"You open this suitcase," Lu Li tried to open the suitcase, but the system prompted him that there was no treasure map. It seemed that only the person with the treasure map in his hand was qualified to open it.

Sure enough, the water elf fiddled with it slightly, and the suitcase opened.

A cloud of smoke rushed out of the suitcase and disappeared into Captain Sandel's treasure map in the hands of the water elf.

She was a girl after all. The water elf was shocked by this sudden turn of events. She actually threw the treasure map away with a shake of her hand. Lu Li subconsciously reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

System: Player Lu Li obtained Captain Sandel's treasure map, with coordinates (32564, 11255, 75).

Lu Li and the wealthy woman looked at each other, speechless.

"Oh, there are still things in the suitcase," the water elf, who knew she was in trouble, cleverly changed the subject. She lifted the suitcase upside down and shook it, and a lot of gold coins fell out.

The gold coins were well preserved and all looked golden.

This pile of gold coins may not be very large, but at least it is visually impressive, especially if you are immersed in the legend of the treasure.

Lu Li picked up the gold coins, and the system informed him that he had obtained 134 gold coins. He gave half of them to the water elves. This was the first step of his treasure hunt, which was a somewhat consoling gain.

"What's next?" The water elf saw that the world channel was full of topics about men and women who cheated on dogs. He gritted his teeth with hatred, but he was helpless.

The goddess got together with a stinky man. No matter what the relationship is, everyone must understand the injured man's painful mood. With so many people swiping the screen, she can't kill them all.

"The words on the treasure map..." Lu Li unfolded the treasure map, and the content on it had changed.

Captain Sandel's Treasure Map Part 2: Well done, good friend! Now you need to head east. Be careful of the savage orangutans when passing through the woods. You will find a cliff. Find a rope and fall down. Unparalleled treasures are waiting for you...

If you can't find a unique treasure, it can only be said that the treasure is out of reach for you.

The text was full of jokes, but Lu Li still chose to do what the treasure map said.

The water elf is responsible for finding the cliff and the treasure under the cliff, while Lu Li is responsible for diverting the players' attention. The two of them must cooperate in this way.

The treasure map is not something that one person can hold. Tens of thousands of players are chasing you and will not give you a chance to stop.

If two people cooperate, one will be responsible for searching along the correct route, and the other can take the treasure map and take the person who follows the coordinates to the ditch.

Lu Li soon realized the feeling of the water elf running for his life just now.

Stealth is no longer effective. Players who find coordinates directly throw skills at the location of the coordinates. Anyone with overwhelming skills will have to stop.

But who is Lu Li, and is he so easy to deal with?

"The coordinates are around here. They haven't moved for a long time. Why can't they be found?" a player asked in confusion.

There were already hundreds of people watching around the coordinates displayed by the system, but the Lu Li they were looking for seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and no matter how they used their skills to sweep him away, they couldn't come out.

"Could it be offline?" someone speculated.

"Impossible, you can't go offline with the treasure map at all. Even if it is stored in the warehouse, the coordinates are wrong." Someone immediately raised an objection. It was the first time for everyone to track the treasure map and encountered such inexplicable things. Everything was lost.

"His coordinates are (37136, 10722, 262), our coordinates are (37136, 10722, 81), he is above us!" Someone finally woke up.

Coordinates are generally expressed in terms of longitude and latitude plus altitude. When the longitude and latitude are the same but the altitude is different, it naturally means that Lu Li is above them.

Hundreds of people raised their heads together and looked at the tall troll sculpture in silence.

This place was once the ruins of the Gurubashi civilization. This towering troll statue did not collapse with the erosion of time. It overlooked the earth with contempt.

Lu Li's transformed crow was currently standing on the troll's big teeth chatting with the water elf.

"Did you find it? What, the rope is not long enough..." Lu Li was also drunk. In fact, he should be the one to do something like jumping off a cliff, because he can transform into a crow, so it is not very difficult to fly down.

"Don't worry, I connected it with a few ropes and it will be down to the bottom soon. Are you still alive?" the water elf said panting.

Lu Li glanced down, not caring about the people below. Before the flying mount came out, he really didn't care how many people were chasing him.

In fact, people below couldn't see him at all.

Everyone thought that he was standing on the head of the sculpture. There was a small altar there, which was a unique structure of the troll sculpture. No one would have thought that the black crow leisurely preening its feathers was Lu Libian.

"I'm coming down. Is the treasure down here? It's a dead end," the water elf said in shock.

"A dead end means it's difficult to leave. They will be waiting for us on the cliff. Is your Hearthstone CD ready?" Lu Li pondered for a moment and began to think of an escape route after getting the treasure.

"It's been done a long time ago. Our guild has a special effect that cuts the Hearthstone CD time in half," the water elf immediately understood what Lu Li meant.

It took more than ten minutes for Lu Li to receive a message from the water elf asking him to go there. Someone holding a treasure map must be present to truly open the treasure.

"Hey, the coordinates have moved. I went and the coordinates ran away!"

When they were at a loss, someone suddenly discovered that the coordinates of the treasure map had changed.

"(35434, 8313, -166), let me go, these coordinates are too weird, sometimes they are in the sky, and sometimes they are underground," the person who found the coordinates almost cried.

People began to leave in twos and threes, obviously not planning to grab any more treasure maps.

Now they are being tracked by Lu Li and Water Elf, a couple who are among the best thieves in the game. What was already a slim hope is even slimmer, and today the coordinates seem to have a bug.

Of course, there are still many people who are unwilling to give up. Unless the system prompts someone to obtain the treasure, the treasure will be ownerless.

Lu Li arrived at the water elf's position and flew down directly.

When he was about to land, he turned into a leopard and landed lightly. The water elf was stunned for a while.

The female local tycoon really had her eyes opened today. She had never underestimated Lu Li, her first imaginary enemy, but the bloody facts woke her up every time.

After playing games to Lu Li's level, you can no longer use luck or anything to sum up the monster Lu Li.

It was from this moment on that the water elf regarded Lu Li as a more powerful person than herself, because she couldn't fly, couldn't transform into a leopard, and couldn't become a tribe player.

Oh, by the way, Lu Li also joined the Assassin's League.

PS: Please vote for recommendations. Thanks to Bloody DE Fairy, look no, zhijiangl, weilan83, Cum all the time, Dabei without tears, Jiajiadudu, Don’t forget Xifeng, Yue Xiaoduo for your rewards and likes. Thanks to bbccnn, Three hundred kilograms = monthly tickets for those who like reading, Falling Stars, Little Rookie Zhu Bajie, Little Rookie Zhu Bajie, Suwan Wan, Kiss Everywhere¥, Hongzi, Theory, and wowowcy.

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