The Great Thief of Online Games

Chapter 426: Driving the tiger away from the mountain

Looking at Isania walking towards Ratchet City, Lu Li held Captain Sandel's treasure map, his shocked heart still messy in the wind, until the water elf appeared in front of him.

"Did you get it?" The wealthy female woman looked at Lu Li eagerly.

"Didn't you hear the system prompt?" Lu Li asked. He slowly turned around and walked towards the direction of Dust Mud Swamp.

"Does the whole world know that you have a treasure map in your hand?" The water elf said a little enviously, a little gloating, and a little worried.

"Yes, the whole world knows it," Lu Li rubbed his temples, feeling a headache.

The treasure map is indeed valuable, but after ordinary players get it, it is definitely a hot item, because the moment you get it, people all over the world know about it through the system broadcast.

What’s even more annoying is that players can check the location of the treasure map online, which is part of the game’s adventure system.

Fortunately, Lu Li was not an ordinary player, although he also had a headache.

"Will someone come to hunt us down?" the water elf asked.

"If someone other than me had gotten the treasure map, would you have snatched it?" Lu Li asked again.

"Probably, I think the system just wants people to grab it, otherwise why would it be broadcast on all channels," the water elf was much smarter than Lu Li's teammates.

That's right, the system requires everyone to play together, and it has to be fun.

"Get ready, let's go find the treasure," Lu Li quickly cheered up.

He is definitely not afraid of trouble, and he is even less likely to give up the treasure map. Anyone who has an idea about the treasure map must ask him if he agrees with the Defiler fragment in his hand.

Of course Piao Ling and Root Number Three also saw the message, and they quickly sent a message asking if they wanted to help.

He was directly rejected by Lu Li. Finding the treasure map depends on luck. Having too many people won't solve the problem. Moreover, there are many people with eyesight. If there are two thieves, it will not be easy for others to find it even if they want to.

As for the water elves...

Lu Li likes money, but he has a bottom line.

This mission was something he and the water elf encountered together. Saving Isania was also the water elf's original idea. Now that he has obtained a treasure map, of course the water elf must come together.

"Let's see what the treasure map says. There should be clues," the water elf came over. She had always shown great interest.

"Don't be so excited, be more reserved," Lu Li said.

"Oh, this is a treasure map. According to legend, it can make people rich overnight and even make them rich as enemies." In fact, if you get acquainted with the water elf, you will find that she is not always aloof. She is often friendly and A normal girl is almost the same, only prettier and richer.

Lu Li couldn't help but throw cold water at him: "Don't think too much. How can a game company make you so rich all of a sudden?"

"You are really calm," the water elf snorted.

"But there should be good things. This is a treasure map after all." Just looking at the system's attitude toward the treasure map, you should know that it won't just reward a few silver coins.

Captain Sandel's Treasure Map: If you read this letter, it means that I - Captain Sandel - has been sleeping deep under the water. So, as long as you follow my prompts, my treasure will be yours.

First, you have to find a small suitcase. It should be buried next to a shipwreck somewhere in Booty Bay. When it was buried, it faced a double-headed mountain. I planted a tree next to it, and I don’t know which one. Is the tree still alive?

Inside the chest you can find your next clue.

The treasure map is not a hand-drawn map like the legend, and then marked with a winding red line. You can find the treasure by following the route. It only has an explanatory text, which is only the first clue.

"You hang around here with the treasure map and wait until I call you before you go there," Lu Li had an idea in his mind and thought of something.

"Okay, I'll be careful," the water elf nodded.

System: The player water elf obtains Captain Sandel's treasure map, coordinates (1387, 2915, 26).

Both of them were speechless. The system was so idle that it had to report this once. According to Lu Li's original intention, a low-key transaction was naturally better.

Regardless, Lu Li teleported several times and arrived at Stranglethorn Valley.

He walked along the coast and began to look for the so-called double-headed mountain and a tree. At this time, players who wanted to seize the treasure map rushed to Dustwallow Marsh like moths to a flame.

The map that almost no one cares about is now as busy as a vegetable market.

The water elf just kept moving and didn't get involved with anyone. She ignored anyone who came to her to discuss working together to find the treasure.

Just because she doesn't kill people doesn't mean that the swarming players haven't suffered any losses. The lowest level monsters in Dustwallow Swamp are level 35, and there are quite a few at level 40. There are also several level 45 bosses, but One can only imagine what happens to players who are less than level 30 when they encounter this type of monster. Frequent deaths even attract a group of desperate scavengers to take advantage of them.

There are players in Stranglethorn Valley, but absolutely no one would guess that the little leopard running wildly along the coastline is Lu Li.

I don’t know when Captain Sandel buried the treasure. Today, Stranglethorn Valley is lush with vegetation and there are many trees on the coastline. As for the Double-Headed Mountain, it has long been covered with lush vegetation, making it difficult to identify.

After running for more than an hour, I found a few places that were somewhat suitable. Unfortunately, there were no trees, two-headed mountains, or shipwrecks, so naturally I found nothing.

"Lu Li, have you found them? They were chasing me like a rabbit, which made me anxious. I called the guild people to come and clean them all out," the water elf panted, probably under a lot of pressure.

"You don't have to go around in Dustwallow Marsh, you can run around in other places as well," Lu Li said perfunctorily.

"Really, I wish I could have asked for the suitcase," the water elf complained.

"Let's run away. I seem to have found the place I'm looking for. I'll let you know when I find the suitcase." Lu Li looked at the mountains and trees and felt that they were inseparable. There was a wreckage left by a scrap ship here. , most of the hull has been covered by sand, and there is a tall coconut tree next to the ruined ship. All three conditions are met at once.

In order to find out more, Lu Li risked being attacked by birds and flew up to observe the mountain.

There are indeed two hills.

He landed next to the big tree, took out a mining shovel and started digging sand.

He didn't know how deep he was buried. In order not to miss the small suitcase, he dug several holes, each of which was more than half a person deep. Fortunately, this was a game, otherwise he would have died from exhaustion.

There was a crisp clang sound, and Lu Li felt happy in his heart.

Pushing aside the fine golden sand, I saw the rusty suitcase. The crocodile skin wrapped on the outside was mostly rotten.

After receiving the news from Lu Li, the water elf directly returned to the city to teleport, and soon came straight here, leaving thousands of players shouting for treasures looking at each other. Their query results showed that the rich woman had left Chenni. Swamps appear in Stranglethorn Vale.

Could it be that the wealthy woman has discovered clues about the treasure in Dustwallow Swamp?

This is just kidding, with so many people chasing her, how could she find any time to look for clues to the treasure?

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