The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 424: The camp is like a floating cloud to me

Mo Wangfeng, who was hiding in a high place and throwing skills downwards, was very jealous. He was no longer satisfied with those "little monsters", even though these little monsters allowed him to gain experience in half an hour that previously took most of the day.

He picked up the ice arrows and shot the ice arrows at King Murok.

Most of the damage is pitiful, and only when the defense-ignoring effect is triggered can there be more than double-digit damage.

King Murok's blood volume reaches over 500,000, which is more than three times that of the general dungeon BOSS. His race and identity have given him a lot of aura. He monopolizes two alliance NPCs and still has enough energy to attack Mo Wangfeng.

The Dharma prodigy thought he was safe as he stood high, but little did he know that he had also become a target.

A javelin appeared in King Murok's hand and was thrown out like lightning. Judging from the arc of the glimpse, Lu Li lit a candle for Mo Wangfeng.

A druid appeared from behind and read the battle reply on the corpse.

This old guy was quite cunning. Lu Li couldn't bear to accept it. Anyway, he didn't think of asking a druid to follow him and revive him at any time.

When he was still hesitating whether to call someone, King Mulok threw another javelin.

Mo Wangfeng died again, and the druid couldn't run away. Another javelin pierced his chest and turned into a corpse in an instant.

The single target attack of this thing is so high. Lu Li and the water elf who were about to make a move completely stopped. Under non-specific circumstances, the melee between level 40 wild bosses is really not something their level can handle.

The players present, including Lu Li and Water Elf, have been completely cleaned up.

"Let's dodge, it's too dangerous here," Lu Li, who always believed that without risk, there would be no opportunity, started to retreat.

"What about the mission? Do we complete the mission this way?" the water elf asked.

"Who knows, if the sentry tower is not destroyed, it will be considered complete. If it is destroyed, it will be considered a failure. It just reduces the reputation. It's not a big deal." Lu Li didn't expect the alliance to win at all.

The number of ogre NPCs obviously exceeds that of humans. Although King Murok can fight two of them, his defense is high and his health is thick, so the possibility of losing is about zero.

The water elf nodded and followed Lu Li as he left the battlefield.

It was too dangerous to go forward, so they could only retreat. Through the gap between the smashed Juma, the two of them quietly returned to the outpost.

"Wait a minute, look for where Isania is. Pay attention to the guards at the outpost. If there is news, don't be impulsive." Lu Li felt something in his heart and motioned to the water elf to separate and check.

"Don't worry, I'm not the Virgin," the water elf curled her lips and showed off the sharpness of the dagger to Lu Li.

The two of them checked the rooms one by one. Lu Li found Isania chained up in the basement. The water elf rushed over quickly after receiving the notification.

"Why are there no guards?" the water elf asked.

"They must all have gone out to fight. The alliance has insufficient troops. This Isania was injured and locked up, so there is no one to guard her. However, the possibility of thieves cannot be ruled out," Lu Li said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do?" The water elf frowned, really helpless about the current situation.

"I'll go test it out. You go up there and help me look out," Lu Li said.

"Lu Li, please don't be impulsive," the water elf quickly stopped Lu Li. Now that she knew the seriousness of the matter, she would certainly not be as sympathetic as she was at the beginning.

She does not lack compassion, but only if that compassion does not cause too much damage.

Having developed a second-rate guild into the current Weiyu Pavilion, the boss behind the scenes who spends a lot of money is rarely impulsive.

Lu Li sighed, realizing that he really couldn't continue without revealing his secret. In fact, his secret was no longer a secret, and everyone knew it.

After activating the Orb of Deception in his backpack, Lu Li instantly turned into an undead!

In fact, he could also transform into other races in the tribe, but in order to keep his secret as much as possible, he had to choose the undead that had been guessed by many people.

Lu Li once used this image to successfully assassinate Xiao Mo. After analysis, everyone knew that Lu Li had similar props.

With the Orb of Deceit, Lu Li's camp is like a cloud, unless he encounters a particularly awesome NPC.

"How did you do it..." The water elf knew that it was far less shocking than seeing it with her own eyes. She had never seen any item that could completely change a person's alignment and race.

"No," Lu Li interrupted angrily before the water elf could finish his words.

"Tch, I despise you," the water elf stamped her feet angrily, and obediently went up to look out.

"Inferior existence," when Lu Li stepped into the basement and walked up to Isania, who was chained to a shelf, the female blood elf sniffed and spoke with disgust.

In the eyes of these arrogant upper elves, the undead are really shoddy, and most importantly, ugly.

"Hello, Ms. Isania," Lu Li appeared and greeted in the unique hoarse voice of the undead.

Since no one rushed over to beat him, it meant that the basement was really unguarded.

"Do you know me, who sent you here, King Murok, or the nobles of Stormwind City?" Isania did not show any joy at being rescued, and Lu Li could even detect a little more disgust in her expression.

"No, we don't have much time. Let me rescue you." The lock was not a problem for Lu Li. His lock-picking skill was already at level three.

Isania must have been tortured and tortured. Her body was covered in scars, and one of her arms was broken. She was limp and looked like she had no fighting ability. It was impossible to expect her to fight out on her own.

"Who is outside?" Isania listened carefully and asked Lu Li.

I still don't like the little guy Lu Li very much, but at least his attitude is much better. After all, Lu Li saved him without saying a word, and he never mentioned any reward from the beginning to the end.

"King Mulok is fighting against Captain Daryl and Sergeant Lucas. Do you want to join him?" Lu Li asked.

"That filthy barbarian, is there any other way to leave here?" Isania firmly opposed going to find the ogre, King Mulok, which further strengthened Lu Li's doubts.

I always thought the name Isania was familiar, but I just couldn't remember what it was related to.

Lu Li can only take one step at a time now, and he must speed up the progress as much as possible. After all, his deception orb has a time limit. If his true form is revealed in front of Isanya, he doesn't know whether he will survive. But don't count on the reward.

"Follow me. Most of the guards have gone to fight outside. You can go around from the back. There is a river there. Let's jump into the river and escape."

Lu Li had planned more than one escape route from the very beginning. It was certainly impossible for him to put himself in trouble that would be equivalent to deleting his account, such as betraying the camp.

Under the guidance of the water elf, Lu Li took an injured blood elf NPC, avoided the few guards, found his way out of the chaotic outpost, and plunged into the unclear river water.

There was actually an NPC shooting arrows at the top of the guard tower, but they didn't have time to look down.

The two parties in the fight had no idea that their target had been secretly taken away by a guy.

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