The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 414 Assassin Mission

"Haha, I'm awake," Lu Li smiled disapprovingly: "If you think someone like her would like an ordinary person like us, you don't really have any ideas."

"Lu Li," Root Number Three sighed faintly, "You can't discriminate against rich people."

"Stop talking, I'll send it to you later. You'd better choose a more reliable one. After learning this recipe, at least don't expect to be free in a short period of time, and don't expect to upgrade the copy."

The Sword of Judgment does not yet have a complete structure, at least no professional players have signed up.

Professional players who do not sign a contract generally will not entrust the most core tasks.

At a time when advanced healing potions were not yet widespread, this blueprint was destined not to be handed over to someone whose loyalty could not be assured.

Moreover, after learning the formula, he could only keep making medicines, supplying not only Lu Li's group of ten, but also the elite group of Sword of Judgment.

"Don't worry. I used to know a few professional life skills players. I'll bring them into the guild." Root No. 3 has been in the gaming industry for many years, and of course he has many connections.

Lu Li felt relieved about this and put the drawing back into his backpack after showing off.

Only then did he realize that the two big lobsters had given up the meat they couldn't eat and had long since disappeared.

Diving into the water again, Lu Li continued to search for the treasure chest.

This time it took a little longer. It took Lu Li more than an hour to find a treasure chest among a bunch of water plants. If he hadn't been careful and had some theoretical experience in finding treasure chests, he would definitely not have found it.

Not knowing what to expect this time, Lu Li made sure there were no weirdos around who would get into the grass and open the treasure chest.

Damn, it’s equipment again. It’s so annoying to find equipment in treasure chests.

Silver treasure chests can only open silver equipment. Unless it is special equipment, high-level silver is worth a shit.

Lu Li threw the warlock cloth armor equipment he took out into his backpack and stretched out his claws again. This time, what he got was different from before. One piece, two pieces... turned out to be a necklace.

Looking at this string of beads with a lake-blue luster, Lu Li breathed a long sigh of relief.

After he got what he wanted, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he searched both sides of the lake bottom, and finally left reluctantly after confirming that there were no more treasure boxes.

Returning to the city to Nanhai Town, he first sent the drawings to Root No. 3, and then Lu Li brought the necklace to the hotel.

Today, the business in the hotel was not as popular as when Lu Li came last time. There were only some casual players sitting in the hotel in twos and threes. Most of them were chatting about some gossip that Lu Li was not interested in, or simply took out a book of unknown origin. Watch slowly.

Most of these people are elderly, and the younger ones are probably those who have no worries about making a living.

The store owner was sleeping behind the counter, snoring loudly.

The waitress Nima leaned against the counter in boredom, unaffected by her snoring. Her fingers flexibly rolled a coin. Lu Li could vaguely see the shadow of a black dragon.

When Lu Li came in, she put away the coins.

"Hi, Elf, what would you like to drink?" She greeted Lu Li as if she didn't know him, and Nima brought him a glass of ale without waiting for Lu Li's answer.

The seat Lu Li chose was relatively remote. He took the ale and drank it in one gulp: "One more glass, thank you."

"It seems that you really like ale. Can you buy me a drink?" The beautiful waitress asked with a smile. This behavior was not unexpected. This was not the first time she drank the player's wine.

"It's my honor," Lu Li certainly wouldn't refuse.

Nima came over with two glasses in her hand. She handed one to Lu Li, and after sitting down, the other was brought to her lips.

"Thank you last time. This is a gadget I got by accident. It's of no use keeping it. I hope you like it." Lu Li took out the necklace and put it on the table and pushed it over.

Nima didn't pay attention at first, until she saw the necklace, she was attracted by the color of the necklace.

After seeing the level of the item clearly, she decided that she liked the gift: "Since it's useless for you to keep it, I won't be polite. You won't let you waste the money for these three glasses of wine."

"I'm glad you like it. I'll check to see if there's anything else next time I pass by there." Lu Li finally didn't have to worry about being tricked by her. In fact, the interaction between him and the waitress was going well from beginning to end.

Otherwise, the waitress wouldn't help him fight off the monsters.

The two of them didn't talk too much. They just talked about the experience of getting this piece of jewelry. Lu Li told the truth and just omitted the idea of ​​going to open the box to find the jewelry.

After drinking, new guests came to the hotel, and the waitress got up and left.

Lu Li took off the note from the bottom of the wine glass, paid for the drink and left the hotel.

Mission: Assassination.

Target: Ten Syndicate Badges.

Description: The Syndicate is an organization of thieves run by evil nobles, who are the remnants of the fallen kingdom of Alterac. According to our latest news, a small group of Syndicate members will gather tonight at the ruins of Durnholde Castle southeast of Tarren Mill to collect at least ten Syndicate Badges.

The members of the Syndicate must die!

Task requirements: Complete immediately, the number of participants must not exceed three.

Task Delivery: Contact Person.

Mission rewards: experience points, reputation, equipment.

Fortunately, he was not asked to assassinate the nobles. Those nobles may not be very powerful, but most of them have very good guards around them.

Lu Li felt that he had made the right gift.

Of course, this task cannot be completed casually. The syndicate members should be level 35 monsters, four levels higher than themselves, and their stealth effect will be weakened to a certain extent.

Moreover, the opponent must be a large force, and Lu Li's only chance was a sneak attack.

Fortunately, you can ask for help.

I can only find two more people, who should I look for?

If Moonlight, March Rain, and the Iron Triangle were sent out, it would be a tough battle. After all, priests and warriors were not as capable of sneak attacks as he was.

At this time, the communicator rang.

Could it be that Root Number 3 found the person who made the medicine so quickly?

When I called it up and took a look, I realized that I had thought wrong. It was actually a wealthy woman named Water Elf.

"I've asked Piao Ling to write you the strategy," Lu Li said first. He was now a little afraid of water elves.

In fact, the rich woman was very kind to him. Whether she was making deals with him or lending him equipment to help him defeat the City of Glory, she was bold, generous, and beautiful... So every time she rejected someone, it was a bit painful for Lu Li, not to mention everyone. Already allies now.

"Don't I have other things to do with you?" The water elf was speechless: "But I still want to thank you for your guide. We have finished the dungeon, and I have other things to do with you."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Lu Li thought to himself: Piao Ling is really mean, shouldn't he be told not to give it in a hurry?

He can't walk when he encounters a beautiful woman, but he usually behaves in an unfeminine manner.

The elite group of the Sword of Judgment is still struggling in the dungeon. The Water Elves are the second team to clear the bloody dungeon. With the same information resources, the elite group of the Sword of Judgment is exhausted and cannot compare to the strong team of the Water Elves. .

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