"No matter what, I don't believe that the small camp you chose will be bad. Tell me, how much will it cost?" The water elf didn't hesitate. Rather than having confidence in Ravenholdt Manor, it was more about believing in Lu Li's choice.

"Let me tell you, do you solve everything with money?" Lu Li suddenly felt that the other party's words were a bit harsh.

This was something hard to imagine, and he didn't know why. He asked himself, and he really liked money. As long as he had money, everything would be easy to discuss.

In this world, besides Lu Xin, there is nothing more important than money.

However, this unhappiness was quickly suppressed by him. Before the water elf could speak, he stretched out a hand and gestured: "Pay five hundred thousand first, and refuse to refund regardless of success or failure. After the matter is completed, Plus half a million.”

If he sells a guide for one million, other people would think he is crazy.

In 2015, the total revenue of the global gaming industry reached 90 billion U.S. dollars. Over the past two hundred years, this number has skyrocketed tens of thousands of times. Gaming has become a mainstream entertainment industry. However, only a small number of rich people are willing to spend one million to play games. .

"Okay," the water elf happened to be one of these people, and he didn't even have to bargain.

"Let's talk while doing the task," Lu Li had just made a big deal, but he didn't feel too happy.

In order not to alert the enemy, they played very conservatively and would only take action when the opportunity arose. In most cases, they lurked in the dark and waited for the opportunity. It took more than an hour to kill three syndicates.

"I want to join the Assassin's League..." Lu Li began to explain his strategy to the water elf.

"What is the League of Assassins?" Water Elf asked.

"The League of Assassins is Ravenholdt Manor. It's possible that Ravenholdt Manor belongs to the League of Assassins. This is just my guess." Anyway, the task was not urgent, and Lu Li had plenty of patience.

Words are generated and sent with consciousness, silently and without any hassle.

"Assassin's League, this is a really good name. It feels particularly suitable for thieves. It sounds high-end and classy at first glance. You actually lied to me just now and said," the water elf liked the name as soon as he heard it.

"Thieves are not equal to assassins," Lu Li felt that talking to girls was really tiring, and his focus had strayed from the topic.

"Continue, how can I join in?" the water elf asked.

"You first need a Ravenholdt emblem, something like this," Lu Li shook the Syndicate emblem in his hand.

"Are the soldiers who are going to kill Ravenholdt Manor burst out?"

It sounds very simple, but it is definitely not worth a million. The water elf does not believe that Lu Li will cheat money. Experts have the pride of experts.

"We have a mission to reveal the emblem, and it is a mission item. Once you attack the NPC in Ravenholdt Manor, you will become hostile directly. How can you join the organization," Lu Li shook his head.

"Whatever you say, it's up to you," the water elf said.

"If you want to join Ravenholdt Manor, the required tasks are all in Nanhai Town. The Alliance is the waitress in Nanhai Town, and the Horde is the thief professional trainer in Tarren Mill..." Lu Li relied entirely on his own brain design this time. Strategy.

He did not encourage the water elves to go to the trouble of Master Duan. The probability of Duan breaking out the emblem was exaggeratedly low, and the average team in the nightmare difficulty dungeon couldn't do anything after getting the guide.

"You mean to send someone to monitor the two NPCs?" The water elf's eyes lit up.

"Did you say it or did I say it?" Lu Li was a little helpless. This woman must be too smart.

Hanging out with girls like Hachi-chan and Canmeng who are cute but either stupid or stupid all day long, it is difficult to get used to the style of the water elf. Every time she is halfway through a conversation, she can guess what she wants to say. .

"You said it, you said it," the water elf secretly rolled his eyes, damn guy, and said he had no machismo.

"You send people to monitor the whole day. Once the target is discovered, the two of us will immediately go out," Lu Li coughed twice and continued: "You should have a lot of people in the tribe. Don't talk about such trivial matters as sending some people to monitor NPCs. It can’t be done.”

"No problem at all, what next?" The water elf raised his eyebrows.

"Of course we are waiting for news. Ravenholdt's emblem is a must-explode item. We only need to wait for the target. Are you still worried that he will escape," Lu Li said.

Being targeted by two top thieves would probably kill even Xiao Mo.

While explaining the mission strategy of Ravenholdt Manor to the water elves, they were quietly turning the lives of the Reaper Syndicate, one unlucky person after another, into experience under the siege of the two thieves.

Time passes little by little, and there are still two Syndicate emblems left to complete the mission.

"Today's game time is over in half an hour. Do you want to get closer?" The water elf was lying in the grass and asked Lu Li beside him.

"Be patient," almost everyone on the outside was killed. The monsters became more dense as they went in. They had already encountered a Syndicate thief just now. Lu Li was agile enough and used the cloak special effect to attack the target immediately. They didn't. exposed.

The water elf turned around and glanced at Lu Li's calm profile, feeling that this guy was really a coward.

Most people, in front of girls, wouldn't want to kill Sal with one knife to make their own image shine.

The firewood was not dry enough, and the campfire made a crackling sound. Many Syndicate soldiers had already entered the tents to rest, and night watchmen also began to be dispatched. None of them noticed that eight companions were missing.

"Kill the one next to the bonfire," Lu Li said in a deep voice.

"It's too dangerous to be close to the bonfire," the water elf disagreed.

I just said he was conservative, but he immediately became radical.

"His companions have all gone out to patrol. That location is a blind spot in other people's sight and the distance is relatively far. As long as we are careful, we should be fine." Lu Li didn't care about being conservative or radical. He just saw an opportunity.

The water elf nodded, sneaked close and successfully attacked.

The only sound at the scene was the sound of a dagger entering flesh. The Syndicate guard lowered his head and was controlled by the two thieves in turn.

The skill Kidney Shot plays a significant role in this situation.


Oops, Lu Li didn't expect that the guard's sword would make such a loud sound after it fell to the ground. Shouldn't this thing be tightly grasped by the corpse?

"Who?" shouted loudly, and the entire Syndicate camp was boiling.


The water elf pounced towards the ruins nearby and quickly left the place.

Magic, arrows, and figures running around. Although the syndicate's ragtag group was not strong, they were all desperadoes who had seen blood. They followed the sound and breath and chased them.

The water elf ran very fast, and she didn't dare to let herself be surrounded by level 35 monsters.

Turning left and right, she finally got rid of the pursuers. When she looked back, she found that Lu Li was not following him like before.

"Did he get killed?" The wealthy woman scratched her head, puzzled.

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