The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 413 Advanced Treatment Potion Formula

Lu Li wasn't the kind of person who would just throw someone away after taking advantage of him.

Well, maybe there are some other reasons.

The waitress Nima is Lu Li's future contact person and is responsible for announcing the Assassin's League missions to him.

This female assassin has a weird temper. If you satisfy her, she will be very nice to you. For example, she helped Lu Li kill Yetimas last time because Lu Li praised the delicious ale she brewed.

And once you provoke her, she will make your life worse than death.

Lu Li had heard a rumor in his previous life, saying that a male player's self-confidence was so high after joining the Assassin's League that he groped the waitress in a hotel in Nanhai Town.

The waitress didn't show any aggression in front of him. She never showed her ferocious side in front of ordinary players.

However, not long after, the player received a mission - to assassinate the senior leader of the Syndicate, Duke Faculest. Who knows how a one-star assassin could receive such a mission.

There is no such thing as failure in a League of Assassins mission. As long as you are alive, the mission will continue indefinitely until the moment the target dies.

What's even more fatal is that Ravenholdt Manor will not give you other tasks until the task is completed.

Lu Li didn't know what happened to that player, but there was no doubt that he wouldn't have any chance in the small camp.

Lu Li also didn't know if the waitress had any other hobbies. It would seem insincere to always praise the delicious ale, so he planned to collect some high-grade jewelry to give to her.

The waitress is level 45, and giving her level 30 jewelry will have no effect.

NPCs may not care about their attributes, but the system gives them an inherent sense of hierarchy.

Lake Damonte is a bit deep, so the underwater brilliance is a little lacking. The baby seal that Lu Li transformed into has the property of reducing the hatred of monsters. As long as he doesn't bump into it head-on, those ferocious giant lobsters won't covet Lu Li.

Lu Li had never been here in his previous life. He had only read a few articles about this lake.

One of the rogue players showed off his love for traveling with his girlfriend. When he wrote about Damonte Lake, he mentioned that the treasure chest at the bottom of the lake has a high probability of yielding very beautiful jewelry.

As for the specific location, the thieves lacked the spirit of sharing.

Fortunately, Lake Damonte was not very large. Lu Li discovered a treasure chest after exploring underwater for half an hour.

The treasure chest is next to a big rock, mostly covered by sand. From the appearance, it looks like a silver treasure chest.

Lu Li's lock-picking skill is now at level three, and the silver treasure chest is no problem. Of course, if he can encounter a more advanced treasure chest in the lake, he doesn't mind spending precious skill points to upgrade his lock-picking skill to level four.

The lockpicking skill could not provide Lu Li with any damage data, but it was extremely important to the development of a thief.

Let’s not talk about equipment. The equipment from treasure chests are good things for ordinary players, but Lu Li doesn’t care much. What he values ​​​​is blueprints and skill books. Only treasure chests can make it possible to obtain top-quality blueprints and skill books.

Moreover, treasure chests of silver and above can open treasure maps, and each treasure map means a lot of wealth for players.

There is no problem with the lock-picking skills. The only trouble right now is the two large lobsters next to the treasure chest.

Lu Li was already prepared. He took out a whistle from his backpack - the dog whistle from the Bloody Library. Lu Li coaxed it from Hachi-chan. Please don't worry about how to blow this whistle underwater. A game is a game after all, and Lu Li There is no need to actually blow it.

After the whistle blew, a palm-sized dog appeared in front of him.

The dog is very intelligent. As soon as it appears, it stares at its four legs and wants to run up. This cute creature is not as stupid as its owner. At least it knows that it is a land animal.

Lu Li quickly controlled it, Xiao Bian, even at this point, still didn't accept his fate.

Yes, this poor little thing is cannon fodder.

The beagle struggled unwillingly, and finally was forced by the system master to slowly approach the two big lobsters. After entering the hatred range, he did not stop and immediately turned around and left.

Lu Li controlled the beagle to swim desperately in one direction.

And he approached the treasure chest from the side.

Without any testing, Lu Li went up and used the unlocking skill on the treasure chest.

When the notification that the little hound was dead came, Lu Li had already put his hand into the treasure box. Without enough time to see what was inside, he grabbed two things and ran away quickly, wagging his tail.

Two big lobsters discovered him and discovered that he had stolen something, and a chase ensued.

Could it be that the dog man cursed himself just now?

Retribution comes quickly.

Lu Li was still free to laugh at himself as he ran, and it soon became apparent that he was better than the dogs.

A seal can't outrun a dog on land, but it can't outrun a dog in water.

Even if they can't get rid of these two unwilling lobsters, they won't be dead at the bottom of the lake for a while.

The key to ending the chase was the boat on the lake. Lu Li immediately ran to the boat after getting out of the water. The crayfish in the lake couldn't get on the boat and could only watch helplessly as he inspected the stolen equipment.

A level 45 ax should be so powerful, but it's a pity that it's worthless silver equipment.

At least by the time you reach level 45, silver equipment will never be able to catch Lu Li's eyes, so ordinary players may still use it as the mainstream.

The other piece of jewelry was not what Lu Li wanted, but when he saw what it was, he immediately no longer regretted it. He even felt lucky - luckily it wasn't jewelry.

Recipe: Advanced Healing Potion

Recipe: Alchemy

Required: Advanced (240)

Use: Teaches you how to prepare advanced healing potions

Advanced healing potion: Immediately restores 300 health points, and restores 50 health points per second within the next ten seconds (interruption cancels), not restricted by combat, 180 seconds cooldown.

It didn't take much effort to get through the iron shoes and find no place. Lu Li had already planned to take time to go to Hillsbrad Hills to farm ogres.

Even if it's not easy to use, they still have to use it. Intermediate healing potions are no longer enough for them.

Who knew that suddenly you would get what you dreamed of? Such an arrangement of fate always makes people helpless (bitches are hypocritical).

"I got a blueprint for an advanced healing potion. You can find someone you trust to learn it later," Lu Li sent a voice message to Root Number Three. He said it in an understatement. In fact, if you really don't care, why bother to show it off in the first place? .

"What, advanced therapeutic potion, how is that possible?" Root No. 3 was really surprised.

Nowadays, channels all over the world are clamoring to acquire blueprints for advanced healing potions, and there are almost no ones that can actually produce finished products.

I have only heard that there is a low-key lone mage who owns this formula. Wushuang City spent a lot of money to sign an exclusive agreement with him, and can only buy a few dozen bottles from him every day.

"What are you talking about? Keep it a secret for now. If the water elf finds out about it, she will come and ask for it again," Lu Li said with contempt.

"Ahem, I understand, but Lu Li, if you treat a beautiful girl like this, you will be single for the rest of your life. Don't say I didn't warn you," Root Number Three teased maliciously.

PS: ~~o(\u003e_\u003c)o ~~Please vote for recommendation, why is no one voting? Wow, thank you Mr. AI, A Wild Goose in the Sky, it’s so delicious. . . , Yu Shi, eirczhu, Feng Huan Yun Lian, Wind and Clouds and Waves Running, Ups and Downs of Love and Hate, x.x?'s monthly ticket.

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