The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 412 Underwater Treasure Chest

"Joseph?" Fairbanks tried hard to think back before confirming that he had such a disciple.

"He tried to go here to rescue you, but ended up falling into the hands of Veshas. Mograine gave him the power to judge. The place has become a breeding ground for howls," Lu Li continued according to the mission routine.

After chatting for a few more words, Fairbanks was finally satisfied. He stood up slowly and put the book back in his hand.

When he sat back on the chair, a trace of sadness flashed in his pure eyes, "Thank you, the end of the Scarlet Crusade is coming. I hope I can still see that day. If one day you meet Darian, Darion Mograine, please give this book to him, I have written something - about the original truth of some things."

Darion Mograine is Raynor's younger brother, and he should be leading the Silver Dawn organization at this time.

"I'm willing to serve you," Lu Li took the book and put it in his backpack.

This is a group task. As long as Lu Li completes it, everyone else can get the reward. The premise is that everyone is in the team when the task is handed in.

"I have been imprisoned for too long. I have nothing to give you. Here are some bloody shirts. Take them." As he said this, Farbucks handed over some pieces of equipment.

There are three bloody shirts in total.

It is indeed a nightmare difficulty, and even the mission rewards have changed.

On the elite difficulty level, not only are there not three shirts, but even one is extremely unlikely.

The bloody tabard, guild tabard, and shirt are all special equipment independent of ordinary equipment.

This kind of equipment does not have any very powerful attributes. It only provides an increase in health. These three bloody shirts each provide the wearer with an increase of 300 points in life.

If converted in terms of physical fitness, three hundred points of life may only be more than twenty points of physical fitness for a warrior. For professions other than warriors and knights, it is a life guarantee that can only be exchanged for forty points of physical fitness.

After the mission is over, Farbucks ignores the player.

He just sat there flipping through the book in his hand, and occasionally sketched in it. If you ignored his rotten face, he was actually no different from a teacher.

"Three pieces of equipment, two MTs, and one healer. You can each have one piece. When there is a competition, you can lend it to the players in the competition." Lu Li decided to distribute these equipments from the perspective of maximizing profits.

Poor Xiao Bajiang was completely ignored. Who made her so short? Lu Li didn't see it.

The bloody dungeon is completely over. At least no one will come here again until the dungeon is refreshed next week.

There are Horde players everywhere outside the dungeon with their hands stained with the blood of the Alliance. They lurk and hunt down any hostile players they see, making Alliance players continue to live in fear.

The blood copy group is full of deep malice towards the alliance.

Everyone returned to the city with hearth stones. After Lu Li returned, he spent more than ten gold coins to completely repair his equipment.

There's no way, it's a sin to have too good equipment, and repairs are expensive.

If ordinary players don't die too frequently, they usually need to repair their equipment once every two days, and one or two gold coins at a time will be enough.

After repairing the equipment, Lu Li teleported to a new map - Feralas.

Feralas is a lush, L-shaped valley that stretches into Desolace to the north, the sea to the west, and the heart of Kalimdor to the southeast, bordering part of the outer reaches of Thousand Needles.

A variety of wildlife can be found here, including carnivores such as wolves, bears and hippogryphs. Intelligent creatures also exist in large numbers, and on the fringes there are "intelligent animals" like yetis and bloodthirsty gnolls. Of course, there are also the frequent ogres who rule the highland wilderness.

The monster levels here are generally between level 43 and 50, which are certainly not suitable for Lu Li to upgrade.

Even if he wants to die, he cannot challenge a monster ten levels higher than him.

When Lu Li walked out of the teleportation array, the first thing he saw was Feather Moon Fortress, the only alliance territory in Feralas. General Shandis Feather Moon led this group of sentinel troops to be stationed here.

This night elf outpost collects relics from highborne ruins and investigates the naga infestation to the south.

It is worth mentioning that the sentry captain of Feathermoon Fortress, Salin Feathermoon, is envied and hated by countless players because he is one of the few male night elves among the female team.

Aside from the Cenarion Circle, the Sisters of Elune are the largest organization of the night elves.

It is generally believed that only women can comprehend the deepest mysteries of the Moon Goddess, so the Sisterhood of Elune still recruits only female members.

This organization led the formation of the Sentinel Legion, which resulted in most of the officers of the Sentinel Legion coming from the Sisters of Elune. In fact, the Sentinel Legion is almost 100% female soldiers.

After Tyrande Whisperwind came to power, he passed laws that completely changed the night elf society.

Some male elves received extensive training in tactics and combat skills. A small number of them became priests, performed well in subsequent battles, and gradually became officers.

This is the case for Salin Yuyue.

The reason why Lu Li pays attention to him is because he has a very important racial mission, which will happen after level 40, and there is no need to say hello for the time being.

Also due to level reasons, there were no quests that Lu Li could take in Feather Moon Fortress. He walked straight out of the fortress and followed the grassy path full of yellow flowers into the wilderness of Feralas.

Lu Li put on some pieces of equipment that increased the concealment effect, which Root Number Three had prepared for him in advance.

If you want to survive among the monsters of forty or fifty, making a fortune silently is the best strategy. Any hostility and resistance are extremely stupid. Even if it's just an ordinary monster, he can be eliminated in three strikes.

Fortunately, although Feralas is dangerous, the density of monsters is far smaller than other maps of the same level.

This is also the reason why Lu Li chose to come here.

His destination was Lake Damonte.

The former upper elf city has been reduced to a swamp in the era of time, with mulberry fields and a vast sea. The water of Damont Lake is as calm as a mirror, with a few dilapidated boats floating alone on the lake.

Lu Li had been chased by monsters several times, and it took a lot of effort to get here.

When he suddenly jumped into the lake, he caused a commotion, and the few ogres who chased him waved their sticks reluctantly. After watching for several minutes, no one emerged, and finally they could only leave in annoyance.

Lu Li can transform into a seal, so of course he won't be able to hold back and come out of the water.

He dived underwater and cautiously approached the bottom of the lake.

The calm lake surface does not mean that Lake Damonte is harmless. The Damonte lobsters at the bottom of the lake are extremely ferocious. They habitually tear apart any creature that is not of the same kind.

Moreover, this kind of monster is very stingy and basically does not explode anything of value. No one except the Cantonese people like them.

Lu Li came to the water to find a treasure chest. This is a distribution area for monsters in the forties and fifties. The equipment and jewelry obtained from the treasure chest are all level 40 or above. He can't use such high-level equipment, but he can give it away. people.

The waitress from Southshore who loves jewelry will definitely like it very much.

PS: Thanks to Yiyecheng, weilan83, Xiefengding, happyzzy, Xiangqiao, Mo Wangxiaofeng, Tian Nanfei, Yue Xiaoduo for their rewards and likes. Thanks to wowowcy, Download Game, Mc Ghost Shadow, and Fox Chubby monthly pass.

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