The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 425 Treasure Map

The river is not without danger.

The crocodile BOSS in the river - Repskel's level is as high as forty-five, and he is extremely proficient in sweeping skills. Ordinary teams with hundreds of people can't deal with it.

Fortunately, Repskel was timid and never approached the North Point tower.

Worried about being attacked by Repskel, after leaving the North Point Tower, Lu Li took Isania out of the river and set foot on the rotten swamp.

"Dear Ms. Isania, if you go north from here, you will reach Ratchet City. I will send you here." More than half an hour later, Lu Li proposed to end the mission. The neutral town of Ratchet City could be seen from a distance. to the outline.

Lu Li once defrauded goblin engineers of their bomb blueprints here.

This drawing not only allowed him to ensure that he and his teammates were ahead of mainstream players for a long time, but also made a lot of money during the Huaying Cup.

It can also be said that from that moment on, he completely got rid of the shadow of having no money to treat his sister.

"Send me here?" Isanya was a little stunned.

If this is a task, the most dangerous stage has been completed, why not complete the rest completely. There is no danger later, and the more thoroughly the task is completed, the greater the reward will be.

"I have other things to do," Lu Li did not dare to go to Ratchet City, and his time for the Orb of Deception was almost over.

Blood elves and night elves are both elves, but there is absolutely nothing friendly about their relationship.

To put it simply, the earliest night elves had a group of nobles called high elves. They loved and used magic, and gradually became estranged from the lower night elves.

During the first invasion of the Burning Legion, the Sunwell exploded, and the high elves, including Queen Azshara, were blown to the Endless Sea and evolved into the later Nagas.

The remaining high elves were exiled to the Eastern Kingdom and established the High Elf Kingdom in Quel'Thalas.

During the second invasion of the Burning Legion, the death knight Arthas destroyed Quel'Thalas. The high elf prince Kael'thas vowed to avenge the Scourge. He renamed his race the blood elves to commemorate those who Compatriots who died in the war.

Unfortunately, Prince Kael'thas lost his way for revenge, was bewitched by demons, defeated the Storm Fortress in the outer realm, fled back to his homeland, and finally died on the Magister's Platform in his hometown.

Now, the surviving blood elves have joined the Horde and are working hard to restore the glory of Sin'dorei.

If Isania found out that Lu Li was a night elf, she would definitely go berserk on the spot. Because of the race, no matter what happened, the NPCs would regard Lu Li as their mortal enemy.

Isania couldn't understand Lu Li's stubbornness, but with Ratchet City in sight, she was indeed out of danger to a certain extent.

"Ms. Isania, you can rest in Ratchet City for a few days and wait until you are ready before leaving by boat. I believe the mercenaries in Ratchet City will be happy to take you back to Silvermoon City," Lu Li suppressed his impatience.

Time is running out, only ten minutes left.

"If the mission is interrupted like this, the reward will be much less," Isania was a little touched. She suddenly felt that Lu Li was a good person, a good person who asked for something in return.

"I promised my friends that I would go on an adventure with them, and the agreed time is coming soon," Lu Li said.

In fact, he was sighing in his heart, what kind of mission has much less reward? In fact, he never received any reminder from the system related to this mission.

The Orb of Deception is really powerful. After the transformation, most people cannot see through it. However, it is still a bit difficult to expect that after the transformation, you can enjoy the same citizenship treatment as the tribe players.

At least he didn't receive Isania's rescue and escort mission.

Seeing Lu Li's persistence, Isania stopped forcing him to escort her and declared that the mission was completed.

According to the normal process, Lu Li should have received a prompt from the system to obtain reputation and experience points. Unfortunately, there was no movement at all, which once again verified the fact that he could not accept the tribe mission even with the Deception Orb.

Now count on the equipment and props rewards from Isania.

Although there was some clever timing in rescuing her from the North Point Tower, the task was still quite difficult. Lu Li felt that a golden piece of equipment was indispensable, or a rare skill book.

"Everyone on the ship died just for this one picture." Isania moved her left hand with her right hand and pulled it off.

Lu Li was dumbfounded.

He always thought that the blood elf's hand was injured, but he didn't expect it to be fake. Those who interrogated her must not have discovered this secret. The fake hand was too realistic.

After tearing off the prosthetic hand, Isania took out a parchment scroll.

From Lu Li's perspective, this parchment didn't have a long history, and there were no overly complicated inscriptions or magic circles around it. It was just like ordinary parchment that a grocer would sell for fifty copper coins.

What could it be?

"I gave it to you as a mission reward, but..." Isania threw the parchment to Lu Li and smiled slightly: "From now on, you may be in trouble."

Lu Li took the parchment.

System: Player Lu Li obtained Captain Sandel's treasure map, with coordinates (1475, 2366, 43).

Fuck, Lu Li was instantly confused.

It turned out to be a treasure map. No wonder he always felt that the name Isania was familiar, but he could never remember what she was related to. It turned out to be a treasure map!

Each treasure map is unique, represents huge wealth, and will cause a sensation in the game.

In fact, without Lu Li's intervention, Isania would have appeared briefly along with the first treasure map in the game, leaving only legends. After she rewarded the treasure map, no one has ever seen this great treasure again. vice.

According to the rough settings of the system, once tribe players rescue Isania, the mission reward will be Captain Sandel’s treasure map.

Ithania's ship was sunk by mercenaries hired by the nobles of Stormwind City. She escaped at that time and came to Dustwallow Swamp to seek help from the ogres, an ally of the Horde.

She overestimated the friendship between the so-called alliances. At that time, the news of the treasure map had been leaked to a small extent. King Murok was interested in making money and planned to rob Isania's treasure map.

Isania was defeated and fled, falling into the hands of the North Point garrison.

Captain Daryl of the North Point Watchtower sent someone to interrogate Isania, trying to extract information about the treasure map.

Even if she is temporarily safe now, it is only temporary. The treasure map is worth fighting for both in the eyes of players and NPCs.

Isania, who carries the treasure map with her, is suddenly the enemy of everyone in the world. If she wants to escape, she must give up the treasure map in her hand.

PS: Thanks to classmate Hongzi for the 10,000 reward, and also to Gusu Wanwan, Mannix, Dahan Ranger ★Wind, Icewind Valley, Fallen Stars, Hongzi, Gusu Wanwan, joshy, Zhongfeng Xiaolin, and Tao Da Shen III , Wushuang Xiaoyao, People Who Don’t Want to Read, Thousand Yin Burial Yin, and San Quan Ying have been monthly passes for a month, thank you all.

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