The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 417 Doing tasks with water elves

Thinking about Lu Li's two daggers, the water elf's energy became much weaker.

"I still want to be in front. Why can't I? Lu Li, your machismo is too serious." She was still grinding her teeth. Even through the mask, she could imagine that her small white teeth were fantasizing about crushing him. Damn the disgusting Lu Li.

"I have two pieces of equipment here that add concealment. Let's change them first and let you go in front." Lu Li had no choice but to let the water elf go in front.

At this time, the sky was getting slightly dark, and a bonfire began to be lit in the camp. On the bonfire was placed the deer meat that had just been hunted, and the aroma of the meat slowly spread as the flames licked it.

"Follow me, I'll make the first move, and you'll make your move after completing a set of skills. You'll be safe," the water elf said to Lu Li behind him.

Lu Li responded and said he had no objection.

The water elf was indeed not a rookie. She did not rashly pick a lone enemy and attack them. These were not wild monsters. As long as they did not enter the hatred range, they would ignore them. They should all be intelligent beings.

The two thieves circled the camp and did not encounter any sneak patrolling scouts along the way.

In the imagination, there should be ten steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, combining light and dark, setting up a dragnet...

"Why are you so lax on your guard?" As if facing a powerful enemy, his cautious actions were like a punch on cotton wool. The water elf was even a little dissatisfied.

"No matter how difficult the mission at this stage is, there is a limit." What's more, this is the mission Lu Li received after successfully bribing him. Presumably, this group of syndicates sent out new recruits, and it is unlikely that there is a BOSS among them.

The water elf groped for a distance among the ruins and locked onto a lone Syndicate mage who seemed to be collecting herbs.

Approaching slowly, with light steps, it can indeed be called silent.

The Syndicate mage, who was bending down to collect a clump of earthroot, seemed to feel something. He turned around suddenly and raised the staff in his hand. It is indeed a level 35 monster. At five levels higher, even if the water elf's stealth level is high, it is not foolproof.

However, the water elf eventually became a great thief. This arrogant girl wanted to show off to Lu Li. She suddenly thrust forward and stabbed the Syndicate mage in the back of the head with lightning speed.

The Syndicate mage's movements paused, and then a series of injuries appeared on his head.

Lu Li had to admit that the equipment of the wealthy woman was indeed powerful enough.

Even though she doesn't have as much gold equipment as Lu Li, if most of her body is level 30 silver, she is really no worse than Lu Li.

"Level 35 elite, there's a bit of trouble, 3, 2, 1, take over!"

Lu Li immediately used premeditation + sneak attack, and the Syndicate Mage, who was supposed to have regained his freedom, fell into dizziness again. With the combined efforts of the two, the poor Syndicate Mage didn't even open his eyes to see who attacked him until his death.

Lu Li picked up the corpse and the system prompted him to get some copper coins, a piece of silk cloth, and a Syndicate badge.

"What is this?" The water elf was curious.

Judging from her usually cold demeanor, it seems like she doesn't take anything seriously, and it's not like she doesn't have a little girl side in her heart.

"Mission items," Lu Li handed her the Syndicate badge without pretending to be mysterious.

"This is what lowered my reputation," the water elf looked over and over, his voice muffled.

Lu Li checked the system records and realized that the system had just reminded him that the reputation of the Syndicate would be reduced by five, and the reputation of Ravenholdt Manor would be increased by one. One plus one would be reduced by five times. He could not make ends meet, so no wonder the water elf was depressed.

Cyndia's reputation had decreased, but Lu Li didn't care. After he joined Ravenholdt Manor, he was destined to be a mortal enemy of the Syndicate.

It's a pity that these monsters are not easy to kill, otherwise it would be good to use them to gain reputation.

"For an organization with no future like the Syndicate, their reputation is of no use. It's not a loss at all," Lu Li said nonsense.

Every force has its uses, and reputation determines its attitude towards you.

"You are the only one who believes in me. What is a syndicate?" The water elf felt that she had been tricked by Lu Li, but she took this job voluntarily, so she did not complain.

Rich women never look forward or backward when doing things.

"They are just a group of bandits," Lu Li explained: "Their members are mainly a group of exiled Alterac nobles. The current leader is Duke Falkrest, who currently occupies the Alterac Mountains and Hillsbrag. Parts of the De Downs.”

"Robber?" The water elf didn't believe it.

"I don't need to lie to you. These people fought, assassinated, deceived and stole to regain the territory of their ancestors." From the position of the Assassin Alliance, Lu Li had every reason to express his contempt: "They only do it for their own cause. But if there is someone who can help achieve the ultimate goal, they will also consider cooperation."

The cooperation here is naturally a task that players talk about.

"The prerequisite for cooperation is that reputation is not negative," the water elf added, "What is Ravenholdt Manor?"

"You have so many problems," Lu Li sighed. He hated talking to smart people. Why did this woman always catch the idea?

"I'm helping you with a task, so I should have some right to know," the water elf said, pretending to be aggrieved.

Oh, girl, you are addicted to acting, Lu Li sneered in his heart, but because they were doing a mission together, he still said something about Ravenholdt Manor, so it was not a complete fool.

"It turns out you have joined the small camp," the water elf exclaimed, feeling even more shocked.

People like them with profound backgrounds rely on various forces to work hard in the increasingly popular game circle. Naturally, they have various channels for information. In addition to the two camps of the Alliance and Tribes, there are countless small camps to join. This is no longer a big deal. It's a secret.

If the big camp is to create conflict, then the small camp means various opportunities.

"It's just one step ahead of others," Lu Li said without humility. It's not difficult to join a small camp. Many people will join a small camp in the future.

"More than just being one step ahead," the water elf came over and said, "Can you offer me a price and tell me how to join Ravenholdt Manor? Since we are allies."

She was not willing to form an alliance before, but now, she increasingly feels that forming an alliance is a good strategy.

"It's a complete coincidence..." Lu Li originally planned to refuse out of habit, but with the lessons learned from past mistakes and the bargaining chip of allies, he learned the lesson.

"Before lying, you have to think about the situation. Do you believe in coincidence?" As smart as a water elf, at this time, he could only express his dissatisfaction with his contemptuous eyes.

A beauty is a beauty, and those little eyes are beautiful no matter how you look at them.

"You also know that there are many small camps. What if I am not good at this? Good things usually don't appear at the beginning..." Lu Li tried to eliminate one competitor.

The number of tasks for each small camp is fixed. One monk carries water to drink, two monks carry water to drink, and three monks have no water to drink.

PS: Thanks to Xingchen Yinhui, Dabei without Tears, Mountain Green on the Moon, Jiajia Dudu, weilan83, Don’t Forget Xia Feng, Xie Yue, and Yue Xiaoduo for their rewards and likes, and thanks to Chencun, lg331, and Mao Laichan. Go to, holy_true, weilan83, don’t forget QI point account of Xia Feng, Vincent, and monthly pass of windofdream.

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