The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 422 The Standpoint between Good and Evil

When we arrived at the North Point Watchtower, the battle in front of the watchtower had already begun. The Bloodclaw Velociraptor was driven by the Ogre Tamer and was attacking the defense line of the Alliance soldiers.

"Why are they all NPCs?" The water elf was puzzled.

In her imagination, even if the attack and defense of the North Point Watchtower was not as grand as that of Meisena Watchtower, it would at least be a sea of ​​people.

Who knew that only a few hundred NPCs from both sides participated in the battle, and there were definitely no more than 30 players that caught their eye.

"Only players at level 30 can see the system prompts. Players below level 30 can't see it, and they can't be recognized by the system to participate in the battle. And the map of Dustwallow Swamp..." Lu Li gave a knowing look.

The environment is harsh, the monsters are disgusting, and Dawn has no shortage of leveling maps. The presence of more than twenty players is enough to reflect the huge number of Dawn players online.

"What should we do?" It was a little late. The road leading to the outpost was already covered by various battles.

"Go around the river at the back. Don't show too much excitement. Be careful of being shot by the archers on the sentry tower," Lu Li did not forget to remind her. He led the way in a small circle and climbed up from a river bank.

There were several patrolling soldiers overhead. They found out that the adventurers coming up were adventurers from the two alliance camps, so they put back the bow strings they had drawn.

After entering the guard tower, he saw Captain Daryl. He was adding status to a player who applied to join the war. If Lu Li admitted correctly, the person dragging a big stick should be Mo Wangfeng.

Mo Wangfeng is the star player of the Dharma God Temple and the most famous mage in the game. Even when Xiao Mo dominated the world, he never lost the reputation of Dharma God.

"Aren't these dogs... ahem... Lu Li and the water elf?" He almost blurted out the words "dog man and woman", but Mo Wangfeng swallowed it back in time.

"The Dharma God is also joining in the fun," Lu Li chuckled and went over to take over the task.

"I'll go first, you guys take your time," Mo Wangfeng said hello and left. He didn't go over to apply for a team or anything. Thieves are solo players, and Master also doesn't need any so-called cooperation on this occasion.

Only players at level 30 can take on defense missions. The rewards are not yet clear. The most important thing is that players can obtain attributes given by an NPC commander.

Daryl's Blessing: In wartime state, attack increases by 20%, defense increases by 20%, and has a certain probability of ignoring the target's defense.

This state is probably to take care of the player's level. Otherwise, a player who has just reached level 30 would not be able to defeat a level 40 monster.

After receiving the mission, Mo Wangfeng was already standing in the ranks of NPCs, unleashing a blizzard below. Master Fa's life in the game was nourishment, and there was no risk in following the NPCs to gain experience.

Lu Li and the water elf looked at each other, found a corner and jumped off the guardrail.

Two physical melee professions, standing on top can only drink the northwest wind.

The reason they chose this corner is because combat is sparse and it's mainly where players fight.

NPCs were difficult to fight, and players whose levels were lower than their own would certainly not be looked down upon by Lu Li and Water Elf. They lurked behind a knight player and began a shameful assassination.

The Paladin is a high-defense profession and can also add health to itself. Under normal circumstances, Lu Li cannot take him away in one wave.

But it's different now. Now they are two top thieves.

The paladin never looked back to see who was poking his anus. Two lines of clear tears streaked down the blood elf's handsome face, and his whole body turned into a corpse in the white light.

The two were so cruel that they were immediately beaten by a group of people.

There are all players above level 30 here. No one is a rookie. This wave of attacks will cost you half your life even if you don't die.

Lu Li and Water Elf didn't even need to discuss it, they immediately turned around and left.

The tribe players did not dare to chase, and could only throw the prepared attacks at their old opponents.

The addition of two high-end thieves made tribe players feel on edge. The NPCs working together around them could not bring them a real sense of security, and some people even started to talk nonsense.

"You guys from the Alliance dare to be more shameless. You have been claiming to be righteous all day long, but today you are helping a group of bastard NPCs," a tribal tauren shouted in his honest voice: "Especially the two thieves who just attacked, how dare you come out? One-on-one?"

Of course Lu Li wouldn't dump him. Are you kidding me? If a thief goes out to fight, he's not going to fight alone. He's looking for death.

"These NPCs robbed all the cargo on the "Dawn" cargo ship and killed all the surviving wounded. Only the first mate Isania on the ship was taken away alive by them. I don't know what will happen now. Don't you think To help the tyrants commit evil..." The Minotaur has the style of a college debate, telling things in an ups and downs, while the NPCs and players were criticized to pieces.

"?" The water elf looked at Lu Li and blinked in confusion.

"!" Lu Li nodded, indicating that the tauren probably wasn't lying.

In fact, the so-called light camp and evil camp are not divided into good and evil. You can't even describe their behavior in terms of good or bad. We say orcs are cruel, but the cruelty of humans is equally shocking. Even the elves often kill innocent people indiscriminately. things happen.

The water elf's originally high mood suddenly dropped.

This girl has strong autonomy and her values ​​have long been stable. She may have an opinion on this matter.

"It's just a game. You can't be sure whether the goods on the ship were looted from the alliance villages. Those who go to sea have blood on their hands. They are engaged in trade and occasionally participate in plunder. The plundered villages may not even be connected. Not even a child will be left behind," Lu Li rarely had the time to comfort the rich woman.

After all, I often make money from others, and I have been leveling together these two days.

"How about we secretly let that Isania go," the water elf said whimsically.

"Uh..." Lu Li had the urge to scratch the wall. Do girls think so strangely? His sister Lu Xin would occasionally do some inexplicable things out of overflowing sympathy.

"It doesn't matter what the reward is, I don't care about it. If you are reluctant to give up the reward, how about I give you a reward?" The water elf looked at Lu Li eagerly.

Once you decide something, you just want to realize it. A proud woman never considers the difficulty.

"This is just a game. We are doing tasks now, and the players on the opposite side are also doing tasks. Didn't you see that all the players on our side are indifferent?" Lu Li emphasized again that it is just a game.

"Why are you so cold-blooded?" The water elf didn't know why he felt particularly aggrieved after hearing Lu Li's words.

"Stop, can we stop arguing? What does this mean?" Lu Li felt speechless.

In fact, he doesn't have to do this task. In the defense of a small outpost, even if the defense is successful, he will only be given some experience and equipment. The equipment cannot be very good, and the silver is already as high as the sky.

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