The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 423 The battle between two BOSSs

"Uh, I'm sorry," the water elf said before he felt that he had gone too far.

The relationship between her and Lu Li was not close. They had had a few contacts, but they were basically transactions involving money and goods. The two guilds were allies, but they did not involve too many personal relationships.

"It's okay," Lu Li said unfazed and explained: "These outpost guards belong to Theramore, and their leader is Jaina. Although Jaina was punished by the Alliance for letting the tribe kill her father, Admiral Proudmoore. Disdainful, but she is indeed one of the people Shuguang cannot offend."

When the Scourge spread, Jaina followed her teacher Antonidas to investigate the plague in the Eastern Plaguelands.

They met a prophet who begged Antonidas to lead the people of Lordaeron west, to Kalimdor. Antonidas regarded the prophet as a madman, but Jaina felt that the prophet had great power and felt that the prophet's warning should be heeded.

What happened after that was very complicated. Generally speaking, the prophet's words were fulfilled one by one.

Prince Arthas committed patricide and betrayed, Lordaeron was reduced to ruins, and the entire kingdom was trembling under the ravages of the undead Scourge.

Jaina was finally convinced that the Prophet's statement was correct, so she took the initiative to find the Prophet.

This prophet's name is Medivh, the son of Aegwynn who taught Lu Li how to transform into a crow. After his mother passed away, he has become one of the most powerful magicians today.

Medivh encouraged Jaina to lead her people across the ocean to Kalimdor in the west.

Jaina listened to his advice and embarked on a journey with the escapees of Lordaeron and some Kirin Tor mages. She defeated the orcs, and established an alliance and friendship with Thrall, the warchief of the Horde, through Medivh's mediation. .

Theramore was built not long after. This city was larger than Astrana, and its maritime industry was developed.

Later, Jaina, Thrall, Malfurion, and Tyrande participated in the defense of Mount Hyjal, fought to the death with Archimonde, and finally defeated the second-in-command of the Burning Legion.

Jaina and Arthas were lovers. Warchief Thrall respected and admired her, and Medivh was on her side.

Jaina occupies a very important seat in the Judgment Council composed of six archmages of the Kirin Tor. She can almost use most of the NPC mages in the Alliance camp.

If you offend such a person, although you won't be unable to play the game, you will definitely be in trouble in the future.

What's more, Lu Li and Water Elf are not ordinary players. There is a big guild behind them, and thousands of people follow them to make a living. If anything happens to them, the impact will be huge.

"Then what should we do now?" The water elf was not very willing, but he also knew what to do.

"Keep fighting, players from the enemy camp, you won't feel any psychological burden, right?" Lu Li made a crude joke in order to lighten the atmosphere.

The water elf rolled his eyes and rushed towards a thief who was trying to sneak attack from behind.

Killing people in the wild is actually pretty cool. Not only do you get honor points, but you can also pick up equipment. There are no weak people who mess around in this map. As long as it falls out, any item is worth thousands or even tens of thousands.

Lu Li, Water Elf, and Mo Wangfeng, the three star players, with the cooperation of more than a dozen alliance players, almost killed more than a dozen tribe players like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. The difference in strength was too big, as long as the NPCs did not There is no suspense at all if we get involved in the battle.

After killing the players, start dealing with NPCs.

Lu Li touched the back of an elite ogre, first planned a sneak attack on the star control, and then performed a backstab.

A little more than a hundred damage floated over the ogre's head.

The level 40 elite ogre swung his stick, and a bright red number of -678 immediately exploded from Lu Li's body, and more than one-third of his blood was gone in an instant.

The Alliance Warlock next to him didn't have much health. After being hit, he was instantly painted with white light. The ogre turned his head and actually found Lu Li.

Lu Li felt his scalp numb, and the special effects of the boots under his feet flashed, and he was teleported out immediately.

If you can't defeat one of them, if you two come together, it's going to be death or no life.

The two ogres lost their target, and the nearby alliance players suffered. The one who didn't run away was directly smashed into a sandwich cookie.

The ogres participated in this battle under the leadership of King Mogmulok. He was Rexxar's spokesperson and managed the ogre tribe for him.

Rexxar is a hybrid race of orcs and ogres. He is an ally of Thrall. He worked with the troll scout Rokan and the pandaren traveler Chen Stormstout to protect Orgrimmar and resist Admiral Dai. Lin Proudmoore's attack.

During that battle, he served as commander.

If it was Rexxar who attacked the North Point Tower, Lu Li would definitely turn around and leave.

Rexxar and his pet brown bear Misha are definitely not something that players can compete with at this stage. No matter how many people pile up, they will die.

"Pick the injured ones and don't go too deep into them," Lu Li warned.

The water elf and he picked a target that was crippled by the heavy crossbow. As expected, the damage was much higher. This ogre warrior's left hand was basically useless. He could not swing the two-handed hammer with his right hand, and the attack interval and damage were pitiful.

"The experience is so great," the water elf said, feeling the benefits.

"We might as well kill the mud monsters over there," Lu Li said disapprovingly. He was never very interested in this defensive battle. The level gap made it impossible for players to play any role in such a battle.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, and dozens of soldiers on both sides were injured.

At this time, King Mulok finally took action. He came to the guard tower, and the huge mace in his hand hit the fence in front of the guard post hard with the first blow. Sawdust flew into the air, and the entire fence almost fell apart.

Sergeant Lucas had to come up and fight with his sword.

King Muroch violently hit Lucas with three consecutive attacks. Lu Li and the others finally saw the difference between the BOSS and the quasi-BOSS. Sergeant Lucas was thrown into the air and resented. Hit the guard tower.

Lucas, who almost lost his fighting power in one encounter, did not die. Captain Daryl appeared. He also had a big sword and firmly held the opponent's big stick.

"Hand over Isania, shameless human being," King Murok's voice rumbled, sounding like muffled thunder.

"She participated in the massacre of one of our villages and must be tried." Captain Daryl did not give in at all. In the collision of forces, he was defeated by the naturally powerful ogre, but his superb fighting skills allowed him to barely stand. invincible position.

BOSSs at the same level are also divided into strong and weak ones.

"This is a slander," King Mulok seemed to know that there was no negotiation today, and he completely let go of his intention to fight Captain Daryl.

The balance of victory gradually tilts towards the ogres. These ferocious guys are born warriors.

At this time, Lucas, who had just been knocked out, returned to the battlefield again. He fought side by side with his boss to resist King Murok. Other NPCs also began to fight together, and the casualties gradually increased.

PS: Thanks to Guxue Yifeng, bcg, Big Reader, June Light Rail, Book Friends 150215191000091, Liaoyuandao, Haoyue Soul, Cocoon.Uriel, Siyangyuan Beibei, Fantasy Battle, Wushuang Xiaoyao, Daodao Consideration, Monthly ticket for the scorching sun

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