bored Brother Reading, and Riding Ant Press Monthly tickets issued by Elephant and Song family.

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