The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 416 Walking with the Water Elf

"Where are you?"

Lu Li had just taken out the supplies that had been prepared in advance from the mailbox, and received a message from the water elf before setting off.

Girl, you are too impatient.

Lu Li lowered his head and looked at the Abyss Fang in his hand, smiled bitterly and told the water elf his location.

The rich woman wore a veil with purple butterflies embroidered on it that were about to fly. It didn't look like an ordinary prop, and I don't know how much money she spent on it.

"Where's the dagger?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, her aloof demeanor was broken. She only thought about good equipment. No wonder such a girl couldn't be ranked number one on the beauty list.

"Here you go," Lu Li simply traded the dagger over.

"Wow, this dagger is so beautiful, and its attributes are really powerful," the water elf actually cared about the appearance.

"Lend me the daggers you replaced," Lu Li said. The two daggers he picked up while playing the dungeon had been thrown into the guild warehouse long ago. He didn't know if they were exchanged for points by thieves in the guild.

The founder of the Guild, a dignified guild, couldn't do anything like asking them to get their equipment back.

"You don't have a spare," the water elf said with a hint of schadenfreude in his moist eyes.

"It's not that we don't have it, it's just that we don't have the equipment yet," Lu Li said.

"It turns out that the stones you want to reduce the equipment requirements are for inlaying weapons," the water elf suddenly realized. After a pause, he blinked: "Can you show me your spare weapons?"

"..." Lu Li glanced at her and said nothing.

Although everyone is familiar with each other, they are not familiar enough to share equipment attributes for no reason.

The properties of the two daggers were just given out, and that was for the purpose of trading.

"You are now level 31, so you can't wait too long for spare equipment. In other words, that piece of equipment was originally only available at level 40. After inserting a piece that reduces the demand by 20%, it becomes available at level 32. I'm very curious. Just show me," her temperament is aloof. After all, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and countless people have surrounded her since she was a child.

But now in front of Lu Li, his words actually contained an element of coquettishness.

She didn't realize it, and Lu Li didn't feel anything either. Someone she knew well would have been in disbelief.

Maybe it was because Lu Li was too powerful in the game and he had unknowingly become someone who was equal to her or even slightly better in her mind.

"It won't be much better than what you have," Lu Li said perfunctorily out of habit.

"Lu Li, do you know that you are very annoying? You deal with girls casually, and you do so so obviously. Do you know how to treat girls alone?" The water elf was annoyed but had no idea what to do.

"Who is Zhu Gusheng? I don't know him." Lu Li equipped the dagger given to him by the water elf. "If nothing happens, I'm going to level up."

"I'll go too," the water elf handed over an application to join the team, "Level 30, I won't be held back."

Lu Li hesitated for a moment, thinking about the consequences of rejecting this girl twice before, and reluctantly accepted the application. He did not forget to emphasize: "I don't like to talk, and efficiency comes first. I hope you really won't hold me back."

"Zhu Gusheng, curse you Zhu Gusheng," the water elf followed him, and the two of them left the safe area one after the other.

Leveling up was a boring time, and the water elf's performance was beyond Lu Li's expectations. This girl is not only very skilled, but also very quiet. Their tacit understanding of cooperation is even more amazing.

A small monster just spawned, and the water elf immediately stunned him with a sneak attack. Two or three times each of them, the thirty-level monster fell down and turned into experience points.

It takes no more than five seconds before and after.

Even if the time spent looking for monsters is included, one monster can be killed in five seconds on average.

It was easier than Lu Li's personal spawning of monsters.

Three and a half hours later, it was time for Lu Li's mission to start. Lu Li still had 12% experience left before reaching level 32.

Huadi Liqing, the second-placed player in the rankings at this time, has not yet reached level 31.

"I know a place that can level up faster. Can we go together tomorrow?" The water elf felt very comfortable and couldn't help but invite her.

"Where?" Lu Li asked.

"Dustwallow Marsh."

Lu Li looked at the wealthy woman in surprise. This place name was indeed unexpected.

Of course he knew about the mud monsters in Dustwallow Swamp. They were level 35 and had extremely high experience points. One of them was worth seven or eight monsters of the same level.

However, this kind of monster is not easy to deal with. It refreshes too much and too fast, and most people can't stand it. When they are about to die, there is a certain probability that they will split into a bunch of exploding bugs, causing very painful damage to the player.

What's more important is that this kind of monster is covered in mud, looks disgusting, and smells rancid. How could such a beautiful girl like Water Elf think of killing such a monster?

"Should I go or not? If you don't go, I'll find someone else," the water elf said impatiently.

"Go, call me tomorrow morning, and go about my mission first." Lu Li did not refuse. It was difficult for him to find a thief in the Sword of Judgment who could cooperate with him in such a tacit understanding.

The mud monsters that clear the Dust Swamp can only be thieves.

Only by cooperating with two thieves can it be possible to stun the target from beginning to end, so that the target will not split and explode.

With a curious look on his face, Lu Li approached the place described in the mission description - the ruins of Durnholde Castle in the southeast of Tarren Mill - where Thrall, the chief of the tribe, grew up, is now in dilapidated condition.

"Stealth," Lu Li signaled the water elf to hide his whereabouts.

They turned on each other's invisibility, which is a function only available when teaming up.

"What are we going to do?" The water elf leaned close to Lu Li, full of curiosity about Lu Li's mission. Even this guy had to find helpers, so it was understandable that it would not be easy.

"We will find some syndicate forces later, including guards, mages, and possibly thieves. Cooperate with me to kill them quietly," Lu Li added seriously: "This mission is very important to me, so don't do it. Smashed."

"Will they call for help from their companions?" The water elf immediately grasped the key point.

"It's very possible," Lu Li never joined the Assassin's League in his previous life, and he didn't know anything about today's mission. He didn't even know what template the targets were.

Normal monsters are the best, but elites are in trouble.

A level 35 elite, four levels higher than Lu Li, must have someone to cooperate with him.

The two moved quickly and covertly between the ruins, and soon discovered their target. This was a huge group of hundreds of people. They were setting up camp and it looked like they would not leave for a while.

After seeing the camp, the two of them stopped advancing with a tacit understanding, because Lu Li just said that there might be thieves.

Only thieves understand the horror of thieves.

"I am in front and you are behind," the water elf sent a text message.

The purpose of text chat is to prevent sneaking thieves around you. In this environment, no matter how low you speak, you are courting death.

"Why are you in front? I'm a higher level than you," Lu Li said worriedly.

"It's just one level higher. My equipment is better than yours." The water elf is very strong, but she can't accept following others and participating in operations as an assistant.

"Stop making trouble, are you sure your equipment is better than mine?" Lu Li was speechless.

Please vote for recommendation~ Kneel down and beg, roll around and beg, cry and beg...

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